A Jedi's Fight - A Star Wars Fan Fiction Story

Chapter 24

iane was sitting on the small bench in front of her tree house, looking out over the lake. Logray and Luke had just left her. She sighed, as she recalled the serious words they had said. Luke had warned her, that her tree house was too far away from the relative safety of the Ewok village. Logray had heartily confirmed his words and had urged her to live inside the village again. Their concern was based on the information of several Ewok scouts that there were still some men of Dendicott's invasion force roaming in the forest. Her tree house was laying far beyond the perimeter of the village and Luke and Logray had warned her that she could be captured again. Logray had offered her all the rooms of his hospital tree to live in. That would also make it easier for her too to give her help to Teebo and his friends. She sighed once again and slowly rose to her feet to start packing her few personal belongings, when she became aware of footsteps on the passageway to the village. Immediately her hand went to the blaster Luke had given her.
"Who is there?" she said aloud.
"It's me?" a familiar voice said, "I've come to say goodbye."
Liane relaxed and stashed the blaster at her back between her belt.
"Hi, Yarnick, I've heard, that you and your brothers are going to leave tonight," she said and turned her gaze to the lake again.
"Yes, I've sent Brion to get our ship and pick us up at the clearing near the lake. May I keep you company before we leave?"
"Of course, you're welcome," Liane said and shifted to make some more room for him on the bench.
Yarnick Grann stepped on the broad terrace around the tree house and sat himself next to her. His gaze was also drawn to the lake and the sky above the trees. For moments they sat together in silence.
"Beautiful, don't you think?" Liane said with a happy sigh, "I love to sit here and watch the trees and the water."
"Yes, your house has been build on a great spot," Yarnick answered.
Again they sat in silence watching the scenery of the lake. Then Yarnick laid his arm around Liane's shoulders and wanted to pull her to him, but Liane backed off and pushed his arm away. Startled she look up at him and shook her head.
"Don't do that, Yarnick," She said, suddenly looking frightened.
"Eilidh, what's wrong? I thought we were good friends, you and I," Yarnick said.
Liane looked away from him.
"I ... it's not ... I like you ... You are my friend, Yarnick, but I don't ... want you to ... ," She stammered, and frantically shook her head.
"I'm sorry, Eilidh. I didn't want to frighten you. I just thought you understood what you mean to me. You know that Brion and I love you, don't you? You wrote it in the note you left us on Rasth," Yarnick said amazed.
"Things have changed, Yarnick," Liane said with a sigh, "I know that one of you wanted to marry me, but it's impossible."
"What do you mean, Eilidh?"
"Yarnick, do you realize I'm no longer Eilidh; I'm Liane Solichor. I'm no longer the girl you took onboard on Wegoyy. "
"I don't care, Eilidh. I want you to come with us. I want to introduce you to Marek and Aaliyah as their new daughter. I want you to become my wife."
Liane shook her head.
"Yarnick, please, I am Liane Solichor. I grew up on Morantan and have been raised by Darth Vader, my foster-father. You probably know who he was. You've heard enough stories about him and the emperor these last days. As the loyal assistant and commander of Emperor Palpatine he killed thousands of innocent humans and other species. "
"What does your foster-father's deeds have to do with my love for you, Eilidh?" Yarnick commented stubbornly.
"Everything, Yarnick, and, please, stop calling me Eilidh, for that girl doesn't exist anymore."
"So don't you love me? I thought you did," He said and Liane heard the disappointment in his voice.
"I do, Yarnick, believe me, I really do. I love you and Brion and all your brothers as my dearest friends, as brothers. Friends and brothers, for I respect what your father has done in the Civil War. He has risked his life and that of his family on more than one occasion. These last days, Luke has told us a lot about the undercover operations in which your father has been involved. Your father fought against the Empire, the emperor and Darth Vader. Do you really think that Marek and Aaliyah will be pleased and welcome me, the foster daughter of their enemy, as their daughter-in-law. They also would have their doubts about my imprisonment on Wegoyy. I'd wish that Marek had informed the government on Dalmaran when I was his guest. Yarnick, the situation completely changed after I got back my memories. With my past I never can be part of your family."
Liane was out of breath and looked at the man opposite her. She stretched out her hand and grabbed his hands.
"I love you, Yarnick, as my elder brother. Please, respect me and see me as your sister as you did while I was on board. I can't be part of your future, nor of the future of any of your brothers. My destiny probably lays somewhere else."
Yarnick Grann looked at the girl in front of him. His gaze turned to the lake. He sighed deeply and disappointed.
"You're right, Liane, although it is very difficult to admit. Marek would always have his doubts about you, if I would introduce you as my future wife," He said hoarsely, "My brothers and I grew up during the Civil War. Our family has suffered a lot. Marek brought Ronan and me secretly to Corellia to avoid that we would be drafted in the Imperial Forces. Ronan and I have lived under a false identity all that time, after Marek had brought us to some friends there. We were both old enough to endure the separation of our family. My father brought Aaliyah and my younger brothers to an unknown obscure planet in the Unknown Territories. Seven long years it took before our family was reunited again. After the fall of the Empire the leaders of the Alliance appointed my father at first as the mayor of Bestine and later the Supreme Chancellor granted him the assignment as the governor of Rasth. He'd gotten permission to go to the Unknown Territories to look for Aaliyah and his four younger sons. After he had found them he came to Corellia and took us back with him to Rasth. He'd never talked about his involvement in the Alliance. After Luke has told us what he really did during the Civil War, I respect him even more. He risked everything, even his family, because he fought for his ideals. I should be grateful to him that he survived the Civil War and got the opportunity to be reunited with his family again."
"You see, Yarnick, that I don't belong to your family, but I will forever be thankful for what you and your parents wanted to do for me. I have no relatives, my foster-father is dead. I don't know who my real parents are; if they are waiting for me somewhere, if they are still alive? You, your brothers and your parents will always be like family to me," Liane said with a trembling voice.
"For me you will always remain Eilidh Grann, my younger sister," Yarnick said, "Liane, my brothers and me will always be your friends. You will always be welcome on Rasth. I have to go now, but I expect to see you again some day," He said, and rose.
"I'm coming with you to say goodbye to the others. Wait a minute, I have to get my possessions. Luke and Logray want me to live in the Ewok village again for safety," Liane said.
She went inside her tree house. Some moments later she reappeared, carrying her old backpack. Yarnick started to laugh as he recognize the sack. He took it from her, while Liane carefully closed the door of her tree house. Together they walked to the village center, where Luke was waiting with Leia, Wedge and the two padawans. Several heavily armed Ewoks accompanied the group of friends to the clearing near the lake, where Brion was already waiting with the Grannd Traveler. Liane embraced her six friends with tears in her eyes. Luke shook hands with them and promised to pay them a visit. Yarnick and Brion walked up the ramp. The engines roared. Kieran and his other brothers boarded. The ramp closed and slowly the ship started to hover. It rose higher and higher, until it was above the forest canopy. There it turned, gained speed and vanished into the evening sky. Liane stood silently watching the little glowing spot, until it was swallowed among the tiny dots of the stars.
The mysterious dark robed person listened to the holographic image of the tall humanoid in front of him.
"Master, I have great news. Rand Phylotar has managed to escape from the hospital on Irithim, and has contacted us. He too has heard that the girl still stays on Endor," The creature said.
"Good, how long will it take before she can be brought before me?"
"Colonel Phylotar has offered us to assemble a new attack force. He can contact some old friends of him and hire them as mercenaries."
"Excellent. When those mercenaries have brought the girl to me, they have to be eliminated. I don't want living witnesses, remember!"
"As you wish, master, do you have any further order for me?"
"Yes, don't forget to thank Rand Phylotar for providing me with the information about Jedi Skywalker. Tell him, that his men should bring the girl ... and Jedi Skywalker to me."
"I will, master, but don't you think, it might be dangerous to bring that Jedi Knight together with the girl to Palomintar Four."
"No, that Jedi Knight might be a great asset to bring me more ultimate power. Together with Jedi Skywalker and the girl I will become invincible."
The hooded figure laughed. The tall humanoid bowed deep, before his image vanished. The dark figure walked back to the huge cave with the artificial torches at the wall and sat down in his chair on the dais. He reached to the pedestal next to him and activated the device. The three dimensional masked figurine appeared on top of the pedestal: the image of Darth Vader.
"Good evening, Lord Vader," The hooded figure said laughing mockingly, "I have a surprise for you. I almost have captured your daughter and ... your son! Amazing, isn't it, Lord Vader! Yes, you have a trained Jedi Knight as a son, a young man, almost still a boy, called Luke Skywalker. I'm sure that your son's Jedi powers will make it much easier for me to gain control over the universe. I'm sorry you're no longer with us to see this victory of the Dark Side of the Force. I assure you, Lord Vader, that the knowledge of the Dark Side will never be lost. I'm sorry I couldn't convince you to pass your knowledge to me when you were alive. We would have been a great team, but I promise you, that with the help of your son and daughter I will be as powerful as you once were."
The figure stretched out his hand to deactivate the pedestal, but looked at the masked holographic figurine in wonder, when he heard a familiar voice rumble softly, 'Don't be too sure of your plans, admiral. My son is a true Jedi Knight and will never turn to the Dark Side. You will never seduce him. You can't seduce him.'
The figure looked around to see if some one had entered the cave.
"I'm imagining things. Everybody can be seduced to the Dark Side, also a Jedi Knight," He murmured. He waved his finger to the holographic statue, "Everybody, Lord Vader. You wait and see. Your son and daughter too have sparks of the Dark Side inside them. When they will experience what great power the Dark Side gives them, they will become the Dark Side's loyal servants."
He deactivated the device and the statue vanished. On the armrest a remote control flashed and the mysterious person went back to the room with the holo display console, where the image of the tall humanoid had reappeared.
"Master, Rand Phylotar is on his way to Palomintar Four."
"All right, I'll see to it that he receives a hospitable welcome."
"Remember the arrangement, Luke," Leia said.
"I will, my dear sister," Luke said with a smile and kissed her, "As soon as Liane is absolutely sure, that those wounded fellow Ewoks have recovered, I'll bring her to Dalmaran. You have my word. I expect you, to do your share and figure out who is after Liane and if he lives on Palomintar Four."
Leia nodded. They turned around and saw Liane entering the clearing near the lake with Ian and Yarmod.
"We're going, young padawans." Leia said, "Yarmod, you will join Gold Squadron as soon as we have reached the Tychorion. Your master is waiting for you on board."
Yarmod Martan bowed in acknowledgement.
"I'm glad master Antilles has let me stay on Endor so Ian and I were able to support Liane. I've learned so much here, master Leia."
"We'll discuss your experiences when we're back on board of the Tychorion. Get on board you both, we're leaving any moment now."
Ian Tydon looked around and observed the trees, encircling the lake and the clearing.
"I love this village and this planet, master. It's so full of peace. Will we ever come back here?"
Leia looked up to the huge trees that surrounded the clearing.
"Endor is one of my favorite places in this galaxy. What you feel is the great influence of the Force between the Ewoks and this forest."
With a happy sigh she turned around and walked up the ramp. Luke followed her and beckoned Ian and Yarmod to join him.
"We're coming, master Luke."
He and Yarmod turned to Liane.
"You must tell him, Liane." Ian whispered quickly.
"What's the use of it. Haven't you heard that Luke is staying on Endor as my guard. You also have heard what his sister said just said to him. As soon as Teebo and the others have recovered, he has to bring me immediately to Dalmaran. Besides Luke wants me to become a Jedi Knight, a warrior and a fighter, for he has promised his father Anakin that he would teach me the ways of the Jedi. I have to learn to kill people and that's what I don't want to do. Never!"
Liane's whispered voice sounded stubborn.
"A Jedi never kills unnecessary, Liane. He can see through an opponent's true intentions or reason. I hope you'll change your mind," Yarmod said.
"Now you sound like Luke, Yarmod," Liane whispered annoyed.
Ian put a hand on her shoulder.
"Please, Liane, trust us, even if we're only two padawans. Your healing powers are led by the Good Side of the Force. You're a Jedi healer. Don't waste your talent."
"If you're speaking the truth, than the Force will help me to save my fellow tribesmen. I thank you both for helping me these days."
"Ian! Yarmod! We're going now," Leia's voice sounded sternly from inside the space ship.
"We're coming, master," Yarmod said in a loud voice and stepped on the ramp.
"We have to leave now, Liane. Remember what I told you. Master Luke wants to help you, like we did," Ian said.
"Have a good flight back home. May the Force be with you." Liane said with a stubborn smile.
"Thank you, Liane. We will meet you again on Dalmaran."
They walked up the ramp and entered the ship. A few moments later Luke came back and joined Liane. The ramp rose and closed with a hiss, then the engine started and the small ship started to hover a few meters above the ground. Slowly it rose higher. Luke took Liane to the edge of the clearing. There they watched how the ship rose above the canopy. The sound of the engines increased and the landing claws were pulled in. The ship turned her nose to the south and vanished behind the tree tops.
"I'm going back to Logray's house, Luke. I'm needed there," Liane said.
"Shall I help you?" Luke asked.
Liane shook her head.
"No, I'd better be alone with them."
She turned and started to walk back to the village.
'Tell him,' the soft voices of her padawan friends resonated in her mind, 'tell him, he'll understand and will give you all the help you need.'
Stubbornly she shook her head.
They reached the village in silence. Luke felt slightly disappointed, because Liane refused his assistance. He knew that Ian and Yarmod had helped her to cure the wounded Ewoks. They reached Logray's house. The little shaman greeted her respectfully.
"Haddo noma Teebo naka doa, Logray," Liane asked.
['Are Teebo and the others doing well, Logray?']
"Haddo sama doa,"Logray said.
['They are still asleep']
Liane walked over to the door; Luke followed her. Liane turned to him.
"Please, Luke, understand that I want to be alone if I help the wounded Ewoks. I will come to your tree house, as soon as I have finished my tasks."
Liane entered Logray's house and shut the door behind her. Luke slowly turned and walked back to the large tree house which the Ewoks had given him to stay. He entered the house and sat down on one of the benches. He sighed. He couldn't comprehend why Liane refused his help as a Jedi, while she had allowed the assistance of the two padawans. Why was she so reclusive about her way of help suddenly? He sighed again. He had no other choice than to wait.
"Hama noga dido Jedi Luke, Aay-lee ,"Chirpa said.
['You must tell the Jedi Luke, Eilidh ']
"Hado kama gona dono mina lada chomo, Chirpa. Hado tamma mido kifo."Liane softly protested.
['He is not interested in the way I help your people, Chirpa. He's only staying, because he has to guard me, until my work will be finished here. He has to bring me to Dalmaran. That's the order that general has given him.']
"And he wants to teach me to become a Jedi, he wants me to learn, how I can become a Jedi warrior." she continued in Basic.
"Hama Jedi lamasu. Hame kodo imsa mido gido. Kuna boda fima ziga fanda,"Chirpa said angry.
['The Jedi Knight is a good man. He came to our village when you were sick. You're very ungrateful if you're throwing away his friendship now']
"Chirpa, hado nodo nima iso Teebo. Kanula meto, hama?"Liane answered.
['Chirpa, I'll tell him, when Teebo has recovered. Dat beloof ik.']
Chirpa left Logray's house. The little chieftain looked at Luke, who stood patiently waiting next to the door. He shook his head. Luke nodded.
"I understand. I'll be patient. Take care of her."
He left the village center and followed the walkway to the lake.
It was the tenth day since he had last seen Liane. She had locked herself up in Logray's house and all his attempts to have a word with her had been in vain. Liane didn't let him in nor had she left the shaman's house.
Luke walked over to Liane's former tree house, sat down on the bench and watched the lake.
Why had she shown Ian and Yarmod how she helped the wounded Ewok? Why didn't she want him to give her assistance? She seemed to be very fond of the two young padawans. Luke tried to relax, but he felt some jealous emotions when he thought about Ian and Yarmod. He used a short Jedi meditation session to ban and control these feelings. Then he jumped down to the forest floor, and walked over to the lake. He sat down on the a fallen tree and watch the water. After some minutes he rose, jumped up to the terrace around Liane's tree house again and walked back to the center of the Ewok village, where he silently joined Chirpa's family to have a meal. In the afternoon he strolled listlessly through the forest. He missed his active life on Dalmaran and wondered if the oncoming months as Liane's guard would be quiet and uneventful ones. He had hoped to continue with her Jedi training after Dendicott and his men had been arrested, showing her the good things she could do with the Force as her ally.
It was near sunset when Luke entered the platform that led to his tree house near the village center. To his surprise Liane was sitting on a tree stump near the entrance. She looked pale and under her eyes were dark shadows.
"Liane, what's wrong with you?" He said, feeling a great compassion for her and knelt in front of her.
"I'm so tired. I could sleep for days," she answered, nodding half asleep.
"You look exhausted, what's the matter with you?"
"What do you mean? I did my normal work, but curing seven severely wounded Ewoks is a very heavy task."
"Didn't Logray help you."
"Of course he helped me. Now they are all asleep and I can take a few hours rest."
"A few hours. Liane, you look like a ghost. You can't go on like this."
Luke firmly took her hands in his and shook his head.
"Let me have a word with Logray and Chirpa. I will try to make clear that you are exhausted. They must understand, that you needed a long rest."
To his surprise Liane became furious. She jumped to her feet and looked angrily at him.
"Mind your own business, will you," She snapped and pushed him aside, "You really don't understand my help, right?"
"Maybe I will, if you tell me more how you are helping Teebo and his wounded friends, Liane. I even might be of some help," Luke answered quietly, neglecting her furious outburst.
"Get out of my way!"
Annoyed she wanted to go back to the village center. Worried Luke grabbed her arm.
"Liane, I only offering my ...?" But Liane didn't let him finish his question.
"I don't want your help. You're here to be my guard. You're here to bring me to Dalmaran immediately after Teebo has recovered. Stick to that task and leave me alone! You're not really interested in what I do. You only came to Endor to train me as a Jedi, because Anakin has asked you to promise him, that you will take me as your padawan. Tell your father, I never will become a Jedi. I hate him for all the evil knowledge he has taught me. "
"Please, don't blame Anakin for what he has asked me, Liane. You know very well, that he regrets what he has done to you. What have I said or done to make you angry with me? I'm offering my help, because there are so many casualties after Dendicott's attack on this village. You have shown Ian and Yarmod what you're doing. They have helped you every time when you went inside Logray's house. Why don't you want to show me?"
Calm and quiet Luke look at the angry face in front of him.
"So that's the matter!" She snapped, "Now I understand! You're jealous, Luke Skywalker!"
She jerked loose. She looked at him cold and haughty. Luke clearly felt that she was focusing her aggressiveness and anger on him to hurt him.
"Liane, don't use your aggression to express your em..."
"You don't have to remind me, I should control my emotions. I can decide for myself, do you hear! I already took care of wounded Ewoks the way I do, before you came to Endor. You're jealous, Luke Skywalker, because I have shown Yarmod and Ian what I do? Admit it. I didn't know that a trained Jedi Knight still could have that kind of dark feelings. You told me more than once that anger, hate, fear and passion leads to the Dark Side. Isn't jealousy also an passionate emotional feeling that can lead to the Dark Side?"
Her harsh words hung between them. Luke struggled to control the emotional feelings that threaten to overwhelm him. He desperately tried to control his jealousy, but suddenly his emotions prevailed, and an uncontrolled desire to show her his disappointment, broke his resistance. Before he realized what he was doing, he used the Force to break her resistance.
'You're going to tell me now, what you're doing in Logray's house?' He said penetrating her mind with his Jedi voice, 'You tell me exactly what you are doing. How you are able to help Teebo and his friends!'
Frightened, Liane raised her hands in protest, when she felt how his Jedi powers seemed to paralyze her thoughts.
"Luke! No!! Don't do this, Luke! Stop! Luke, you're not allowed to use your power to read my mind this way! Let go off me! Get out of my head! You're using the Dark Side's evil use to control me! I knew it! I knew it. You're a Sith, just like Anakin. " She screamed, covering her head with her arms.
With a shock, Liane's last sentence made Luke aware of what he was doing. His gaze met the eyes of the frightened girl in front of him. Her stammered words reverberated in his mind. He tried to grab her hands.
"Liane, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten ...!"
But Liane took a few steps back and looked at him anxiously.
"Go away! Go away, far away!! Leave me, leave this village, leave Endor! I don't want to see you anymore!! Never again!!"
She turned and ran away from him, hurrying to Logray's house.
"Liane! Let me explain! I didn't ...!!" Luke yelled, but she didn't listen.
For split second Luke stood motionless on the platform near his tree house, then he ran after her, but she had already reached Logray's house. She rushed inside and slammed the door. Luke tried to open the door, but she had locked it on the inside.
"Liane! Listen to me. I didn't mean..."
But the door remained closed and locked.
Feeling miserable and downhearted, Luke turned around, and jumped down to forest floor. Once outside the village he started into a wild run, desperately trying to suppress the shameful thoughts that rushed through his mind.
"Liane!" He felt the great disappointment in his own behavior as a agonizing failure. "Liane! I didn't want to scare you! I didn't want to control you!"
Stumbling over fallen trees and roots in the now dark forest he found his way to the clearing where he had found Liane, but the spot laid deserted, and felt hostile and cold.
"Liane!" He moaned in despair, "Liane, forgive me. I'm sorry, believe me, I am. I didn't want to use the Force this way..."
The words stuck in his throat. He had used Affect Mind, or Mind Control, to control her! Why, why, had he done this! This was not the way a Jedi had to respond to an aggressive opponent. Hadn't Yoda taught him, that a Jedi always uses the Force for defense, never to attack? He had attacked Liane; he had used his Jedi skills to penetrate her mind, so that he would know why she was rejecting his help. He had used the Force to tell him how she was helping Teebo and his friends.
"Liane!" He sighed desperately. "Liane, please, listen to me. Please, forgive me. Yes, I'm jealous of Yarmod and Ian, for I want to help you too, why are you refusing my help?"
He leaned with his head against the stone.
'Luke!' A soft voice sounded behind him.
Luke looked up and turned his head. In front of him stood the Force ghost of Anakin Skywalker.
"Father!" He cried out.
'It isn't easy to cope with Liane's unpredictable temper, is it, son?' The older Jedi said in a soothing tone.
"Father, I did something terrible!" Luke moaned.
'What happened, son? Come on, tell me.'
Anakin beckoned his son with his hand. They walked over to the fallen stem near the edge of the clearing. There they sat down; Luke looked up to the apparition of his father.
"Father, I misused my Jedi skills. I lost my temper, for Liane accused me of being jealous of the two padawan learners who helped her while she was taking care of some injured Ewoks. Her words hurt me deeply, and before I realized, what I was doing, I used Affect Mind to let her tell me, why she was refusing my help. I even penetrated her thoughts trying to find the reason for her refusal and she can help Logray to cure Teebo. I have frightened her, for she called me a Sith who's using the Dark Side."
'Liane has a special habit of provoking and irritating people, Luke! Even we, Jedi Knights, can have difficulties coping with such a temper,' Anakin said calmly.
Luke nodded.
"Her outburst seemed so irrational, when I told her she needed a long rest," He admitted. "She looked ill and exhausted. Her face shocked me, but I probably must have used the wrong words to express my worries."
'Luke, you should have known by now that Liane is a headstrong young lady, tenacious, defiant, stubborn and strong-willed. She doesn't want anyone to meddle in her affairs without her consent. I've never told her, but she outraged me more than once. I had my ways, of course, to make her obey me, but I've never broken her resistance, or her headstrong will. Many times during the training I gave her she kept opposing my use of the Force with her obstinate outbursts, calling me an unworthy and evil user of the Force. It wasn't until I left Morantan the last time that she finally became submissive and completely surrendered to what I had taught her.'
"I shouldn't have used Affect Mind to force her to tell me what she's doing. It frightened her, I saw it in her eyes. A Jedi doesn't use his knowledge this way. Yoda leerde me om onder alle omstandigheden een gelijkmatig gedrag te bewaren. I have failed him. I've failed my old master. I am no Jedi! " Luke murmured, hardly listening to Anakin's confession. "I should have controlled my jealousy, as he taught me, but I couldn't. Maybe Liane is right, maybe I'm a Sith, a follower of the Dark Side. "
'You're talking nonsense, son, and you know that Liane said this to hurt you even more. Didn't Anakin just told you that she has a special way to provoke anyone who is opposing her. Luke, every Jedi is a living being with emotional feelings. You have learned to control your emotions and behave even-tempered, for Yoda taught you that emotional feelings might lead to the Dark Side. But you also have learned to be compassionate and empathic, but these two virtues are based on emotional feelings too. The Good Side is a narrow path to follow, son. Even though we are fully aware, that we are luminous beings who are part of a much larger world, we will always be confronted with our own failures every now and than. Those failures are our greatest teachers. You have become aware now, that you did something wrong, but you're not really the one who is to blame for what happened.' Another soft voice said.
"Obi-Wan!" Luke exclaimed. "Of course I am to blame! As a Jedi I should have known better! I should have controlled my jealousy. I shouldn't have been lead by her anger. Ben, what can I do! How can I make clear to her I only wanted to help her, like those two padawans did."
'Take it easy, son,' his old master said. 'Liane's tantrums are guided by her insecurity about the Force's influence on her. The influences of the Force that she experiences more and more confuse her, but also frighten her, because she has experienced how much harm it can do. The unexpected way she can help those wounded Ewoks; the lessons and the experiences you gave her and the help those two padawans gave her made her aware that there are other ways to use the Force. Unfortunately, she's still convinced that her use of the Force is affected by what Anakin taught her. She now needs a Jedi Knight as her tutor. You must show her how to use her true powers. You are the one who must guide her and show her the ways of the Jedi. You are a Jedi Knight and she needs the help of a Jedi Knight to develop her Force abilities.'
Luke sighed and shrugged dejectedly his shoulders.
"I'm not so sure if I'm really cut out for this job. Like you said, Obi-Wan, she's so Force-sensitive and powerful, but she's constantly doubting her abilities. She can be a Jedi Knight, but her uncontrollable behavior and aggressiveness make it impossible for me to let her fully experience the Good Side of Power."
Anakin nodded and said half aloud.
'Liane definitely inherited her strong rebellious nature from her mother.'
Luke looked up astonished.
"Her mother? You know who her mother is?"
Anakin nodded, but didn't comment on his son's question. Luke watched the Force ghost of his father and suddenly he understood the meaning of Anakin's words.
"Do you mean, father, that the woman who defended herself in that lightsaber duel and who became one with the Force on Morantan, the Jedi-healer Severini Solichor, is Liane's real mother? But you told me that you assumed, that Severini was trying to revive the training of Force-sensitive younglings?"
'That was indeed my first conclusion after I found the little toddler in her house.'
"So Liane is Severini Solichor's daughter?"
Obi-Wan Kenobi shook his head.
'Anakin, be careful of what you're revealing,' his calm voice interrupted.
Luke looked curiously at his father. Anakin nodded, and continued, 'After I had left the girl with Eremian, I searched the ruined archive of the Jedi temple more seriously, looking for documents about Severini Solichor. I especially was interested in any clues to find out if she had taken that little protégée, a secretly hidden Force youngling, when she fled Coruscant unnoticed. I wanted to find the parents of the girl who I wanted to raise as a Sith apprentice, but there was nothing left of the registration that documented the origin of Force-sensitive newborns.'
'The Jedi archives only revealed, that Severini Solichor had gotten her initiation to Jedi Knighthood at a very young age. She had passed all the Jedi trials successfully at the age of seventeen, shortly after she had become the padawan of master Yoda. Yoda had encouraged her to develop her Jedi healing powers and Severini became the youngest Jedi-healer ever. She was not yet twenty when she became chief executive of the medical center of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.'
'I always have respected her enormous knowledge and commitment. She was kind and always ready to give personal help, including to the poorest living creatures on Coruscant, whom she gave her help without asking for anything in return. Master Windu once told me that Severini's healing skills were inherited Force powers which has been passed on to the female members of a bloodline of Jedi, which goes back several hundreds of generations to the days of the beginning of the Old Republic. As the head of the Jedi medical center Severini also was involved in the early upbringing, teaching and care of new Jedi younglings and newborns.'
'In her position as principal Severini had several close relations with politicians and senators on Coruscant. The records in the archives revealed that Padmé had been consulting Severini regularly during her pregnancy. As far as I know Severini has been the only one who already knew at an early stage that I was the father of Padmé's child. Subsequently I found evidence of rumors that she had been intimate friends with some space fleet generals, and she also seemed to have close attachments to some male Jedi Knights. Among her many admirers were master Windu, and of course master Yoda. That didn't surprise me, for Severini was a very attractive and beautiful woman, and although the Jedi Order forbade a marriage and personal attachment, it wouldn't have surprised me if Severini Solichor should have been involved in a similar secret relationship, like Padmé and I had. '
'Remember I told you, that after the fall of the Jedi Temple Severini all of a sudden disappeared. Nobody knew what had happened to her. Palpatine and I assumed that she had felt the tremors in the Force associated with the annihilation of the Jedi Order and that she had found a way to evade the same fate. Another reason for her disappearance could also indicate that she secretly had planned to leave the Jedi Order and Coruscant and follow a space fleet officer, or a civilian, whom she had fallen in love. If she has married someone secretly, it's very likely that she got pregnant.'
Luke looked flabbergasted at the two Force ghosts after Anakin's story. Turning to the Force he looked for a confirmation about what he had heard. In a short Force flash he saw a young pregnant woman who resembled Liane.
"I think you're right, father. Severini Solichor is ....!" He wanted to exclaim, looking surprised at the two Force apparitions, but his old master silenced him, and sighed with a worried smile.
'You have developed a tremendous insight, my son, but Anakin and I want you be careful. Keep what your father has told you to yourself. Don't reveal the images the Force just has shown you to Liane yet, Luke.' Obi-Wan Kenobi interrupted again.
"You are confirming Anakin's words, Ben, aren't you?" Luke asked holding his breath.
'Let me put it this way, Luke. I know what the Force has shown you, so I'm not denying what Anakin has told you. Indeed Severini fled from Coruscant with some one. They found a refuge on Morantan and temporarily have stayed there, but it's not the right moment to reveal the images the Force has shown you to Liane.'
Luke was silent, but then he said reluctantly.
"Obi-Wan, why can't I tell her, that she has inherited the influence of the Force from her mother and that her possible use of the Force as a healer has nothing to do with her upbringing by Anakin. I won't have to tell her yet her mother was a Jedi in the temple on Coruscant."
The Force ghost of the old Jedi shook his head.
'First of all, Liane has to find real confidence in her relation with the Good Side of the Force and we want you to stay with her and guide her. It won't be easy for you, son, but you're not alone with this burden. We all will give you all the support you might need,' he said calmly, 'In the future, there will be moments enough to lift the veil of her birth step by step. Keep what you have seen to yourself, Luke. Liane isn't yet ready to know her true ancestry, and you might lose what you have achieved so far. She is getting more faith in the Force, even if the results of your teachings look disappointing. You've done well so far, my son.'
Luke looked very serious and remained deep in thoughts for some moments. He nodded slowly.
"I guess, you're both right. I now fully understand, why she can cure those wounded Ewoks, for she is using those inherited Force healing powers of her mother Severini. You want me to stay passive and patient. I will, I can assure you. In time I will show her more of the ways of the Jedi and I will practise with her those Force skills she is willing to accept. Thanks, Obi-Wan! Thanks, Father! I'm going back to the village now and will make it up with her. Although that won't be easy."
While he rose, the Force ghosts of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker disappeared.
"Kalip, Valann, I wanted another private consult again, for our undercover agent on board the Basilisæa has intercepted several messages from Endor and Irithim. I'm getting very worried about the real intentions of our former admiral. As a loyal supporter of emperor Palpatine, he really seems to make plans to revive the empire. In the last intercepted message he speaks of getting not only Darth Vader's daughter, but also of getting the dark lord's son," Jerno said.
"Darth Vader had a son?" Valann asked.
"Yes, and a famous one, no one else than commodore Luke Skywalker," Jerno said.
Startled Valann looked the his two companion.
"Commodore Skywalker, the Jedi Knight, is Darth Vader's son!? Jerno, are you sure?"
"Definitely. After I had heard the content of those newly intercepted messages I have made contact with Irithim to inquire what they knew about the kinship of their famous Jedi, and their answer surprised me, but also has reassured me. Jedi Skywalker is the son of Darth Vader indeed. Earlier on we already had information about the princess of Alderaan, senator Leia Organa, Commodore Skywalker's twin sister. She is Darth Vader's daughter, too. The New Republic has send me an encrypted documents about the Skywalkers, which confirms their relationship with Darth Vader. You both get it at the end of this meeting."
"Did you check our old archive who was the mother of the twins? Is she also the mother of that second daughter Vader raised as his Sith apprentice?" Valann asked.
"I did, but most files dating back to the Old Republic, have been deliberately corrupted or destroyed. The data isn't reliable anymore. I've found no evidence that Vader married some one."
"I wonder, if Darth Vader has ever known he had twins," Kalip said suppressing a slight smile, "but, Jerno, what do we know about the whereabouts of his second daughter at the moment.
"The decrypted messages aimed at the Palomintar System mentions that she is staying on Endor at the moment. Commodore Skywalker seems to be with her. There is talk of a kind of attack on Endor. A group of guards from the Wegoyy prison under the command of Olon Dendicott seems to have tried to kidnap her, but the New Republic has intercepted their plans and sent an armed ground force as reinforcement. No harm had been done to the woman and Dendicott's men have been captured, including Olon Dendicott himself and Rand Phylotar. And now I come to our next issue. The last intercepted message mentions that Rand Phylotar is on his way to Palomintar Four to meet the one who always is addressed as 'My Lord' or 'Master' in the messages. Probably Rand Phylotar will propose a new plan to capture the daughter of Darth as she's still staying on Endor with only commodore Skywalker to protect her . We have two options. We can order admiral Vestor to intercept Rand Phylotar's ship, but then our man on Palomintar Four will know he has been monitored, or we could let Rand Phylotar land, so he will meet our former admiral. In that case we don't have to inform the Basilisæa's commander, but leave it to our man on board to monitor what's going on. What's your opinion?"
Kalip and Valann looked at Jerno.
"Any idea what the consequences might be, Jerno?"
Jerno shook his head.
"No, we're almost certain that our former admiral is living on Palomintar Four, for it's clear to us that in the former messages we've recognized his voice. We're also almost certain, why he needs Darth Vader daughter Liane to be brought to the planet, for he knows who taught her the Sith lore, the knowledge he needs to carry on with he plan to revive the empire. Somehow he has learned about the relation between Jedi Skywalker and Darth Vader. I assume he wants to include Jedi Skywalker in his future plans as well. We need to thwart his plans and find a way to capture him and bring him back to Coruscant, if necessary with help from the New Republic."
"Have you thought about an immediate action of the Basilisæa at the Palomintar System?" Kalip asked.
"No, absolutely not. That's last option at the moment, Kalip. The Basilisæa's mission still remains surveillance near Urervik cluster. Beside as long as the New Republic is controlling the whereabouts of Darth Vader's daughter, we only have to ensure that with their cooperation, our missing admiral will never meet her. Her knowledge of the Sith lore must never fall in the hands of our former admiral."
"In my opinion we should allow Rand Phylotar to land and meet our man," Kalip said.
Valann nodded, "With our undercover agent on board the Basilisæa the monitoring of Palomintar Four could give us more information."
"It's a pity, we can't inform our agent about these new developments," Kalip mused.
"That's part of our agreement with him, but I'm sure that he will interpret the expansion of the Basilisæa mission correctly. As the chief communication officer, we gave him carte blanche to carry out this mission as he sees fit," Jerno said.
"Haddo noma Jedi ido!"Liane said to Logray with an angry look on her face.
['Never let that Jedi come in here!']
"Haddo tano moma dido"Logray answered.
['What has he done?']
"Haddo mino Jedi doga. Haddo Sith. Haddo mino mika dona toio"Liane said and her voice trembled.
['He is no real Jedi. He is a Sith. He tried to control me.']
Chirpa entered Logray's house and heard Liane's last words.
"Haddo nima dido kama toio wido. Haddo kama simo lada tomo."He said.
['You'd better tell him how you help us. You have told the others.']
"Haddo noma Yarmo endo Iano mesa tala,"Liane said stubbornly.
['Yarmod and Ian understood my help']
"Haddo kama simo, toio wido namo Jedi,"Chirpa answered and looked at her with a stern face.
['The Jedi will understand better, why are you so stubborn.']
Liane turned to Logray, who nodded in agreement. She neglected the two Ewoks and walked up the stairs.
"I'm going to help Teebo and the others," she said in Basic.
When she was washing her hands; she saw her face in a piece of polished metal above the basin. Yes, she looked pale and yes, and she felt deadly tired. All her energy she had passed on to her injured friends. Luke had been right of course; she needed some rest to recover. But his way of interfering with her chores, even trying to penetrate her mind, had outraged her. He had hurt her deeply, when he had tried to read her thoughts using the Force. What he had done, was a great misuse of his knowledge. She shivered; again she felt the fear, when she had become aware that his Jedi voice was penetrating her mind. Then her gaze caught the Jedi-pendant in the mirror. Angrily she unfasten the chain and walked over to the window. She rose her arm and wanted to throw the pendant away.
'Stop, Liane! Don't do that. A Jedi-pendant deserve more respect.' A soft voice behind her said.
She whirled around and saw an old man, clad in the clothes of a Jedi Knight surrounded by a bluish Force light.
"Who are you? And why don't you mind your own business. I don't want to wear this anymore. Luke's no longer my friend, not anymore. He never has been," she snapped.
The Force apparition smiled.
'Are you sure Liane? Perhaps you should recall the moment Luke gave you the pendant? Perhaps you should recall what's engraved on its backside? Perhaps you should recall the moment here on Endor when you became aware, that you needed Luke's help, and that you had to use the Jedi-pendant to establish the contact between the two of you? Didn't Luke come to Endor immediately to help you? If you throw away the Jedi-pendant Luke made for you, you disrespect his gift. Luke is your friend, Liane, he is the best friend you can have.'
"I don't think so. He has come to Endor, because he has a warrant to bring me to Dalmaran, so they can exile me to Wegoyy again. He also has made a stupid promise to his evil father who has asked him to train me as a Jedi Knight. A warrior and a fighter," Liane snapped angrily.
The apparition laughed at her snappy reply.
'Yes, you're right about the warrant Luke has, but Luke is the only officer who may bring you back to Dalmaran. After your disappearance he especially has asked general Madine to withdraw all the search warrants with your name on it. When you used the Jedi-pendant again after that long period of silence, Luke heard your first desperate pleas, although you weren't able yet to make a solid connection through the Force. The Force brought Luke's spirit to Endor, the small moon he knew so well. You saw his apparition, and although you couldn't tell him where you were, Luke recognized the clearing, the stone and knew where to look for you. He immediately changed his travel scheme and hurried to Endor to reassure you and to fulfill the promise that you always could count on his help.'
'About Luke's promise to Anakin I have to explain a bit more to you, Liane. Your perception of the Jedi Knights is wrong. A Jedi Knight dedicates his whole life in the service of bringing peace and justice. He can do that in several different ways. During his education he learns and experiences where his affinities lay. Before the demise of the Jedi Order and the destruction of the Jedi temple the Jedi Council send, those Jedi Knight who had dedicated their lives as peace keepers and watchers on request of the local population or the leaders wanted support in solving problems to planets and systems all over the galaxy. Other Jedi developed interest in scouting unknown parts of the galaxy and some became diplomats, supporting politicians and senators. There also have been many Jedi who took great pleasure in the education of the younglings in the Jedi Temple; or they dedicated themselves to farming and agriculture, bringing prosperity on former barren planets. A Jedi also could choose a career to help and cure other living beings, but every Jedi Knight was raised and educated at the Jedi temple have learned to accept the Force as his ally. No one can be forced to dedicate his life bringing peace and justice to systems in need, because a Jedi who chooses to bring peace and justice makes a personal choice. His task can be dangerous and unpredictable, so it's a heavy burden. All the other tasks which the Jedi carry out are just as valuable and respected, for in all those tasks the Jedi want to serve the the many systems in the galaxy with their Force abilities. If you don't want to become a peacekeeper, then Luke will respect your choice.'
"How can you be sure. You seem to know Luke?" Liane said curtly
'Luke was my padawan for a short time, a very short time, Liane.' the Force ghost said gently.
Liane's lips curled a bit cynical.
"It must have been a very short time indeed. He seems to have forgotten your lessons. Do you know what he did to me? He used Affect Mind to find out why I didn't want his help. He tried to read my mind so he would know how I was helping the wounded Ewoks. "
'And now you think, Luke is as evil as your foster-father Anakin Skywalker once was, because Anakin often did the same, don't you, Liane? '
Liane nodded.
"Yes, Luke has been using his Dark Side powers to control me. He a Sith lord, like his father was. He is jealous, because I don't want to let him help me to take care of Teebo, the way Yarmod and Ian did."
'Calling Luke a Sith is a very serious accusation, Liane, which you can't proof, for Luke absolutely isn't Sith lord, he hasn't used the Force like Anakin did. Luke's a Jedi Knight and his use of the Force stems from his compassion and his desire to give his help wherever it's needed. But a Jedi Knight is a living being, Liane, with emotional feelings. That's what happened. You deeply hurt Luke's feelings with your harsh accusations about his jealousy. And you made it worse by accusing him of being a Sith lord. You, obstinate young lady, have been misinterpreting Luke's action, because your experiences on Morantan have shown you too often the wrong use of the Force.' the apparition said sternly, 'Luke is a servant of the Light Side, the Good Side of the Force. He wants to help you, so you will become aware of the Force's influence on your life and your behavior. The way you use your Force abilities to help your Ewok friends is exhausting you, because the way you use your Force skills you are just a novice. Your skills to cure your Ewoks friends haven't fully-fledged yet. They take a lot of your energy, for you're not yet fully aware how you can make full use of the powers you possess. Luke is concerned about you and your use of your slumbering Force skills.'
"I don't want his concern, nor his help. If I'll tell Luke how I help those wounded Ewoks, he will tell me, that my use of the Force is wrong, that Anakin has taught me how to use the Dark Side of the Force that way. I want to help the Ewoks the way I do. It works; some of them have already fully recovered, even a few of the very bad injured ones," Liane said stubbornly, feeling annoyed about what the Force Ghost was telling her, but apparition continued without commenting on her aggressive reaction.
'The way you use the Force to cure and help your wounded little friends, is, on which Luke wants to support you. Liane, you have discovered here on Endor a different way to use your Force abilities. You are using the Force to heal wounded Ewoks. That Force use has nothing to do with what Anakin taught you. You are dedicating yourself, fully surrendering to the Force's influence to use this new Force experience. Ian and Yarmod called you a Jedi-healer, and they were right. You posses the Force Shield Healing power, an extraordinary Force skill which can cure and heal damaged tissue while using your own Life Force, your Force energy, to heal the injuries. You intuitively discovered this very special ability of using the Force, when you allowed yourself to be guided by what the Force wanted you to do. This use of the Force is lead by the Good Side of the Force. If you should have been fully skilled to use Force Shield Healing with your own Life Force, you would have known that using your Life Force energy exhaust the user of it. You would have known you needed time to rest and recuperate. Luke saw how exhausted you were; you even admitted that it was a heavy task to cure all the injured Ewoks. You should have listened to Luke and, above all, to your own feelings. Your healing powers have nothing to do with the use of the Dark Side. The Dark Side hasn't any knowledge about Force healing powers, for the Dark Side is focussed on destruction of life, like Anakin taught you. You have experience much of that evil influence on Morantan.'
Liane sat down on a sawed tree stump and looked at the bluish apparition. She still felt annoyed and obstinate, but there was also a strong feeling of relief and inquisitiveness after she was listening to the Force ghost.
"You're Ben Kenobi, aren't you? It was you, on the clearing, who told me to use the Jedi-pendant again. Luke has told me about you. He loves you very much. He always talks with so much respect about you. He misses you," She said on a much more quiet and gentle tone.
The apparition nodded and smiled as he noticed the soothing tone in her voice.
'Indeed, I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Ben Kenobi, Liane, Luke's former teacher. I miss him too, but I had to leave him. I had no choice. It wasn't my destiny to train him any further as a Jedi Master would train a padawan. But after I became united with the Force I have supported him many times with my voice, while he learned step by step to understand more of the Force's use and the Force's influence on him. After three years he had gained enough experience using the Force. It was time to give all those random experiences more structure. So on Hoth I appeared to him as a Force ghost for the first time and I sent him to Dagobah where my old master Yoda could complete his training as a Jedi Knight.'
Liane nodded.
"Luke has told me all about his Jedi training op Dagobah. Also that he broke off his training to help his friends, because Darth Vader... Anakin had taken them prisoner. He had an unexpected encounter with Anakin, lost his hand as he fought with Anakin and Anakin told him that he was his father. It was a devastating blow to him. When he told me what has happened between Anakin and him, I clearly felt how painful those memories were. He had idealized the person who his father had been. His confrontation with Anakin, back then ..... Darth Vader, shattered his believe. After have rescued his friends he went back to master Yoda to complete his training, but, after master Yoda had confirmed that Anakin was his father, the old master died ... eh, became a Force ghost like you. Luke has lost many good friends and teachers after he left his home world Tatooine. Are you here to help Luke? Do you believe he would do something foolish again?"
The bluish apparition laughed.
'Luke must have been very honest with you, because he told you everything that happened to him on Bespin and what happened afterwards, didn't he.'
Liane nodded again.
"On Ortel, Zolgathrii tried to kill Luke. Luke had briefly turned his head to see if I was safe. He tried to deflect the laser beam, but was unable to prevent the beam from injuring his prosthetic hand. I saw how his face twisted in pain as the laser beam hit his hand. On board the Tychorion I saw the artificial tendons and those hard steel bones when he came to see me. That was the first time I spoke to him. I wanted him to feel less pain because he offered me his friendship."
The Force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi looked at her with a gentle smile as Liane seemed no longer be aware of where she was. For several moments he let her relive those moments in her past.
'In answer to your question, I can tell you that I'm not here to help Luke. Luke doesn't need anymore help of his former masters. He is a fully-fledged Jedi Knight. He only consults us every now and then, because to re-establish the Jedi Order is a heavy burden for him. I am here to help you , together with Anakin, your foster-father, for Anakin deeply regrets what he has done to you, that's why he also has asked Luke to promise him, that Luke will show you the ways of the Jedi, so you will learn to use to Good Side of the Force and unlearn his evil teachings.' ,
Liane looked at the Force ghost. She felt at ease with the apparition of Luke's former master. She felt, he was telling her the truth. There seemed to be growing a strange sense of familiarity between her and the Force ghost. She sensed she could trust him. Obi-Wan smiled at her, as he noticed her aggressive mood had faded.
"I would like to unlearn and forget what Anakin has taught me, but I don't know if I can", She said softly, "It often seems so difficult."
'It won't be an easy way, but Luke can help you, if you listen to what he is telling you, Liane. For now, you'd better give the Jedi-pendant to the little shaman, if you don't want to wear it at the moment. Ask him, if he will give the Jedi-pendant to Luke, so Luke can save it for a while. I am sure you will wear it again. Luke's friendship is more important to you, than you realize. Now go on with your task, Liane. Help this tribe with your Force abilities as a Force healer. Don't fear your Force skills; they are driven by the Good Side of the Force, you can use them to do good. These little furry creatures respect you, for what you do for their injured fellows. Let the Force guide you to bring joy and happiness among this tribe. And remember, Liane, the Force will be with you, always!'
The Force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi disappeared. Deep in thoughts Liane remained on the tree stump for a long while, thinking about what Luke's former master had told her. Finally she slowly rose and walked to the next room; her mind still full of thoughts. She had talked to Luke's former master, Ben Kenobi. He seemed to be a very wise and trustworthy man. Maybe she should go down and find Luke? Maybe she should tell him everything, as his old master more or less had been suggesting? Suddenly annoyed she pushed back her hair, as she remembered how Luke had used his Force skills. Logray looked up as she entered.
"Haddo kama simoti vedo Luke?" She said to Logray and put the Jedi-pendant in his paw.
['Will you hand this to Luke?']
"Kima hama kuma soti lona." The little shaman said and shook his head.
['You're doing the wrong thing']
"Kama dodi, Logray, tama" Liane said.
['Please do, what I asked you, Logray'.]
One of the wounded Ewoks moaned. Quickly Liane knelt down and placed her hand soothingly on the little bear's forehead. Her connection with the Force began to flow around and through her. Her mind absorbed the bear's pain and suffering, and she returned the wonderful images of his happy recovery in her little friend's mind. Hovering her hands above the injury on his thigh she noticed how the bluish light of the Force penetrated the wound and began to repair and cure the damaged tissue. All thoughts of Luke and their broken friendship had been driven from her mind.
A space craft, carrying the insignia of the New Republic, slowly lowered its landing claws, but remained hovering above the deserted city for some moments. Rand Phylotar cast an astounded glance through the cockpit window. Empty houses, deserted streets and squares, streets and gardens overgrown with weeds. Was this the place where his client was living? He looked at the flight console to check the coordinates. They matched. The synchron blinked. This was the right spot. Rand walked over to the controls and put the space craft down on what seemed to be a main square in the middle of the deserted town. He stopped the engines, lowered the ramp and walked down. To his surprise he was met by two heavily armed droids. Where they had come from seemed puzzling. One of the droids beckoned him to follow them.
"This way, sir. Please follow us," The droid said.
They walked over to a old model imperial speeder. The droids opened the door and invited the colonel to step inside. Reluctantly Rand Phylotar sat down at the back seat. The two droids took the front seat and pressed a button. Suddenly the windows, even the front windscreen darkened and the paristeel top cover became opaque and shielded off any view and light of the outside environment. Rand began to feel very uncomfortable. This welcome wasn't, what he had in mind.
"What's this all about?" He asked, but his voice was lost in the roar of the speeder engine. At high speed they left the landing spot. In the darkened speeder Rand Phylotar lost his sense of direction.
The speeder came to a abrupt stop and the top cover and wind screens turned transparent again.
"Colonel Rand Phylotar, welcome on Palomintar Four, " A voice said amplified inside the vehicle.
The location were the speeder had stopped was shrouded in complete darkness. Rand Phylotar tried to penetrate the darkness around him. He rose and wanted to leave the speeder.
"Stay where you are, colonel. We can talk this way," The voice continued, "Will you bring me the girl... and her Jedi companion? I'm obliged to you, for telling me about the parentage of Jedi Skywalker. It's been a great surprise. How are your plans proceeding?"
"My men will bring them to you, but I have my conditions. I need the girl's testimony to secure my career," Rand answered reluctantly
"I've already taken steps to ensure that for you. Bring her and Jedi Skywalker safely to this place and together we will force the girl to tell those rebels on Dalmaran the truth. Your truth and mine. Do we have a deal?"
For a moment Rand Phylotar hesitated. The sound of the voice gave him an uneasy feeling. It seems to him that he had heard it before, a long time ago.
"Yes," he said with some hesitation in his voice.
"Good," the voice continued, "Now about the details of your plan, colonel?"
"I have hired a group of twelve volunteers form the elite guards for a special mission to Endor," Rand Phylotar answered with caution trying, like a blind man, to see the invisible owner of the voice.
"Good, so the girl can be mine without any delay."
"Yes, there's no way she can flee, for those twelve men are highly trained guards of Wegoyy's prison. They are absolutely no match for her, nor for a Jedi. The Jedi is not a fighter. After Dendicott and I had captured the girl he didn't intervene immediately. He waited to recapture the girl until the New Republican Forces had arrived."
"What about those tree bears? They are dangerous fighters, I was told."
"No match for my men, sir?"
"Good. When do you expect them to leave for Endor?"
"Within a standard month. This time they will land on a clearing in the Endor forest and can reach the village on Endor during the night. Their flight to the Palomintar System will take no longer than three days."
"Excellent work, colonel. I'm glad that the government of the New Republic has seen to it that you've got a fast recovery in a bacta tank, so you were able to flee from Irithim and continue your important work for me," The voice started chuckling unpleasantly.
"I'll have you informed as soon as the girl and her companion will be in my hands."
"Good, my droids will now bring you back to your ship. My contacts will let you know some new coordinates on Palomintar Four. I will be really pleased to welcome the daughter and son of Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith, in my shelter here on Palomintar Four, " The voice chuckled again.
Once again Rand Phylotar tried to penetrate the darkness in front of him. He wanted to see the person with whom he was dealing. Not that it really mattered; he was rewarded generously and all his expenses were paid without questioning, but Rand Phylotar wanted to know who his mystery client was. Why did he want the girl and also Jedi Skywalker? What was so important about them? What kind of plans had this person in mind?

To be continued...