A Jedi's Fight - A Star Wars Fan Fiction Story

Time line

Places & Events
Mysterious Interest


12 years ABY - 8th year AROTJ + 1.5 months
  • The Tychorion intercept Whain's messages
  • Luke and Liane 13.5 months united again, Liane left Na'ctaMagh'Ba 0.5 months ago
  • Luke and Leia 31, Liane 25
  • Ian tells Yarmod about his relation with Liane.
  • Liane confirms Ian's story
  • Liane wants to stay in orbit around Tatooine.
  • Liane feels that she can't do the Illum-meditation near Ben's house
  • Luke and his friends arrive safely on Myr again
  • Chati chats with Chewbacca about her longing to see Ribana
  • Chewbacca tells Chati about Liane and Darth Golluth


12 years ABY - 8th year AROTJ + 2 months
  • Madine gets encrypted messages destined for Coruscant and informs Wedge Antilles
  • Luke and Liane 14 months united again, Liane left Na'ctaMagh'Ba 1 months ago
  • Luke and Leia 31, Liane 25
  • Chati scolds Ronall and Cornell for their mistrust about Luke and his friends
  • Luke takes Leia on a exploration in the underground riverbed, while Han and Chewbacca are installing sensors at the outside on the mountain ridge
  • Darth Golluth has learned that Whain often visits the vineyard house and Ribana


12 years ABY - 8th year AROTJ + 2 months
  • Luke and Liane 14 months united again, Liane left Na'ctaMagh'Ba 1 months ago
  • Luke and Leia 31, Liane 25
  • Liane succeeds to perform the Illum-mediation and assembles her own lightsaber
  • Ian and Yarmod tell Liane she is a padawan learner now and has to dress like wise. They find a padawan's outfit on board the Astræa
  • The three friends decide to get back to Mos Espa to get Liane a pair of sturdy boots
  • Han tells Cornell the crumbled rocks contain a fortune of a rare ore. They will decide to put the rocks with the ore aside
  • Cornell finally overcomes his pride and asks Luke to help him with his Force skills. Luke accepts.


12 years ABY - 8th year AROTJ + 2 months
  • Luke and Liane 14 months united again, Liane left Na'ctaMagh'Ba 1 months ago
  • Luke and Leia 31, Liane 25
  • Liane finds a shop and orders a pair of boots.
  • Liane and her friends run into Kieran and Conor, two of Grann brothers
  • Chewbacca and Chati go to Ribana and spy on Whain while he is reading the datacrons. Two droids enter the vineyard building after Whain has left. Chati takes away the datacrons to hand them to Luke
  • Cornell is outraged about Chati's action. Chati in turn becomes angry as he uses her old name and doesn't want to listen to her, because she's a female.
  • Chati challenges Cornell to treat equal as his men. Cornell angrily accepts
  • Chati tells what has happened and hands Luke the datacrons


12 years ABY - 8th year AROTJ + 2 months
  • Luke and Liane 14 months united again, Liane left Na'ctaMagh'Ba 1 months ago
  • Luke and Leia 31, Liane 25
  • Liane tells the Granns about her adventures with Luke and her plan to go to Palomintar Four to help Luke in his struggle with Darth Golluth. Yarnick tells her, he and his brothers will join her plan.
  • Luke, Leia and the others discuss Chati's adventure on board the Falcon.
  • Luke helps Chati. He does some pre-digging, using his lightsaber
  • Luke wants to get back to the vineyard building immediately to put the datacrons back in place. He leaves with Chewbacca
  • Chati gets to work on her digging punishment. Ronall wants to help her, but Chati refuses. Chati is aware that Ronall is in love with her. She tells him she isn't a good choice for him.
  • Chati uses the Force to replace the heavy rocks on top of the projected canal. The rocks crumble as she puts them down.
  • Cornell and his men assists her later that day and are astounded about the work she has done


12 years ABY - 8th year AROTJ + 2 months
  • On Palomintar Four
  • Luke and Chewbacca return to the vineyard building to hide the data cards again
  • Luke decides to wait for the mysterious visitor
  • Luke sees an imperial officer taking out the cards
  • Luke defends the young officer when four droids want to kill him
  • The young officer reprograms the deactivated droids
  • Luke address the officer with his real name
  • The young officer tells his name: Doran Whain
  • Luke reveals the reason for his presence as the young officer isn't cooperative
  • Luke tells Doran that he came to warn him about the data cards
  • Luke decides to leave as his encounter with Doran seems useless
  • Doran Whain asks Luke to wait and proposes to help each other
  • Luke accept Doran's proposal and suggest Doran should call him Luke. Doran agrees
  • Luke hands Doran a tracker so they can be in touch.
  • Luke will give Doran an infocom when they meet again at a better more hidden spot
  • Luke leaves and tells Chewbacca about the result of his encounter with Doran
  • Luke and Chewbacca watches as Doran goes back to Darth Golluth's underground abode
  • On Tatooine in Mos Espa
  • Luke and Liane 14 months united again,
    Liane left Na'ctaMagh'Ba 1 months ago
  • Luke and Leia 31, Liane 25
  • Liane enjoys her stay in Mos Espa
  • Liane completes her Jedi outfit with a new pair of boots
  • Ian and Yarmod want to inspect the Astræga
  • Ian and Yarmod don't want Liane to go back to the Grannd Traveler without them.
  • Liane tells the Grann brothers about their arrival at Tatooine
  • Liane doesn't want to tell the Grann brothers about their flight from Na'ctaMagh'Ba
  • On Tatooine Mos Espa space port
  • Ground officers recognize the Astræga and warn the Supreme Chancellor
  • Mon Mothma informs general Madine
  • Madine sends Wedge Antilles Mos Espa on Tatooine to get the Astræga


12 years ABY - 8th year AROTJ + 2 months
  • On Tatooine Mos Espa
  • Ronan, Bran and Conor see Wedge Antilles in Mos Espa, going to the docking bay of the Astræga
  • Ronan, Bran and Conor warn Liane and her guards
  • Yarmod admits he has felt his master's presence, but hadn't answer Wedge's contact
  • Liane, Ian and Yarmod discuss changes in their plan
  • Yarmod suggest that Liane and Ian leave Mos Espa in the Grannd Traveler. He will tell Wedge that Liane wants to go to Palomintar Four
  • Ian tells Yarnick he and Liane will go to Palomintar with the Grann brother
  • Ian thinks, he and Yarmod will be held accountable for taking the Astræga
  • On Tatooine on board the Astræga
  • Wedge Antilles asks C3-PO to tell him about the flight of Liane, Ian and Yarmod to Tatooine.
  • On Palomintar Four
  • Luke and Liane 14 months united again,
    Liane left Na'ctaMagh'Ba 1 months ago
  • Luke and Leia 31, Liane 25
  • Luke tells Han and Leia about his encounter with Doran Whain
  • Han becomes outraged as Doran might harm Liane
  • Han contacts the Tychorion
  • General Madine tells them that Wedge Antilles has gone to Tatooine to pick up that Astræga and Ian, Yarmod and Liane
  • General Madine will welcome them on the Tychorion
  • Luke tells general Madine about Doran Whain and the possible danger for Liane
  • General Madine will inform Mon Mothma about the danger for Liane
  • Han


12 years ABY - 8th year AROTJ + 2 months
  • Luke and Liane 14 months united again, Liane left Na'ctaMagh'Ba 1 months ago
  • Luke and Leia 31, Liane 25


12 years ABY - 8th year AROTJ + 2 months
  • Luke and Liane 14 months united again, Liane left Na'ctaMagh'Ba 1 months ago
  • Luke and Leia 31, Liane 25


12 years ABY - 8th year AROTJ + 2 months
  • Luke and Liane 14 months united again, Liane left Na'ctaMagh'Ba 1 months ago
  • Luke and Leia 31, Liane 25