A Jedi's Fight - A Star Wars Fan Fiction Story

Time line

Places & Events
Mysterious Interest


11 years ABY + 0 months - 7th year AROTJ + 1 months
  • Near Endor
  • Dendicott becomes outraged, because his ship can't land on Endor
  • Dendicott's arrival on Endor, is delayed through the flaw in the flight program which Artoo has inserted.
  • Rand Phylotar demands that the navi-computer will be reset as soon as possible

  • On Endor
  • Dendicott attacks the Ewok village
  • Dendicott shoots Teebo;
  • Luke and three Grann brothers defend the Ewok village;
  • Luke is worried that Liane will participate in the fight if she hears that Teebo is dying
  • Dendicott captures Liane as she tumbles down to the forest floor
  • Dendicott reaches the spot where he has left the speeders
  • Dendicott sees that all the speeders have been ruined and taken apart
  • Dendicott demands to repair at least one speeder and sends Rand Phylotar to the space port the get a transport ship
  • The Ewoks keep an eye on Dendicott without him noticing their movements
  • On Endor
  • Luke and Liane 2 months together again
  • Luke and Leia 30 + 1 months Liane 24 + 3 months
  • Luke Liane and the Grann brother are talking about the Civil War
  • Luke tells the Grann brothers about their father's role in the Alliance
  • Luke is alerted as he hear shooting
  • Luke hears that Liane and the Grann have met Han Solo in Mos Eisley about a year ago
  • Luke Yarnick, Kieran and Conor hurry back to the Ewok-village as the village is under attack
  • Luke tells Liane to go to the ruins of the shield generator with Brion, Bran and Ronan
  • Liane is worried about Luke, but follows the three Granns to the ruins.
  • Logray tells Liane in the ruins that Teebo is severely wounded
  • Liane goes back to the village to help Teebo
  • Luke warns Liane through Jedi-telepathy to stay out of the fight
  • Liane asks Luke to help her, but Dendicott stuns her as she runs to Logray's house
  • Luke relies on the Ewoks to tell him what Dendicott's next move will be
  • Luke and the Grann brothers go to the ruins where they later meet with Leia and Madine and his men
  • Luke Madine and the intervention force seek a new cover near the lake.
  • On Dalmaran at Irithim
  • Ian Threepio and Artoo have returned to Dalmaran
  • Ian tells Leia what has happened on Rasth
  • Leia calls Madine about their departure and expresses her worries about Dendicott's arrival
  • Artoo reveals what he has done to Dendicott's ship
  • Madine Leia and Ian are delighted about Artoo's secret action
  • Leia and Ian go to De'olon space port for their transport to the Tychorion
  • Threepio and Artoo are joining Leia and Ian to Endor
  • Leia warns Ian that experience is also a valuable training for a padawan

  • On board of the Tychorion
  • Leia expresses her worries about the rumors that Liane will be brought to the Outer Rim
  • Leia tells Madine about Luke's training with Liane
  • Madine agrees that Liane should be brought to Dalmaran so Luke can continue with her training
  • Ian warns that the Tychorion has reached Endor

  • On Endor
  • Wedge and his Gold Squadron group land on Endor
  • Leia Madine and the other meet them at the rendez-vous point and start their walk to the Ewok-village
  • On Coruscant
  • Doran Whain is about to leave for the Basilisæa and hold a last holo meeting with Jerno
  • Doran Whain tells Jerno that only he will establish the contact with the triarchy. It's a temporary safety precaution.
  • Doran Whain will provided a special code Jerno, Kalip and Valann only may use in case of emergency.


11 years ABY - 7th year AROTJ + 3 months
  • On Endor
  • Rand Phylotar arrives at the clearing near the lake;
  • The Ewoks attack Dendicott as he tries to reach the transport
  • Dendicott has to drop Liane and the Ewoks protect her
  • Rand Phylotar shouts at Dendicott that he will bring Liane to Palomintar Four;
  • Dendicott fights with Rand Phylotar;
  • Dendicott, Rand Phylotar and their men are taken prisoner and brought to the Tychorion
  • Yarmod Martan Wedge Antilles' padawan expresses his doubt about Liane's future as a Jedi Knight.
  • Wedge reprimands his padawan for his undisciplined behavior
  • On Endor
  • Luke and Liane 2 months united again
  • Luke and Leia 30 + 1 months Liane 24 + 3 months
  • Liane wakes up from the stunning and the voice of an old Jedi urges her to use the Force to slip the bands from her hands;
  • Liane attacks Dendicott who stuns her again;
  • Luke and his friends fight to free Liane;
  • Liane punishes Dendicott with Force Stasis and Force Choke;
  • Ian and Luke prevent Liane from killing Dendicott with her knowledge of the Dark Side
  • Wedge Antilles stops Liane as she tries to run away.
  • Liane is anxious about her use of her old knowledge;
  • Luke is disappointed and tells her to stop using the Dark Side of the Force, if she feels threatened;
  • Liane tells Luke about Tijan and how Anakin has forced her to kill Tijan with the use of the Force;
  • Luke understands Liane's behavior, but doesn't approve it
  • Luke goes back with Liane to the Ewok village to take care of Teebo and other wounded Ewoks.
  • On Endor
  • The group discusses several ways to rescue Liane
  • Yarnick suggests that the noises of an approaching space ship might lure Dendicott away from Liane
  • Luke asks Threepio and Artoo to seek a hiding place near the lake and produce the noise of an approaching space ship
  • Luke feels Liane's anger and warns through the Force not to give in to those emotions
  • Ian wants to attack Dendicott as he thinks the commander has killed her
  • Luke sends Wedge with the two padawans to the edge of the lake to standby and prevent that Dendicott can get away with Liane.
  • On an Outer Rim planet
  • A mysterious person gets a holo message that Olon Dendicott has caught Liane and will bring her to him
  • A mysterious person expresses his glee and brings out a toast to a holo image of Darth Vader
  • A mysterious person wants Liane to teach him the Sith lore she has learned from Darth Vader

  • On Coruscant
  • Jerno receives a holo recording from Doran Whain who has arrived on the Basilisæa
  • Jerno informs Kalip and Valann that Doran Whain's undercover mission on board has begun
  • Valann expresses his worry about admiral Vestor's ambitious behavior


11 years ABY - 7th year AROTJ + 3 months
  • On Endor
  • Ewoks begin preparing a celebration for the victory
  • Yarmod has to apologize for his biased judgment about Liane
  • Liane becomes friends with Yarmod Martan after he apologized for his insult
  • Luke talks with general Madine and Leia about Liane's way of life among the Ewoks
  • Luke defends Liane's stay on Endor
  • Leia and general Madine want to take Luke and Liane back to Irithim
  • Leia warns Luke that Liane's hiding place is no longer secret

  • On Endor
  • Luke and Liane 2 months united again
  • Luke and Leia 30 + 1 months Liane 24 + 3 months<
  • Liane helps Teebo in her special way;
  • Liane wants to tell Luke that Teebo will be alright
  • Liane hears that it's not certain she can stay at Irithim
  • Liane wants to leave Endor with the Granns, but she realizes that she can't leave Teebo;
  • Liane tells Yarnick and his brothers, Ian and Yarmod who she is and how she got back her memories
  • Luke encourages Ian to tell Liane what has happened to her on Wegoyy after Dendicott had mind drugged her

  • On Endor - Helping Teebo
  • Ian and Yarmod ask Liane if she can show them how she give her help to the wounded Ewoks;
  • Leia tells Liane that she can stay on Endor as long as she has to give her help to Ewoks;
  • Luke will stay with her as her guard and will protect her against other attacks
  • The Ewoks celebrate their victory with all their guests
  • Ian and Yarmod get permission to enter Logray's house; and
  • Ian and Yarmod feel how Liane is using the Force to help the Ewoks;
  • Ian and Yarmod help Liane with their Force knowledge;
  • Ian and Yarmod tell Liane, that she probably is a Force healer and has a exceptionally talent to use Force Battle Meditation and Force Shield Healing;
  • Ian and Yarmod urge Liane should tell Luke;

  • On Palomintar Four
  • Spies report to their mysterious lord that Olon Dendicott and Rand Phylotar have been arrested on Endor
  • Mysterious person is outraged, because Liane won't be brought to Palomintar Four
  • Another spy report to the mysterious lord that Liane will stay on Endor with Jedi Skywalker as her protector


11 years ABY + 1 month - 7th year AROTJ + 4 months
  • On Endor
  • Yarnick joins Liane at her tree house and ask her to become his wife
  • Liane refuses his proposal, as she's no longer Eilidh Grann
  • Liane tries to make Yarnick understand that his parents will always have their doubts about her
  • Yarnick has to agree and tells Liane about his youth and Marek's involvement with the Rebel Alliance
  • Liane accept him as her brother and friend as she does with his other brothers
  • Yarnick and his brothers leave Endor

  • On Endor
  • Leia and the two padawans leave Endor, too
  • Ian and Yarmod urge Liane to tell Luke about her way she uses to help the wounded Ewoks
  • Liane still has her doubts about Luke's task and is skeptical if she will tell him
  • On Endor
    • Luke and Liane 3 months united again
    • Luke and Leia 30 + 2 months Liane 24 + 4 months
    • Luke offers Liane his help, but she refuses
    • Liane gives her help to the Ewoks alone and doesn't allow Luke to join her
    • Luke realizes that he feels jealous, but he suppresses those feelings
    • Luke sees Liane after ten days again and expresses his worries about the way she looks
    • Liane begins to argue with him, telling him to mind his own business
    • Liane accuses Luke being jealous of the two padawans. Her words hurt Luke
    • Luke uses Affect Mind to penetrate Liane's train of thought, so he will know how she helps the wounded Ewoks
    • Liane become frightened and runs back to Logray's house, yelling at Luke that he must leave Endor. She breaks off her friendship with him

    • On Endor - Logray's hospital house
    • Liane tells Logray to forbid Luke to enter ever again
    • Liane notices the Jedi-pendant and wants to throw it out of the window
    • Obi-Wan 'Ben' Kenobi tells her that the Jedi-pendant needs more respect
    • Liane objects, but expresses her anger about what Luke has been doing
    • Obi-Wan talks to Liane about becoming a Jedi Knight, and the origin of her healing powers;
    • Obi-Wan tells Liane to hand the Jedi-pendant to Logray, so Luke can keep it for her.
    • Logray protests as Liane tells him to hand the Jedi-pendant to Luke
    • On Endor - Clearing with the stone
    • Luke consults his masters and his father;
    • Anakin tells Luke more about Severini Solichor, and hints on a secret marriage
    • Luke sees a Force image of a pregnant Severini. The resemblance between Severini and Liane is striking;
    • Obi-Wan and Anakin warn Luke not to reveal too early conclusions of Severini's pregnancy.
    • On Palomintar Four - Outer Rim
    • Spies tell the Outer Rim master Rand Phylotar has escaped and has a new plan that he wants to tell the master personally;
    • Darth Vader's holo image tells the mysterious master that he shouldn't be too sure about his future plans
    • The mysterious master wonders about Darth Vader's words, but denies their meaning

    • On Palomintar Four - Rand Phylotar's new plan
    • Rand Phylotar reaches Palomintar Four and meets his mysterious contact;
    • Rand Phylotar presents his new plan to the Outer Rim master;
    • Rand Phylotar has hired twelve of his elite force as mercenaries and will send them to Endor;

    • On Coruscant
    • Jerno, Valann, and Kalip discus the content of the intercepted messages from Palomintar Four
    • Jerno tells his co-leaders about his New Republic's contact about Jedi Luke Skywalker and his twin sister and their relation with Darth Vader
    • The three leaders on Coruscant decided to watch and monitor the developments on Palomintar Four more closely to avoid that the 'Master' in the intercepted messages will be in touch with Darth Vader's daughter.


    11 years ABY - 7th year AROTJ + 4.5 months
    • On Endor
    • The Ewoks take care of the mercenaries, after Luke has left with Liane;

    • On Coruscant
    • Jerno, Kalip and Valann have a holographic conversation with the Supreme Chancellor who grants permission to make use of the shielded partition on Quoith.

    • On board the Astræga
    • Luke and Liane 4.5 months together
    • Luke and Leia 30 Liane 24
    • Luke brings Liane to his father's old meditation chamber in the Astræga
    • Liane feels how the Force unites her with the galaxy;
    • Luke reveals Liane her mother has been a Force user with healing powers;
    • Luke apologizes to Ben as he thinks he looks at Ben in stead of Liane;
    • Luke gets a Force vision about Severini;

    • On Tatooine
    • Luke and Liane land near Ben former home;
    • Liane gets a strange vision and hears a female voice telling her more about her relationship with Luke;
    • Luke and Liane prepare their stay in Ben's home
    • Liane thinks she feels Ben's presence

    • On Tatooine
    • Luke takes Liane to Anchorhead but unexpectedly he drives along his former home
    • Luke is shocked about what is left of the homestead
    • Luke tells Liane about what happened that day
    • Liane shows her compassion with Luke's emotions as he decides to return to Ben's house
    • On Palomintar Four
    • The Outer Rim master is outraged because Liane has escaped him again;
    • Rand Phylotar is held responsible for the failed capture on Endor and taken prisoner on Palomintar Four
    • The mysterious master order some droids to keep Rand Phylotar prisoner, until he has captured Liane
    • The Outer Rim master wants Liane to punish Rand Phylotar for the second failure on Endor
    • The Outer Rim master decides to go searching for Liane's hiding place himself.
    • The communication droids tell their mysterious master that the Basilisaea is traveling through the Urervik cluster
    • The Outer Rim master tells his droid to send admiral Vestor a flattering invitation to visit him on Palomintar Four

    • On Coruscant
    • Jernoinforms Valann and Kalip about Rand Phylotars failure on Endor
    • The Coruscant leadersdiscuss what will happen if Luke will head for Irithim and bring Liane before the High Council
    • The Coruscant leaders want to bring former admiral Trevor Matrik back to Coruscant


    11 years ABY - 7th year AROTJ + 5.5 months
    • At Irithim
    • Ian Tydon has a Force vision about Liane and the mysterious person who is after her;
    • Ian mentioned the name of Darth Golluth, and draws an image of him;
    • Leia use the Force to find out if her brother is still on Endor with Liane;
    • On Tatooine
    • Luke and Liane 5.5 months united again
    • Luke and Leia 30 Liane 24
    • Liane offers Luke her help to ease his mind
    • Luke accepts her help and shares his most painful memories with her
    • Liane sees a future image of the founding of the Jedi Order again
    • Luke cherishes the image Liane has shared with him.

    • On Tatooine
    • Luke tells her how a padawan has to assemble his own lightsaber, before his initiation to Jedi Knight on Dagobah;
    • Liane helps Luke assembling a training light saber;
    • Luke give Liane a second gift in the form of a training lightsaber;
    • Luke takes the training lightsaber Liane has constructed as a reminder of their time together on Tatooine
    • Liane still doesn't agree to become Luke's padawan;
    • Liane still wonders about the Force image and the words she has heard.
    • On the Basilisæa
    • Admiral Vestor has a holo meeting with former admiral Trevor Matrik.;
    • Admiral Trevor Matrik suggests that the admiral can help him to capture Liane Vader, the dangerous daughter of Darth Vader
    • Admiral Vestor has some doubts, but is flattered and agrees to send a transport ship to Palomintar Four to pick up admiral Trevor Matrik
    • Admiral Vestor wonders about the clothes of the former admiral
    • Admiral Vestor orders Doran Whain to send a message to Coruscant, but doesn't reveal that admiral Trevor Matrik wants the Basilisæa to set course to Endor


    11 years ABY - 7th year AROTJ + 6 months
    • On Palomintar Four
    • Rand Phylotar manages to escape from Palomintar Four

    • Near Wegoyy
    • Rand's escape plan fails and he is captured and brought into detention on the Tychorion;
    • On Tatooine - Mos Eisley
    • Luke and Liane 6 months together
    • Luke and Leia 30 Liane 24
    • Luke and Liane can't leave Tatooine immediately to get back to Dalmaran;
    • Luke and Liane talk about Han, the Jedi Order, and midi-chlorians;
    • Luke rents a luxurious apartment;
    • Luke tells Liane he sees her as his foster sister
    • Luke teases Liane, and refers again to the Force image she has shown him.
    • Liane expresses her confusion, because she has seen herself dressed as a Jedi Knight
    • Luke wants to explain the meaning of their friendship, but is interupted
    • Liane wonders what Luke wanted to tell her;
    • Liane feels her close relationship with Luke, and immitates a vision as his padawan learner

    • On Tatooine - Mos Eisley cantina
    • Luke and Liane have a meal in Wuher's cantina
    • Luke is recognized by Chewbacca and hears about Han;
    • Luke and Liane go to the Millennium Falcon
    • On Irithim
    • Leia hears that Luke has left Endor and leaves with Ian to check with the Ewoks;

    • On Endor
    • Leia and Ian arrive on Endor and have an encounter with some of the intruders who wanted to lure Luke and kidnap Liane
    • Leia and Ian visit the Ewoks;
    • On Coruscant
    • Doran Whain has sent an audio report to the triarchy on Coruscant
    • Doran Whain reports about the shielded meeting between admiral Vestor and Trevor Matrik
    • Doran Whain reports about a transport ship and the boarding of the cloaked guest
    • Doran Whain reports about a space ship with the New Republic markings which has taken off from Palomintar Four
    • Doran Whain reports that a command to go into hyperspace has been given
    • Jerno tells Kalip to warn Irithim about the space ship's destination probably will be Wegoyy
    • Valann expresses his worries about Doran's description of the attire of the unknown guest who has come on board
    • Kalip discusses the possible conviction of Trevor Matrik when he returns to Coruscant
    • Jerno, Kalip and Valann feel the pressure of all the question raised about Trevor Matrik.


    11 years ABY - 7th year AROTJ + 6 months
    • On board the Millennium Falcon
    • Luke and Liane 6 months together
    • Luke and Leia 30 Liane 24
    • Liane enters the Falcon and hears Han's voice calling Leia
    • Liane feels Han's pain about his loss of his love;
    • Luke doesn't know how to help his friend;
    • Liane tells Luke she has heard Han's pleas
    • Liane tells Luke she has to help Han the way she has helped the Ewoks;
    • objects, but Liane insists to accept her point of view

    • Millennium Falcon - Control Room
    • Luke takes Chewbacca to the flight control room and hears the story about their dogfight.

    • Millennium Falcon - medic bay
    • Liane has her first session with Han.
    • Liane offers Han her help and passes images of his future with Leia to him.
    • Liane succeeds and manages to bring Han in a quiet sleep
    • Luke admires Liane's help
    • Luke, Liane and Chewbacca talk about Liane's help
    • Luke goes back to the apartment to pick up their luggage
    • On Endor - Ewok village
    • Leia hears from the Ewok leaders the story about the group of armed men, and Luke's departure with Liane.
    • Leia is reassured as Chirpa tells her the Ewoks keep an eye on the remaining armed men

    • On Endor - near the space port
    • Leia and Ian go back to the space port
    • Leia and Ian hide among the foliage around the space port as they notice that an unmarked space ship has landed
    • Leia and Ian see an unknown person appear
    • Leia compares her images with Ian's drawing; it is Darth Golluth
    • Leia and Ian notice a strange darkness around Darth Golluth

    • On Endor - space port building
    • Leia confronts admiral Vestor and summons he to leave Endor immediately
    • Leia and Raman Lengko cooperated, bluffing about the arrival the Tychorion
    • Leia and Ian leave Endor and head back to Dalmaran
    • On Endor - space port
    • Darth Golluth shows up on Endor and reveals himself personally, taking off the hood of his cassock
    • Admiral Vestor avoids a confrontation with the New Rpublic Tychorion
    • Admiral Vestor leave Endor orbit, after a serious warning from Leia she will report the admiral's action to the triarchy on Coruscant


    11 years ABY - 7th year AROTJ + 6 months
    • On board the Millennium Falcon
    • The Millennium Falcon gets into problems due to the galactic turbulence
    • On Tatooine - Mos Eisley
    • Luke and Liane 6 months together
    • Luke and Leia 30 Liane 24
    • Luke can't send a message to Dalmaran to inform his sister
    • Luke seeks out a way to leave Tatooine and find a full equipped medic center to help Han

    • On board the Millennium Falcon
    • Luke expresses his worries about Liane's help of Han
    • Chewbacca interferes and blocks the entrance to the sick bay.
    • Liane is furious about Chewbacca's opposition
    • Liane helps Luke and Chewbacca as they are trying to get out of the galactic turbulence
    • Luke and Chewbacca manage to stabilize the Falcon again

    • On board the Millennium Falcon - medic bay
    • Liane returns to her duty in the medic bay. Han is safe, but many vials are broken
    • Liane tells Han he can call her Eilidh
    • Liane shows Han the images of his wedding with Leia again

    • On board the Millennium Falcon - landing on Myydr
    • Luke tells Liane that Chewbacca and he will seek a solution to repair the Falcon on a nearby moon Myydkr

    • On board the Millennium Falcon - Myydkr
    • Liane continues her help, and Han finally fully surrenders, showing her everything what happened between Leia and him
    • Liane feels Han's pain as he let her be part about the way he broke off his relationship with Leia
    • Liane manages to make Han sleep again, but she is so shaken, that she looses consciousness, before she is able to reach Luke for some solace
    • On Irithim
    • Leia has transmitted the images of Darth Golluth to Quoith and gets information on admiral Trevor Matrik
    • Leia decides to go to Coruscant to get more data about the former imperial admiral

    • On Myydkr
    • Luke and Chewbacca get help from a fellow Wookiee on Myydkr
    • Luke and Chewbacca get a memory card to restart the Falcon and a weathered droid to help them
    • On board the Basilisæa
    • Darth Golluth scoffs admiral Vestor about his flight with the Basilisaea from Endor
    • Darth Golluth threatens admiral Vestor to reveal something about the admiral's past
    • Admiral Vestor oppose the threat and tells Darth Golluth he is the commander of the Basilisæa
    • Admiral Vestor wonders why Trevor has taken the name of Darth Golluth and what his real intentions with the daughter of Darth Vader are.
    • Admiral Vestor tells Darth Golluth he will be brought back to Palomintar Four
    • Darth Golluth calms down and accepts the admiral's idea that the Basilisæa will continue looking for Liane
    • Darth Golluth is former admiral Trevor Matrik


    11 years ABY - 7th year AROTJ + 6 months
    • On Coruscant
    • Leia meet Valann Namaran
    • Leia asks Valann for Trevor Matrik's personal file
    • Valann tells Leia he is doing research on Trevor Matrik himself
    • Leia has a serious exchange of information with Valann about Liane
    • Valann hands Leia the requested information
    • Valann brings Leia and Ian to the space port
    • On Myydkr
    • Luke and Liane 6 months together
    • Luke and Leia 30 Liane 24
    • Luke and Chewbacca return and find Liane .

    • On board the Millennium Falcon
    • Luke finds out the no harm has been done to Liane. She is just asleep

    • On board the Millennium Falcon
    • Liane wakes up and Luke tells her to stop with her way of help
    • Liane become outraged and shouts to Luke, arguing with him about her Force potential
    • On board the Millennium Falcon
    • Luke and Chewbacca manage to reset the Falcon's computer system
    • Han is awoken by Liane's yelling and asks for an explanation
    • Chewbacca explains to Han what has happened, as Han wonders why Luke is on board the Millennium Falcon
    • Han asks Luke if Leia has found someone else, and feels relieved if Luke tells him Leia is waiting for him.
    • Han wonders about Liane's help, and calls her by the name the Grann brothers had given her: Eilidh Grann
    • Luke urges Han to get back to Dalmaran and see Leia
    • Han stumbles to the cockpit and sets course to Dalmaran.