A Jedi's Fight - A Star Wars Fan Fiction Story

Chapter 31

ur man on the Basilisæa confirms that admiral Vestor's unknown guest must have been our former admiral. He indeed has persuaded the admiral to leave the Basilisæa's position near the Urervik cluster and set course to the forest moon of Endor. Our agent on board has cracked the code of a flattering invitation from Trevor Matrik in which the latter invites admiral Vestor to have a shielded meeting via his private communication system.
Meanwhile the Basilisæa has returned to the Outer Rim, but the star destroyer has taken a new position much nearer to the Palomintar System. During the return flight no one on board has seen the unknown guest, but once in orbit around Palomintar Four the admiral has accompanied him to the planet's surface. After several hours the admiral returned alone, but the Basilisæa is still orbiting the planet," Kalip said, putting down his data pad, "According to a report from our contact at Irithim the admiral has achieved nothing with his flight to Endor, for princess Leia Organa has ordered admiral Vestor to leave Endor's orbit immediately after he had landed on Endor Space port. The princess also has issued an official complaint to the Provisional Coruscant Council, referring to Endor as a member of the New Republic. Have we received the official complaint yet?"
"We have. I will send a respond to Irithim after I have spoken with admiral Vestor. Earlier our man reported that the admiral would send the details about his meeting with Trevor Matrik. We haven't yet received a report from the admiral, have we? " Jerno asked.
"No, we haven't. There has been no contact between the Basilisæa and Coruscant after we heard about that shielded holo meeting with Trevor Matrik and the ship's voyage to Endor. In his earlier report our contact already had mentioned that admiral Vestor's private communication system has been use to have the shielded meeting. Those private systems circumvent the main communication center. During the Civil War those systems were used to send the commanders of the star destroyers classified messages and information from the emperor's head quarters, even from the emperor or Darth Vader himself," Kalip said
Jerno looked at Valann and Kalip.
"So Trevor Matrik is familiar with this way of exchanging information. This might cause a serious setback. If the main communication system will be bypassed, because Matrik uses this way to make contact with the Basilisæa's commander, our agent will loose the ability to stay in control of the situation. Kalip, contact our man via Quoith. First of all he has to remind admiral Vestor about his promise to report the details of his meeting with Trevor Matrik immediately, secondly ask him if the Basilisæa's private communication system can be disabled and connected to the main communication system of the ship, if it is used again. Any other news? Valann?"
"Yes, Jerno. I've had an unexpected meeting with princess Leia Organa. She came to Coruscant to request a copy of the personal data on admiral Trevor Matrik which has been recorded in the Imperial Archive. I must say; we had a good conversation and she has shown me this image which she took of Trevor Matrik when he was leaving a transport ship which had landed on Endor's space port."
Valann showed the images Leia had given him. At first Jerno and Kalip looked stunned, but their face became worried as they recognized the former imperial admiral.
Valann continue and gave a overview of his meeting with the princess. He also handed Jerno and Kalip the drawing Ian Tydon had made of Darth Golluth, after he had had a Force vision.
"It seems incredible, but how can an inexperienced padawan make a drawing of Trevor Matrik without ever having met him. What's also surprising, is that the drawing depicts our former admiral in the attire on the images the princess had taken on Endor, just as Doran Whain also had mentioned in one of his earlier reports. I have checked the original date of the drawing which dates back more than a month ago, so we can exclude the idea that Ian Tydon had made the drawing after he had seen the images from the princess. Princess Leia is convinced that Trevor Matrik and Darth Golluth are the same person. Without consulting you two I have handed the princess the content of Trevor's personal file. I think it's good that the government on Dalmaran has some concern about Trevor and his future plans."
"The situation on Palomintar Four is getting more and more complicated. It was my primary intention to keep the intel about our former admiral between the three of us, but now that Irithim has been informed about the admiral's existence, we also have to inform the plenary Provisional Council. Nevertheless it might be an advantage that Irithim also knows that admiral Trevor Matrik is attempting to get the Sith knowledge from Liane Solichor," Jerno said, "Now that both our governments are aware of Trevor's plans, I expect that Irithim will prevent that Liane Solichor will meet Trevor Matrik. Valann, did you tell the princess that it's likely that Liane Solichor has met Trevor Matrik while he was a staff member on Morantan? "
"No, I haven't, but due to the princess' determination to protect her foster-sister, as she called Liane Solichor, she surely will find out that Trevor Matrik has met Liane on Morantan. I also didn't hand her those special files from Palpatine's personal archive concerning Trevor Matrik yet, as no translator droid has managed to decrypt those files."
"Valann, did you really get the impression that the daughter of Darth Vader will be protected when she arrives at Irithim sooner or later." Kalip asked with concern.
Jerno began to laugh, "If I listen to Valann's report, Kalip, there will be more than one Jedi who will protect Liane Solichor, once she arrives on Irithim. The princess seems too much concerned about her foster-sister."
A Corellian freighter was rushing through hyperspace on her way to the new center of the New Republic: the planet Dalmaran.
In the flight control room Han Solo checked the navi-computer.
"We are on our way to Dalmaran. Guys, it was gradually getting time to go home and that is a great understatement."
Again he looked at the synchron.
"We will arrive in Dalmaran's orbit in less than a fifty hours. That leaves us enough time to exchange some common memories, I guess."
He grinned and turned to Liane.
"I want to hear your story, Eilidh Grann, for you doesn't seem to suffer from amnesia any more. The first time I met you was in Wuher's cantina in Mos Eisley in the company of the brothers Grann? Tell me, how did you end up on board the Millennium Falcon together with my Jedi friend Luke Skywalker. Where did you meet him?
Liane looked flabbergasted. Han started to laugh and turned his co-pilot.
"Chewie, meet Eilidh Grann, the youngest sister of Yarnick Grann and his brothers. She is a beauty, don't you think, with that beautiful amber colored hair?"
Chewbacca grunted an answer, and Han started to laugh.
"Of course, pal, you're right. A beauty to human eyes, but I have noticed that you fancy her, and I'm glad you do, pal. For you must do me a favor. From now on, you should protect this beautiful girl with your life. I owe her my recovery and I hope my future."
Chewbacca growled a confirmative and Luke grinned looking at Liane who was shaking her head and shrugging her shoulders.
Han took a seat on the couch, pulled Liane next to him, and put his arm around her shoulder. Immediately Liane pushed his arm aside.
"Don't do that. You're Leia's friend, not mine," She snapped, but started to blush.
Han roared with laughter, "Alright, don't feel offended, sweetheart, but it's your turn to tell me your part of the story."
Liane remained silent and stared at him.
"Come on, sweetheart. I want to hear your story, before we arrive on Dalmaran."
"You did remember me all the time!" was all she finally said.
"Of course, I remember you, sweetheart. Like my pal Chewie, I fancy beautiful young women, Eilidh, especially those with that radiant amber brown hair like yours. You're a real beauty, Eilidh Grann, so I'm glad we met in that cantina in Mos Eisley. Do you remember, what you asked me? "
"I remember your very crude answer," Liane said and regained her composure.
"Sorry, sweetheart, but at that moment your question was very offensive."
Liane silenced.
"Alright, if you don't want to tell me any details, please, be so kind to answer the following question. Eilidh isn't your real name, that's for sure? And the famous Grann brothers aren't your relatives, for Yarnick told me you had lost your memory."
Liane looked up.
"My real name is Liane Solichor. Yarnick and his brothers called me Eilidh, because I couldn't tell them my real name, when I met them, after I had been living with the Draga on Wegoyy for some time. Who I was, where I came from and what had happened to me, I didn't know. Yarnick took me with him, when he and his brothers went to Rasth to see their parents. I ran away from Rasth more than a year ago to find out what had happened to me. I found my way to Endor. All my old memories returned on that forest moon. I managed to warn Luke, who I had met on Dalmaran, and ask him to come to Endor and help me. Luke and I met Chewbacca and I heard your longing pleas to Leia. That's how I got on board your ship."
Han laughed.
"That's a very short summary of your life, Liane Solichor. There must be a lot more details to fill the gaps in your story. For instance, what happened to you before you lost your memories? How did you loose them? Did you had a severe accident? Fall off a cliff or worse? Why did you run away from the Grann brothers and their parents? How did you get to Endor? Have you been there before? How did you manage to warn Luke? I would like to hear a more complete story."
"There's no more to tell," Liane said reluctantly.
She looked at Luke. She felt embarrassed and didn't know how to tell Han that the High Court on Irithim had sentenced and exiled her to the Wegoyy prison. Luke felt her confusion and answered some of Han's questions instead of her.
"Liane has spent some time in the Wegoyy prison, for what she unintentionally had done, after the New Republic forces had cleared the pockets of resistance on Morantan, her home planet, Han. She fiercely defended herself and her foster-father stronghold, but she had to surrender."
Han looked at Liane; he started grinning.
"So you're the famous Dark ..."
At once Liane became furious.
"Don't you dare to call out that nickname, Han Solo," she shouted angrily, "I will never talk to you again if you only can recall me as the person I hate."
"Take it easy, sweetheart. So, you're the daughter of Darth Vader?"
"No, I'm not," Liane snapped. "I'm Liane Solichor. I'm the daughter of a Force-user and Dart... Anakin Skywalker has been my foster-father, as Luke just told you. You do know who Anakin Skywalker was, don't you?"
'Liane, Han doesn't want to provoke you. He is only telling you what he has heard about you,' Luke's soft voice said. 'He wants to get to know you better. He is grateful, for what you have done for him. Tell him who you are, and what happened to you.'
Liane relaxed a bit.
"What you want to know," She said surly.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry, I surely didn't want to make you angry or upset you. Luke just said, that you had been imprisoned on Wegoyy. Tell me if I'm right, Liane. Has commander Dendicott tortured you with the mental drug?," He asked.
Liane nodded and averted her eyes.
"He did, because he thought I was a spy for the New Republic at Irithim. My guard had to bring me far into the Wegoyy desert, so I should perish there. Luckily the guy knew about the Draga and brought me to them. They let me live with them, until the Granns were accepting their proposal to take me on board their ship."
Chewbacca grumbled a long sentence in Han's direction.
"Yes, Chewie, the same guy. He's a real bastard; a former Imperial defector, " Han said at a furious tone, "I've told Mon Mothma more than once not to trust him, but she had to reward him for his share of those dangerous raids on the second Death Star."
Luke and Liane shared a curious look. Han looked at Liane and reassuringly put a hand on her arm.
"I'm really sorry, sweetheart, that I haven't realized what had happened to you, when I met you on Tatooine. After what you have done for me I think that commander Dendicott has to have a very good reason, why he drugged you with the forbidden imperial mind drug."
"I told you. He was convinced I was a spy. Luke visited me while I was imprisoned, and the commander had activated a surveillance cam and had our chats recorded. Before I was send to Wegoyy, Luke and Leia had become my friends, so I called Luke by his first name, when he visited me. That was enough evidence for the commander, that I was telling Luke what was going on in the Wegoyy prison. Before he ordered his men to put me in the SL-chamber, he showed me images of a surveillance cam. One of the tapes showed Luke and me, while he was comforting me. I felt upset, because I would be alone again, after he had gone. Dendicott yelled at me, that he found it unlikely, that Luke, as an governmental officer and a Jedi Knight only tried to comfort me. I became outraged and attacked one of the guards and that was the end of his interrogation. The guard aimed his blaster at me and stunned me, when I woke up again there were flashing lights and shrieking sounds all around me. I wasn't allowed to sleep, and several times droids must have entered my cell to gave me a painful injection. The lights and the sound exhausted me and finally I passed out and lost my consciousness. I can't recall, what happened all the time. The last thing I remember was that a spherical droid was entering th SL-chamber. In one of it utensils it held out a needle with a dark fluid. After that injection everything went dark. When I woke up I saw the Draga, "
She shivered at the memory, and swallowed. Her mouth felt dry.
Han had listened to her explanation, nodded understandingly without commenting immediately on her story.
"So he still exhibits the same paranoid behavior," He said, turning to Luke, "Do you remember Lando's two old friends from Bespin who had been accused of collaborating with the Empire. Months after our victory they suddenly were captured and send to Wegoyy prison for three years."
Luke nodded.
"I remember, because I didn't believe they were collaborators. I opposed the verdict, as did Leia."
"Right, pal," Han said on a harsh and angry tone, "For the verdict was a decoy. Lando and I had heard rumors about Imperial torture practices that were still being used in the Wegoyy prison. We informed Mon Mothma. Lando's friends volunteered and an secret undercover operation was set up, so they could infiltrate as inmates. We were supposed to get their reports after our return from Leathan. We made a detour to reach Wegoyy, but once there we were told that the two men had escaped. There had been an extensive search in the desert. Dendicott told Lando and me they had been killed by a ferocious predator. Their remains had been buried outside the prison wall. I never believed that story."
"You mean, that someone knew about the decoy, betrayed them, and informed the commander?" Liane asked.
"Who did that?" Luke said, looking at his friend.
"The same person who told Mon Mothma about you and your parentage, Luke, Daino Phylotar. Daino informed his brother Rand, Dendicott's second-in-command. I'm sure Daino has been leaking the real identity of Lando's friends to his brother. Dendicott knew, that if Mon Mothma would get real evidence against him, he would lose his assignment and be degraded. So he got rid of them. Lando asked me to help him to do further investigation, but after our return to Dalmaran the situation changed very rapidly. I left Dalmaran in a hurry and ... "
He paused and remained in thoughts for a while, then he turned to Liane, "He did the same to you, sweetheart. He used the mind drug to extract the truth. Probably he gave you a high dose, and that's how you lost your memories. It's really a pity, sweetheart, that I haven't heard your full story at our first encounter. It's time to pick up this old case and I want you to help me, Liane."
Liane looked at her new friend with a faint smile around her lips.
"Thank you, Han, for your concern," She said and looked at Luke who nodded.
'Go on, Liane, tell Han what happened to commander Dendicott" on Endor,' She heard him say.
She took a deep breath and continued. "Commander Dendicott and the two Phylotar brothers are in detention on Dalmaran. The commander and his second-in-command have tried to capture and kidnap me, while I was living among the Ewoks on Endor. A group of the New Republic forces were in time to help Luke and Yarnick and his brothers to set me free. The commander and his second-in-command together with the rest of their men were taken prisoner and brought back to Dalmaran. Luke has to bring me to Dalmaran, so I can tell the Supreme Chancellor and her High Council personally what has happened to me on Wegoyy,"
She sighed, and mused, more to herself than to her audience, "It all seems so long ago. There have been so many changes in my life these past years."
She turned to Han again, "When I first met you, Han, I didn't remember anything. I didn't know what had happened to me. My memories were completely gone. I even couldn't remember my real name, I couldn't remember how I got on that rocky outcropping where the Draga found me. Nothing."
"If one of your adopted brothers had mentioned Wegoyy, I certainly would have known, what had happened to you and I would have brought you to Mon Mothma as clear evidence of Dendicott's foul practises." Han said determinedly.
Liane smiled and shook her head, "You wouldn't have done so, Han. You became angry, when I asked you about Leia. You weren't ready to admit you had been wrong."
Han looked embarrassed.
"Well... I probably ... I would have advised your brother Yarnick to go to Dalmaran and bring you before Mon Mothma. "
"See, Han, you couldn't have induced yourself to bring me back to Dalmaran yourself, for at that moment you still blamed Leia, because she had completed her training to Jedi Knight without informing you about her plan," Liane calmly and continued, "If, at that time, you had induced yourself to bring me back to Dalmaran, you could have ended the misconception between you and Leia years ago, don't you think?"
Chewbacca let out a great howl like a laughter, and Han nodded reluctantly.
"You're right, Liane, but if someone else, most likely Yarnick Grann, would have brought you back to Dalmaran after our encounter on Tatooine, you would have been given the antidote for that mind drug much earlier," Han said in response.
"True, but all these assumptions haven't taken place. What has happened wasn't sheer coincidence, it hasn't happened by accident. Probably Luke could explain to you better, Han, that it's been the influence of the Force on our lives, which has caused a series of seemingly accidental encounters and events."
She saw Han frown.
"You don't believe in the Force, Han, don't you? I do. I've been brought up with her influence on me and on my life. You referred to my old alias, a title my foster-father's men had given me, because by that time my life was in turmoil. I was clearly convinced and sensed that the way I was using the power of the Force was utterly wrong, and yet I wasn't willing or able to change my attitude. I became scared of the Force, but in fact I was scared for what I did to other living beings. Over the past years the Force has made me aware of what I really want to do with the power I posses. Luke has told me, that it's likely that I have inherited those healing powers from my mother who has been a Force user too, before she died."
For a moment Liane looked at Luke, and met his encouraging and interested gaze. He nodded imperceptibly, and smiled.
"Han, what has happened to me is the will of the Force. I'm convinced of her influence on me, but that counts for other lives as well. The Force has changed my life for the better. She certainly will change yours too, although you regard the changes in your life as coincidental."
Han nodded unwillingly, and shrugged his shoulders, "Sounds reasonable, Liane Solichor, but that only counts for you? What about my recovery? What has the Force to do with my recovery?"
Again Liane looked at Luke. He gave her an encouraging smile, 'Go on, Liane, tell Han what's on your mind.'
Liane continued, "In Luke's opinion, coincidences don't exist. He has told me more than once, it's the Force that has such a great influence on our lives. His life, mine, yours, and the lives of all living beings. It was the Force, Han, that let me hear your pleas to Leia, but that probably wouldn't have happened, if the Force hadn't shown me before, that I can use her power to heal and to cure people. So, if Yarnick would have brought me back to Dalmaran, I wouldn't have ran away to Endor; if I hadn't lived for some time among the Ewok tribe, I wouldn't have discovered my Force healing powers; if Luke and I wouldn't have gone to Tatooine after we left Endor, but had gone to Dalmaran instead, we wouldn't have met Chewbacca in Mos Eisley, and ...
For a moment Liane didn't go on. Now Han looked very seriously.
".. and that would have changed many people's lives, I assume, for I would never have gone back to Dalmaran...."
"....And Chewbacca and Luke would have lost a good friend, and Leia would have mourned the loss of her love for the rest of her life. You had almost giving up your struggle and your search of Leia, Han, when I entered the Falcon." Liane said softly.
Han grabbed her hand and pressed it.
"I'm not very good at giving compliments. Thank you, Liane Solichor, for, your Force talent has made me more aware of, what I really long for; whatever force accidentally has influenced and changed my mind," Han commented with much skepticism in his voice.
Liane shook her head, and didn't how to respond, for Chewbacca let out an earsplitting howl, jumped to his feet and took Liane in his long hairy arms, pressing her firmly, but gently, against his enormous body. He grunted a long sentence before he put her down at the couch again; his attitude showed his adoration and his admiration for Liane who had given him back his friend.
"Well, Liane, there is at least one here, who believes in the Force and in your powers. Maybe you believe me words if I tell that many Wookiees are sensible to the Force," Han said with a grin.
They all started to laugh. Han served some simple drinks and food. Afterwards they sat happily chatting together. Luke felt especially grateful, because Leia would soon be the happiest person in the galaxy. He also sensed how relieved Han felt after his decision to return to Dalmaran, but what surprised Luke the most, was the tremendous change in Liane's attitude with respect to the Force and her will. Not only had she once again visualized a future which soon would become true very quickly, but she also was developing a deeper insight in the Force's real power and influence.
"Admiral, we have received an official complaint from Irithim about your illicit landing on Endor. My question is: why have you gone to Endor without asking permission?" Jerno said, looking at the holographic image of the admiral of the Basilisæa.
"I'd reliable information that the daughter of Darth Vader lives there, sir. As I am aware what kind of danger she is to the peaceful co-existence of our two governments, I decided to go to Endor."
Jerno felt how suspicion against the admiral raised in his mind, but he kept his voice low.
"You landed on Endor Space port without stating the identity of your transport shuttle; what's more the ID-marking of the shuttle was hidden. On the space port you had an unexpected encounter with the special advisor of the Supreme Chancellor, admiral, hadn't you?"
"Yes, sir. I met the princess Leia Organa of the Royal House of Alderaan at the Endor Space port. She denied me permission to look for the dangerous woman, but with your permission I will go back and make other attempt. We must make sure, sir, that the woman never will be able to jeopardize the peace treaty."
More and more Jerno had difficulty to keep his composure.
"Just before you left your position near the Urervik cluster you had a shielded holographic meeting with the person the Provisional Council urgently wants to be transported back to Coruscant: our former admiral Trevor Matrik. You ordered your communication officer to report your meeting to us, promising you would send the details about that meeting afterwards. So far we haven't received that information, admiral. In the official complaint we have received from Irithim there is talk about an unknown passenger accompanying you on Endor. I have a strong suspicion, admiral, that Trevor Matrik has persuaded you to seek Liane Solichor to take her to Palomintar Four.
Jerno increased the magnification of the holographic image and watch the expression of admiral Vestor's face.
"Does the name of Darth Golluth mean anything to you, admiral. Have you pleaded loyalty to Trevor Matrik." Jerno's voice sounded stern and insinuating
"Sir! I deny that accusation. I was about to inform you that Trevor Matrik, now goes by the name of Darth Golluth. "
"Admiral, we send you on a surveillance mission to the Outer Rim to detect the source of several mysterious messages in which the whereabouts of the daughter of Darth Vader were discussed every time. That source wanted the woman to be brought to Palomintar Four and has initiated several attempts to capture her."
"Yes, sir, that's what our former admiral told me. He said, that he wants to exile her on Palomintar Four for the rest of her life, so she wouldn't be a threat to peace treaty. He sounded convincing and honest, but after I had a serious clash with him after I had left Endor's orbit, I got serious doubts about what he wants of the woman, sir. Explicitly after he kept insisting that he wanted to be addressed as Lord Golluth. I ordered the Basilisæa to go back to the Outer Rim, but I didn't expect that the princess of Alderaan would file an official complaint against the presence of the Basilisæa in Endor's orbit immediately."
"I see her presence on Endor as lucky coincidence for the Provisional Council, admiral, after our new adversary, Trevor Matrik or Darth Golluth, had persuaded you to lay your hands on Liane Solichor. Admiral, are you aware, that your behavior could be interpreted as treason, not to say high treason!"
Admiral Vestor's face became a bit more pale.
"Sir, I... "
"Don't find anymore odd excuses for your action, admiral. Where are you now?"
"In the Outer Rim again, sir. I intended to continue with my surveillance mission."
"Excellent. So you've returned to the Urervik cluster?"
"I was about to reposition the Basilisæa tonight, sir. At the moment she is orbiting the Palomintar System."
"What happened to Trevor Matrik?"
"I ... accompanied ... him back ... Palomintar Four, as was his wish. He expects me to look for the woman and tell him where he can find her."
"Your orders come from Coruscant, admiral, and I order you to stop looking for Liane Solichor. The Jedi Knights of the New Republic will take care of her, as will the Supreme Chancellor, the lady Mon Mothma. Liane Solichor is the concern of the New Republic and not ours. Our task, and yours, is to keep a eye on Darth Golluth. You're continuing with your surveillance mission in the Outer Rim, but you position the Basilisæa closer to the Palomintar System. We expect that Trevor Matrik again will seek contact with you to test your loyalty to him. You will answer any requests he sends you, but you will communicate your actions with us first. Make yourself useful in this way, admiral. You're serving the Provisional Coruscant Council. You're not serving a renegade who wants to betray the peace treaty and who is making plans to become a second emperor."
Jerno abruptly disconnected his holo display and took a deep breath. For several minutes he leaned back in his chair, then he activated the secret connection with the shielded partition on Quoith and left his agent on board the Basilisæa a message with new order.
"Your sister and her padawan have gone to Coruscant, master Skywalker." the young officer said.
"Thank you, officer, I'll call again. Inform me as soon as my sister has returned to Dalmaran."
"We will, sir."
The holographic display went blank.
"She has gone to Coruscant."
He looked up at Han.
"When will we reach Dalmaran's orbit, Han?"
"Thirty-three standard hours from now?" His friend answered.
Luke noticed some impatience in Han's voice. He felt how strongly his old friend wanted to reach Dalmaran and more important, to be reunited with Leia.
"Luke, you must reach Leia, somehow, and tell her Han's coming home," Liane said, "Can't you reach her with Jedi telepathy?"
"I've already used the Force that way a couple of times, Liane, but to communicate through the Force while we're in hyperspace, isn't easy. I hope the officer on Dalmaran will give me more information, before we reach the planet."
"We'd better get some rest, all of us," Han said.
"Are you sure, you can get asleep, without my help, Han?" Liane said with concern, because she saw how Han's restlessness was growing during their voyage back.
"I'll manage, sweetheart. Don't worry. Get some rest yourself. You need it."
To Luke's surprise Liane left the control room and went to Chewbacca's quarter at the back of the ship. Half an hour later all the crew members, except Chewbacca, had withdrawn to their quarters. Luke used these moments to get into Jedi-trance and find a way to contact his sister; Han lay on the couch in the control room, but his eyes were wide open and thoughts of his reunion with Leia whirled through his mind. He tossed himself from one side to the other, but sleep was far away.
"Maybe I've slept enough for another ten years," He thought and in his mind he grinned.
Liane slept and dreamt. She was on Endor again and was sitting on a tree branch hidden in the canopy near the perimeter of the space port. She was watching the incoming and outgoing space ships. Then the image got blurred and she was on board an unknown space vessel.
"I will report our findings to Mon Mothma, my padawan, after we have been on Quoith," She heard a familiar voice say.
"Leia! I'm on Leia's ship. I must tell her we're on our way to Dalmaran with Han." Liane thought and she walked in the direction where she had heard Leia's voice, but there was no one to see.
'Leia, where are you?' Liane yelled, but she got no answer. She ran back through the ship and looked everywhere, but she didn't see Luke's sister, nor did she hear her voice again.
"Ian, are you there!" She called, for she remembered that Ian Tydon probably was companying Leia as her padawan.
"Liane, is that you? Where are you?" Ian's voice answered her call.
"Ian, I hear you, but I can't find you. Are you on board Leia's ship?"
"I am. Liane, what's the matter? Isn't master Luke with you? Do you need help?"
"Where is Leia, Ian. Luke and I have found Han and we're on our way back to ..."
The image of the ship vanished and Liane saw herself looking at a man. He was wearing a black Jedi cloak, but the cowl covered his face.
"Welcome, Liane Vader," The man said.
"Who are you?" She asked hesitatingly.
'That voice! Who is this? I've heard that voice before, but where?' Liane thought, frantically searching her memories.
"Your father has learned you to wield the Force at the most attractive side, hasn't he?"
"What do you mean? My father was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force which has brought him a life of misery. It turned him in to a machine doing evil things."
"All wrong, Liane Vader. The Dark Side is the side that gives real power. You and I are going to explore the Dark Side together and use her power to conquer the galaxy. You and I are going revive the Empire."
"What are you talking about. I've seen evil things been done with the power of the Dark Side. I'm not going to participate in your plans. Where's Luke?"
"You mean, your Jedi master Skywalker? He is dead. Now you've only me to protect you."
"NOOO! You're lying. Luke can't be dead. He is a Jedi."
The man laughed cackling.
"So you think, he can't die, because he's a Jedi. You're wrong. Come with me!"
The dark cloaked person pulled her through some dark corridor to a cave. He lit an ion-torch and Liane saw Luke Skywalker lying with a ashen face on an wooden table. Liane yelled.
"NOOO! LUKE! THIS ISN'T TRUE! LUKE!" Her voice echoed through the room.
"Liane, wake up! You're dreaming," A voice said and Liane felt a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and looked into Luke's face.
"Luke! He has killed you!" She screamed panicking and grabbed his arm.
"Relax, Liane. You had a nightmare," Luke said.
Liane said upright and tried to recall what had happened. She looked at Luke and started to laugh nervously.
"You're right. What a nasty dream. A man in a dark cloak took me to a cave, and you where there lying on a table. You were dead, he said, and he wanted me to explore the Dark Side and its powers with him and than we would revive the Empire. Ridiculous. I don't want to have anything to do with the Dark Side anymore."
She frowned, then she looked at her friend with a more joyful smile.
"Luke, I also dreamt I was on board Leia's ship. I heard her voice. She is on her way to Quoith, but I couldn't find her and tell her that Han's on his way back to her, but Ian heard me and I told him he had to tell Leia. Is Quoith a planet, Luke? How odd this is; I also was on Endor, watching the space ships come and go, as I have done just after I had arrived on Endor. That was a nice view; do you think it will be safe enough for me to get back to Endor. I would love to see Chirpa, Logray and Teebo again?"
"Of course you will, Liane. One day it will be safe enough to return to the Ewok village. Tell me, did you really talk to Ian?"
Liane shrugged her shoulders.
"Luke, it was all a dream, wasn't it."
"I don't think so."
"Not, and that horrible man who said you were dead. That really isn't true. You're here."
Luke grinned.
"And still alive, would you say."
"Eh, ... yes."
"That's reassuring, isn't it." Luke laughed.
Liane started to laugh too and Luke noticed a blush on her cheeks. He put his hand over hers.
"Get some sleep again without disturbing dreams."
Liane lay back.
"Luke, did you managed to contact Leia."
He shook his head.
"Not yet, but I will ask Han if it's safe enough to leave hyperspace, but probably he don't want to delay our arrival."
"But Leia has to be on Dalmaran when we arrive." Liane urged, closing her eyes, half asleep again. She smiled, "I want them both to be the happiest people in the galaxy."
"They sure will be, Liane, thanks to you. Now get some sleep. Goodnight, Liane?"
"Goodnight, Luke."
Luke rose and walked back to the control room, where at last Han had fallen asleep too. Luke checked the sychron. Some thirty hours before they would reach Dalmaran. He walked over to the cockpit and sat in the co-pilot's chair. Chewbacca grunted a welcome and asked what had happened. The Wookiee had heard Liane's scream too, but had noticed that Luke had gone to see her.
"She's alright, Chewie, she had a nightmare. Some funny thoughts and images were mixed up in her mind. She has gone to sleep again."
Chewbacca grunted. Luke rose.
"You're right, pal. I get some rest again."
Without delay Leia and Ian had taken off from Coruscant. As soon as they were in outer space they set their course for Quoith. While waiting for the navi-computer to calculate a safe trajectory Leia already started to read some parts of the data they had obtained.
"We will inform Mon Mothma about our meeting with commodore Valann Namaran, my young padawan, but first we'll go to Quoith again to ask if they can crack the code on the encrypted files," She said and looked up, "Is the navi-computer ready?"
"In a few minutes, master, I'll check." Ian said and rose.
He walked through the control room to the cockpit, and turned to look at the display of the navi-computer, when he heard a familiar voice.
"Ian, are you there?"
"Liane, is that you? Where are you?" He looked around confused.
"Ian, is that you? I hear you, but I can't find you. Are you onboard Leia's ship?"
"I am. Liane, what's the matter? Isn't master Luke with you? Do you need help?"
"Where is Leia, Ian? Luke and I found Han and we're on our way back to ..."
"Ian, what's the matter?"
Leia entered the control room.
"Master, I heard Liane. She was looking for you."
"Liane? Looking for me?"
"I only heard her voice. Could it be that she needs help?"
"What did she say, my young padawan," Leia said calmly.
"She asked if you were on board? She said: 'Luke and I found Han and we're on our way back to ...'. That was all. I called her name, but I heard nothing.
"She said that Luke and she had found Han" Leia exclaimed and her cheeks became red, "and they are on their way back to ... Dalmaran. Ian, break off the calculations for Quoith and set course to Dalmaran!!!!
"Are you sure, master?"
"Yes. You must have a special bond with Liane somehow, as she can reach you through the Force."
"I really spoke to her?"
"Force sensitive creatures can contact each other through the Force. Even when separated by time or distance."
"Shouldn't you asked master Luke, if I really spoke to Liane."
Leia laughed.
"I will, my padawan. Set course to Dalmaran immediately. I want to arrive there as soon as possible. We must tell Mon Mothma what we have discovered so far about Trevor Matrik. Liane must get protection from the moment she lands on Dalmaran."
"What about this person Han, master? Is he an important person?"
"Have you never heard about general Solo, young padawan?" Leia said with a smile.
Ian's cheeks flushed red.
"A stupid question, master, forgive me. I know, that you and general Solo are intimate friends."
"You probably didn't know his first name."
Ian shook his head and grinned.
"At the Academy we only used the official ranks of those who fought for the Alliance. I had just entered the Academy on Corellia, when the Alliance gained its victory near Endor. My friends and I were ecstatic and we watch the holographs of the heroes with awe."
Leia put her hand on his arm.
"And six years later, those heroes have become your friends, Ian. Luke was right to bring you to Dalmaran and make you aware of your Force abilities. You will become a great Jedi Knight. "
"I'm going to set course to Dalmaran, master, otherwise we're drifting off our course too much."
Leia left the control room and went to her private quarters. Her heart pounded in her chest.
"Luke has found Han and together they are on their way to Dalmaran. Han, my love, we never separated again. Never." She whispered.
She sat down and turned her thoughts inwards, reaching out to her twin brother.
On board the Millennium Falcon Luke Skywalker was nearly asleep, when he noticed a familiar tremor in the Force.
'Luke, I need to know something for sure?' Leia's tense voice reached out to him through the Force.
Luke opened his eyes, smiled, turned inwards and reached out his sister.
'You want to know, if what your padawan told you is true, isn't it, Leia!'
'Yes, I do. Is it, Luke? Did you really find Han and is he coming back with you to Dalmaran?' She asked.
'Yes, it is, my dear sister. Han and Chewbacca are on their way to Dalmaran in the Millennium Falcon and Liane and I are traveling with them.'
'I hardly can believe it. This is almost unbelievable, and you knew who told me, didn't you?'
'I did,' Luke said smiling, 'Ian, your padawan, isn't it?'
'Yes, he told me, that he had heard Liane's voice. Has she told you, she spoke to him?'
'Liane has reached out to you and Ian while she was asleep.'
'During her sleep?'
'I think that she used the Force in her sleep, for she wanted to tell you, that we have found Han and Chewbacca. She told me, she found herself on board your ship and she called for you, but instead of you she got in touch with Ian, her former guard. The most importance of her message is that Han is coming home to you. We'll reach Dalmaran in about thirty hours. Where are you?'
'Ian and I have left Coruscant and headed for Quoith, but after Ian told me what he had heard, we will set course to Dalmaran immediately. I've gotten some vital information from commodore Valann Namaran, that I need to share with on to Mon Mothma. I've discovered who is after Liane. I will tell you the details later, but Liane has to be protected. Ian and I will be back on Dalmaran in four hours. I will talk to Mon Mothma immediately after our arrival.'
Luke heard the sheer concern in his sister's voice.
'You shouldn't worry about Liane, Leia. You should look forward to your reunion with Han. He's gone through a terrible time without you, but he is convinced now, that he can't do without you.'
'I still can't believe it, Luke! Han is on his way back to Dalmaran.'
'Han, is on his way back to you, my dear sister. It's you, he wants to see again, Leia. Only you. He knows how important you are to him.'
Leia didn't respond immediately to Luke's words. Then he heard a soft cheerful laugh in her voice.
'Tell him, I love him, Luke. Tell him that I'll be at the space port to welcome him.'
'I will, Leia. Your words will make him happy, I'm sure of that. But you'd better say those words to Han in person when we're back.'
'Of course, my dear brother. I'll see you at Irithim just over a day.'
Luke came out of his Force trance and blinked. He sighed relieved. His sister would be back on Dalmaran when the Millennium Falcon would land. He turned on his other side and closed his eyes. Now he could go to sleep undisturbed.
On board the Alderaan Leia Organa also released herself from her Force connection with her brother and felt a happiness beyond words.
"Liane, my dear foster-sister, I love you. Your words to Ian will change everything."

To be continued...