A Jedi's Fight - A Star Wars Fan Fiction Story

Time line

Places & Events
Mysterious Interest


7 years ABY + 11 months - 3rd year AROTJ + 11 months
  • On Dagobah
  • Anakin tells Luke how he has found Liane and how he took her with him and raise as his apprentice and his daughter.

  • On Tatooine
  • Luke carries out a specific task in Ben's house

  • Luke and Leia 26 + 11 months Liane 20 + 11 months

  • On Wegoyy
  • Luke meets commander Dendicott who isn't showing his cooperation with Luke's visit to Liane
  • Luke visits Liane several times while on Wegoyy and gives her the Jedi-pendant he has made her;
  • Luke finds out that Liane has been tortured;
  • Liane surprises Luke with her easy use of the Jedi-pendant as she communicates with him;
  • Liane uses the Jedi-pendant after Luke has gone back to Dalmaran and gets a strange vision about Luke and herself as Jedi Knights;
  • Luke promises Liane that Leia and he will visit her again in seven weeks;

  • On Dalmaran at Irithim
  • Luke tells Leia about possible torture on Wegoyy
  • Luke and Leia leave Dalmaran on a diplomatic trip and they will also look out for Han;

  • Somewhere in the Outer Rim
  • The spies tell their master that Ian Tydon has become friends with Liane against the strict prohibition of the prison regulation.
  • The spies want to blackmail Ian Tydon
  • The spies also reveal the names of Dendicott and Rand Phylotar

  • On Coruscant
  • Kalip informs Jerno about the messages that has been send between Irithim and Ortel to a target in the Outer Rim.


8 years ABY + 1.5 months- 4th year AROTJ + 1.5 months
  • On Wegoyy
  • Dendicott accuses Liane of spying for the New Republic; (shortly after Luke and Leia left for Tambrin)
  • Rand Phylotar orders Ian Tydon to bring Liane to the desert area at a great distance of the prison, and leave her there bound and blindfolded;
  • Ian leaves Liane in a canyon were the Draga, his former friends, live; (shortly after Liane's torture has ended)
  • Ian also leaves Liane the Jedi-pendant he has seized from the hidden hollow in her cell and kept for her;

  • On Dalmaran at Irithim
  • Dendicott has reported that Liane has escaped six weeks earlier.

  • On Tambrin
  • General Madine calls Luke and Leia on Tambrin to return to Dalmaran; (1.5 months after Luke and Leia left Irithim and more than a month after Liane last contact with Luke)

  • Luke and Leia 27 + 1.5 month, Liane 21 + 2.5 month

  • On Tatooine
  • Luke and Liane talk a third time, using the Jedi-pendant; (shortly after Luke and Leia left for Tambrin)

  • On Wegoyy
  • Liane is tortured again and drugged; (shortly after Liane's last chat with Luke)
  • Liane's memories are blocked a strong mind drug;

  • On Wegoyy in the canyon desert
  • The Draga find Liane and rescue her.
  • Liane doesn't remember who she is, where she comes from, or what her name is;
  • Liane doesn't recognize the Jedi-pendant, but keeps it her;
  • Liane can't use the Jedi-pendant to contact Luke;
  • The Draga let Liane live with them. (1 month after Ian has left her in the canyon)
  • Liane touches the Jedi-pendant a few times and sees Luke's image;
  • Luke feels the short influences of the Jedi-pendant and becomes worried about Liane;

  • On Wegoyy on top of the canyon
  • Liane meets the Grann brothers;
  • Liane leaves Wegoyy with on board their space ship; (about 1 month after Ian has left her in the canyon)

  • On Coruscant
  • Jerno, Valann, and Kalip hear that the daughter of Darth Vader has escaped from the Wegoyy prison
  • Kalip tells the other leaders that also from Wegoyy messages have been send to the Outer Rim about the whereabouts of the daughter of Darth Vader


8 years ABY + 2 months - 4th year AROTJ + 2 months
  • On Wegoyy
  • Dendicott orders Rand Phylotar to go after Ian Tydon (1.5 months after Ian has returned from the Wegoyy desert);

  • On Dalmaran at De'olon space port
  • Rand Phylotar meets his brother Daino and asks for help to find the Granns; (9 months after he has been ordered to find Ian Tydon)

  • Luke and Leia 27 + 2 months Liane 21 + 3.5 months

  • On Wegoyy
  • Luke goes to Wegoyy and takes over the investigation from Dendicott (1.5 months after Liane has been brought to the Wegoyy desert);
  • Luke receives a message from Ian Tydon to meet him in the Wegoyy desert;
  • Ian tells Luke about the blackmail message he had received
  • Ian tells Luke that Liane hasn't escaped, but that Dendicott has tortured and mind drugged her
  • Luke and Ian Tydon meet the Draga;
  • Luke finds out that Liane has left Wegoyy with the Grann brothers;
  • Luke and Ian gets information about the Grannd Traveler

  • On Dalmaran at Irithim
  • Luke takes Ian Tydon with him to Irithim to testify before the High Council;
  • Ian tells the members of the High Council and Mon Mothma what has happened to Liane
  • Ian becomes friends with Yarmod Martan
  • Yarmod suggest Wedge Antilles to train Ian as a pilot
  • Wedge consults Luke about Yarmod's idea.
  • Luke agrees, but will oversee Ian's training as a pilot after Wedge has given him a basic training.

  • Somewhere in the Outer Rim
  • The spies inform the mysterious person that commander Dendicott has killed Liane.
  • The mysterious person feels frustrated and sees his plan to revive the empire fall apart
  • The mysterious person blames Darth Vader for his mishap

  • On Coruscant
  • Jerno, Valann, and Kalip hear that the daughter of Darth Vader has been tortured and probably has died.
  • Jerno tells his co-leaders they only can be sure, if there's an official statement of her death.


9 years ABY + 1.5 months - 5th year AROTJ + 7.5 months
  • Onboard of the Grannd Traveler
  • Yarnick Grann decides to go to Rasth to consult his parents;

  • On Dalmaran in De'olon forest
  • Daino meets with his brother Rand.
  • Rand Phylotar will go after Liane, when Daino tells him she is alive
  • R2D2 witnesses the secret meeting between Rand and Daino Phylotar and scans their images

  • Luke and Leia 28 + 1.5 months Liane 22 + 2.5 months

  • Onboard the Grannd Traveler
  • Liane travels with the Grann brothers for more than a year under a new name 'Eilidh Grann'; (13 months after she has left the Draga)

  • On Tatooine in Mos Eisley
  • Liane meets Han Solo in Mos Eisley's cantina on Tatooine and ask where Leia is;

  • On Rasth
  • Liane meets Marek and Aaliyah, the Grann brother's parents;
  • Liane leaves the Granns and flees from Rasth;

  • On Endor
  • Liane hides in a small freight container and arrives on Endor;
  • Liane is captured and imprisoned in the Ewok village; (1 month after she has arrived on Endor)

  • On Dalmaran at Irithim
  • Luke and Ian start looking for the Grann brothers, for Liane is still traveling with them; (16 months after Liane has left Wegoyy with the Grann brothers)
  • Luke and Ian travel together through the Outer Rim to intercept the Grann brothers
  • Luke and Ian have been traveling together through the galaxy for months
  • Leia tells her brother to stop looking for Liane and wait until she will use the Jedi-pendant again;
  • Luke reveals to Leia his Force visions of Liane on Morantan;
  • Luke asks Leia to take Ian Tydon as her padawan learner
  • Luke leaves Dalmaran alone for a last time;

  • On Rasth
  • Luke meets the Granns and hears that Liane has left them unexpectedly

  • On Coruscant
  • Jerno assumes that Darth Vader's daughter is alive, for his agent at Irithim have told him, that Luke and Ian have been doing a lot of traveling to the Outer Rim for more than a year, although the reason for their many travels isn't clear.
  • Jerno mentions that their Irithim agent also has reported that Ian Tydon possibly will be trained as a Jedi Knight
  • Jerno sees no reason to ask the New Republic to inform them about the daughter of Darth Vader, for as long as she doesn't reappear again, there is no threat or emergency.


9 years ABY + 6 months - 6th year AROTJ + 6 months
  • On Rasth
  • Rand Phylotar tries to intimidate Marek Grann;
  • Marek Grann informs Luke via a special vid-rec

  • On Dalmaran in the De'olon forest
  • Daino and Rand meet again while Artoo records their meeting
  • Daino gives Rand the information about the Granns
  • Daino tells Rand about the conditions for the antidote

  • Luke and Leia 28 + 6 months Liane 22 + 7.5 months

  • On Endor
  • Liane learns the language of the Ewoks with help of Logray;
  • Liane shows wounded Ewoks images of their future which results in a fast recovery;
  • Liane uses the Force to cure wounded Ewoks in a different way; The injuries cure as she holds her hands above them
  • Liane becomes an honored member of the Ewok clan (10 months after her arrival in the Ewok village)

  • On Dalmaran at Irithim
  • Leia receives Artoo's first recorded surveillance message of the second meeting between the brother Phylotar and warns Mon Mothma;
  • Leia expresses her worries if Rand Phylotar will find Liane before her brother;
  • Leia enjoys her new task as Jedi Master of Ian Tydon, her new padawan;

  • On Dalmaran at Irithim
  • Leia and Luke quarrel a bit over Luke's concern about Rand Phylotar's plan to seek Liane
  • Luke promises Ben to take Wedge Antilles as his padawan;

  • Somewhere in the Outer Rim
  • Spies tell the unknown person that Liane is alive
  • Spies tell that Rand Phylotar wants the antidote
  • The unknown person refuses and orders his spies to watch Rand Phylotar closely

  • On Coruscant
  • Jerno invites his co-leader for a secret meeting outside the government area on Coruscant.
  • Kalip informs the others about new information about Darth Vader's daughter. She is alive, but is suffering from amnesia, because she has been tortured and mind drugged.
  • Kalip also mentions the names of three former imperial officers who deserted and defected to the Alliance
  • Jerno provides some retrieved audio records and discusses he suspicions with Valann and Kalip. has some suspicions. They come to the agreement that further investigation on those disappeared star destroyers and their commanders has to have high priority, but their investigation have to be done secretly.
  • The triarchy decided to send an undercover agent to the Basilisæa


10 years ABY + 8 months - 7th year AROTJ + 8 months
  • On Dalmaran at Irithim
  • Daino Phylotar arrested and accused of treason, and an attempt of manslaughter;

  • On Tatooine
  • Wedge assembles his own lightsaber in Ben Kenobi's former home; (10 months after he has become Luke's padawan)
  • Luke feels the influence of the Jedi pendant and calls out to Liane, but she doesn't recognize him
  • Luke leaves Tatooine and goes to Dagobah with Wedge;

  • On Dalmaran in De'olon's forest
  • Luke has a Force training session with Wedge and leaves Irithim for Wedge's final trials (9 till 10 months after he had decided to take Wedge as his padawan
  • Daino and Rand secretly for a third time.
  • Daino plans an assassination attempt on Ian's live

  • Luke and Leia 29 + 8 months Liane 23 + 8 months

  • On Endor
  • Liane has found a new life in freedom in the Ewok village;
  • Liane accidentally touches the Jedi-pendant and sees that the young man again.
  • Liane hears the young man's words, but still doesn't recognize him as her friend Luke;
  • Liane gets her own tree house with a view on the lake; (3 month after she has seen the image of Luke on Tatooine)
  • Liane hears a voice, telling her that Eilidh Grann isn't her real name;
  • Liane deliberately use the Jedi-pendant and sees the young man wielding a lightsaber
  • Liane answers his words, but doesn't recognize him

  • On Dagobah
  • Luke connect with Liane and wonders if she deliberately had used the pendant, although she show no sign of recognition
  • Luke initiates Wedge as a Jedi Knight during Wedge's trials on Dagobah;
  • Wedge becomes the third Jedi Knight; (4 months after his arrival on Dagobah)

  • On Coruscant
  • Jerno has a secret meeting with the candidate to become the undercover agent on the Basilisæa


10 years ABY 9 months - 7th year AROTJ + 9 months
  • On Endor
  • Liane leaves the Ewok village, and explores a part of the Endor forest;
  • Liane hears the voice again, and answers with 'father';
  • Liane finds remnants of the Battle of Endor;
  • Liane discovers a black burned spot on a clearing and the stone which commemorates her father, Darth Vader;
  • Liane's memories return as she reads her father's name on the stone;
  • Liane now realizes what has happened to her and who she really is;
  • Liane desperately remembers that she hasn't spoken to Luke for a long time;
  • The Force apparitions of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan 'Ben' Kenobi encourage Liane to use the Jedi-pendant again;
  • Liane is too shocked and upset to be able to use the Jedi pendant immediately the right way.
  • Teebo is worried about Liane's behavior and heads for the Ewok village to get help

  • Luke and Leia 28 + 8 months - Liane 23 + 8 months

  • On Dalmaran at Irithim
  • Luke and Wedge return to De'olon space port where Wedge is welcome as the third Jedi
  • Mon Mothma wants Luke to start looking for Liane again immediately
  • Mon Mothma and Leia tell Luke what has happened during his stay with Wedge on Tatooine and Dagobah
  • Luke tells about Liane's use of the Jedi-pendant, although she had shown no sign of recognition
  • Luke tells Mon Mothma he will leave immediately, but warns the Supreme Chancellor that she mustn't expect a quick result.
  • Luke leave Dalmaran, on request of Mon Mothma to start looking for Liane
  • Luke gets a Force vision as Liane uses the Jedi-pendant and calls out for his help
  • Luke recognizes the spot and heads for Endor
  • Luke uses Jedi telepathy to tell Leia he has found Liane on Endor;

  • On Wegoyy
  • Dendicott gets a message of the mysterious person
  • The mysterious person threatens to reveal Dendicott's part in the mind drugging of Liane
  • Dendicott and the mysterious person conclude an agreement.
  • Dendicott will go after Liane and deliver her in the hands of spies who work for a mysterious master in the Outer Rim


10 years ABY 9 months - 7th year AROTJ + 9 months
  • On Dalmaran at Mas'onom
  • Dendicott orders Rand Phylotar to Rasth;

  • Luke and Liane united again
  • Luke and Leia 29 + 8 months Liane 23 + 8 months

  • On Endor
  • Luke arrive in the Ewok village. Teebo takes him to the clearing where Liane still is
  • Luke tells her the truth about himself, Leia and Darth Vader his father;
  • Liane is surprised as Luke tells her that Anakin and his old master Ben Kenobi have been watching her;
  • Luke tells Liane his father regrets that he had taught her all the knowledge of the Dark Side.
  • Liane tells him about what has happened to her on Wegoyy;
  • Luke is surprised that Liane has learned the Ewok language;

  • On Endor at the Astræga
  • Luke take Liane to the Endor space port to collect some of Leia's wardrobe;
  • Liane is worried about the way she has left the Granns on Rasth;
  • Luke gets a first message from Leia, that Dendicott has started his own search to find Liane;
  • Luke thinks about his sister's warning and decides to convince Liane to become his padawan.


10 years ABY 11 months - 6th year AROTJ + 1 months
  • At Mas'onon
  • Rand Phylotar contacts commander Dendicott
  • Dendicott tells him that he has found out that Liane is on Endor
  • Dendicott orders Rand to come to Rasth at Rawine space port

  • Luke and Liane 2 months together again
  • Luke and Leia 29 + 11 months Liane 24 + 0 months

  • On Endor
  • Logray tells Liane to spend her time with Luke
  • Liane asks Luke about the Battle of Endor<
  • Liane experiences the influence of the Living Force on her
  • Luke starts with Liane's physical training to use the Force at the Good Side; long runs and high jumps
  • Luke show Liane all kinds of experiences with the Force; like high jumps and somersaults, Jedi telekinesis, Jedi telepathy;
  • Liane enjoys Luke's training sessions
  • Liane thinks a lot about her real parents and has made up a fantasy story
  • Luke lets Liane experience Jedi telepathy and Jedi telekinesis
  • Luke suggests that Liane can stay out of detention if she becomes his padawan learner.
  • Liane asks Luke to tell her why he wanted her to become a Jedi Knight

  • On Dalmaran at Irithim
  • Leia reads another report of Dendicott
  • Ian reports that Dendicott personally has contacted Mon Mothma to ask permission to go to Rasth
  • Ian shows much concern about Liane that worries Leia


11 years ABY + 0 months- 7 th year AROTJ + 1 months
  • On Endor
  • Yarnick and his brothers arrive on Endor before Dendicott
  • Lianeis delighted to see her old friends again
  • Liane worries as she hears that Dendicott is on his way to Endor
  • Yarnick reassures her, telling that Kieran has instructed Artoo to make changes to the flight program

  • On Mas'onom
  • Rand Phylotar travels back to De'olon
  • Rand Phylotar visits friends of Daino in the backwaters of Irithim
  • Rand requests help to leave Dalmaran
  • Rand leaves Dalmaran in an old reconnaissance ship provided by Daino's friends in exchange for Liane

  • At De'olon space port
  • Artoo intercepts Rand Phylotar's flight from Dalmaran
  • Artoo and Threepio intercepts Rand Phylotar before he leave Dalmaran
  • Artoo attaches a tracker cam which he later retrieves on Rand's hired speeder

  • On Rasth
  • Artoo reports about Dendicott's arrival and the commander's plans
  • Artoo and Threepio have to carry out the final check out of Dendicott's ship
  • Artoo and Threepio are transported back to Bestine space port unnoticed
  • Dendicott thinks about how to get rid of Liane forever.

  • Luke and Liane 2 months united again
  • Luke and Leia 30 + 1 months Liane 24 + 3 months

  • On Endor
  • Liane become frightened when Luke teaches her more mental Force use;
  • Liane doesn't want to continue her Force training
  • Luke has to admit he has pushed Liane too much.

  • On Dalmaran at Irithim
  • Leia gets information from Artoo that Rand Phylotar has left Dalmaran
  • Leia requests the audio tape of Rand's departure and have it send to general Madine's office
  • General Madine recognizes Rand's voice
  • Madine tells Leia that commander Dendicott has left Wegoyy and asks her to inform Luke
  • Leia will warn Luke, as Ian enters their meeting unexpectedly
  • Ian has figured out where Rand Phylotar is heading
  • Ian hands Leia and Madine the transcript of their conversation
  • Madine wonders why Leia hasn't told that Luke has found Liane on Endor more than two months ago
  • Leia explains that Luke hopes to convince Liane to become his next padawan
  • Madine is worried about Luke's visit with Liane to the Endor space port
  • Ian tells Madine and Leia that Dendicott has spoken about Rawine space port not the main space port in Bestine on Rasth
  • Leia sends Threepio and Artoo with Ian in her shuttle to Rasth. The droids are disguised als mechanics. Ian has to inform Marek Grann to cooperate with the plan.

  • On Dalmaran
  • Leia seeks contact with Luke through the Force to warn him
  • Luke refuses to come back immediately
  • Leia will tell Mon Mothma that Luke has found Liane on Endor and still is staying with her
  • Leia sends Yarnick and his brothers to Endor to support her brother
  • Leia informs Mon Mothma that Luke has found Liane
  • Mon Mothma wants an intervention force to go to Endor to arrest Dendicott
  • Leia gets Mon Mothma's permission to join the intervention force

  • On Coruscant
  • Jerno, Valann and Kalip have been informed that Liane is on Endor. They also are informed about Olon Dendicott's own investigation about the whereabouts of Liane and the possible intervention of the New Republic in his plans.
  • Jerno informs his co-leaders that they will have a new undercover agent on board the Basilisæa. There might be a serious lead about the hiding place of admiral Trevor Matrik
  • Valann has found documents about Trevor Matrik, but translation is difficult as the documents are written in unknown languages.