A Jedi's Fight - A Star Wars Fan Fiction Story

Chapter 20

hanks to Liane's good experiences and her willingness to get more knowledge of the ways of the Jedi and their use of the Force, Luke intensified her training, using his skills as a Jedi master unofficially. At first Liane accepted his informal tutorship, but during the more explicit mental training sessions, she became again very reluctant about the Force's use.
Luke soon experienced, that Liane's use of the Force still was obstructed by her fear for the Force's Dark Side.
More than once he had to tell her, that she shouldn't use the knowledge his father had taught her, to fight her distrust of the Force.
He often had to use his own Force skills to calm her disappointment and obstinate attitude, as she thought she failed his demands, or as he explained to her, why she had to adopt a passive, peaceful and patient attitude. Increasingly her former upbringing began to influence and interfere with his instructions.
One afternoon he suddenly interrupted her training. He sat down on a tree stem and looked up at the young woman in front of him.
"Liane, stop fighting against your resistance and fear for the Force. Clear your mind, don't distrust the Force the way you do. Forget what Anakin taught you, unlearn what he taught you, be peaceful, passive and feel the power of the Good Side. The Good side of the Force is your real ally and will help you to achieve your aims."
He grabbed her arm. Gently he pulled her down next to him on the fallen tree stem.
"Liane, Anakin began to use Dark Side of the Force, because couldn't live with any changes in his life. He wanted to become the greatest Jedi Knight who would be able to control everything, even the death of the ones he loved. His uncontrolled emotions put him on the path that lead unavoidably to the Dark Side of the Force. It's the Force's Dark side use that Anakin has shown you and taught you. That use frightening you."
Liane nodded.
"The more you show me what I can do with the Force, the more I remember what he has taught me. I saw, how he kept his staff officers and troopers under control with his use of the Force. You can't imagine how horrible it was. He taught me that Force's dreadful use. I felt it was evil that I had to resist him. It frightened me every time I had to practice what he taught me. It scares me when I think of that terrible Force use I've learned, what terrible things can be done with the Force's power." She whispered.
"I know what you mean, Liane, but also look at all this from a different point of view. Although Anakin made you aware of your Force abilities, you should unlearn his darker instructions. If you continue to use the Force like Anakin taught you, you are endangering yourself, for you will drawn more and more to the Force's influence of the Dark Side. That influence is tempting, seductive, and much easier to use. But you deserve much better. Unlearn your old knowledge. Maybe you should tell me more specifically which use of the Force particularly frightens you? I can tell you what's wrong with the use of it and I will help you to overcome your fears. For instance I know you have learned to use Force Choke and Force Stasis. You tried...."
Before Luke could finish his sentence, Liane jumped to her feet and held both hands to her ears.
"Please, Luke. Stop! I don't want to talk about that Force's use. What I did to you on Morantan was terrible. It was so wrong. I knew it's was, nevertheless I used the Force that way to stop you. I also used it on Wegoyy. That's why they tortured me. Luke, I want to stop with this training. I don't want to become your padawan. I don't want to become a Jedi Knight."
Liane looked very scared and frightened. She was shaking and held out her hands as in a plea to convince him.
"I'm frightened of the Force, Luke. You know I am. Please, let us stop."
Luke stood up and took her hands in his.
'Clear your mind of these frightening thoughts; relax, Liane. You're making progress, but at the moment your fears for what my father has taught you blocks your further growth. If it frightens you that much, I'll stop your training. I want you to have a good time with me, I'm not here to make you my padawan learner,' He said with his soft Jedi voice.
Liane relaxed immediately. While he repeated his words, he put his arms around her and pulled her towards him. He felt a deep compassion with her. When he had offered her to train her at the Good side of the Force he hadn't fully understood the enormous impact her old knowledge still had. He now realized, that she had to go a long way, before she would really be ready to begin her Jedi training.
Rand Phylotar grabbed the bag with his personal belongings, while looking around in the appartement to make sure he hadn't left any traces which could reveal his identity. After nightfall he secretly left the apartment in Mas'onom, which some old friends of his brother Daino had lent him to stay. The trade quarters of Mas'onom were crammed with all types of larger and smaller buildings, narrow back streets and secret meeting places. It was an attractive center for traders, but also for those who wanted to cover up any malignant practices.
After his last meeting with Daino, he hadn't gone back to Wegoyy. He had informed commander Dendicott about the Grann brothers who had taken the girl with them from Wegoyy. He also had informed his commander that he had heard that Ian Tydon had become a Jedi padawan. Dendicott had ordered him to stay on Dalmaran and find every bit of information about the escaped girl and the defected prison guard. He had been lucky, for Daino's old friends knew a lot like-minded people who were spying on the New Republic's administration. Those people also had informed him about his brother's detention. It certainly was about time to leave Dalmaran as fast as possible now, otherwise the intelligence force of the Dalmaranian government might discover his hiding place. They certainly would inform the Irithim government and that would connect him with Daino's ridiculous assassination plan.
So Dendicott had found out, that the girl was on Endor, and that Skywalker was with her. How had Skywalker discovered her? How was the girl doing? Had Skywalker given to her the antidote for the forbidden mind drug? Did she remember, that she had been tortured? Would she be able to testify before the High Council and tell the New Republic's government about Dendicott's illegal regime? What had Skywalker been doing on the Endor space port? Was he indeed planning to bring the girl to Dalmaran?
Rand Phylotar went to Mas'onom space port and booked a regular shuttle flight to Irithim on De'olon. Within an hour he landed on the new De'olon space port. To avoid unwanted attention, he wasn't wearing his regular uniform, but had taken a disguise as a Mas'onom trader. He left the space port, among the many small traders and a variety of unknown species, through one of the smaller exits which lead to the trading area of Irithim. Little did he noticed that a blue and white astromech droid which seemed to be busy cleaning the hall, was in fact constantly scanning the faces of the arriving passengers. The astromech left its duty, and started following Rand Phylotar unnoticed. Outside the space port Rand Phylotar hurried to one of the speeder rentals which was known for lending speeders without verifiable identification. While the Wegoyy officer haggled with the shop owner about the fee, the barrel shaped astromech attached a small tracker cam at the only available speeder, then it withdraw behind a stack of containers.
At last Rand Phylotar made a deal with the shop owner and left the parking lot. He drove to the outskirts of Irithim and found the address of Daino's imperial contact. He pushed a small gate in a high durasteel fence ajar. Before he entered the patio he looked around, but he didn't notice any movements in the back street where he had parked the speeder. He slipped through the gate and carefully closed it. Then he walked up to the back door of the house and knocked with long intervals at the left window. The door swung open, and Rand hesitant stepped inside.
"We've been expecting you much earlier, colonel," A soft voice said, "You're in trouble, aren't you, because we've informed you about your brother Daino. The Supreme Chancellor and a committee of the High Council has interrogated him. He has been arrested. The prosecutor and his staff have also ordered your arrest if you would show up in Irithim. Probably they did know, that you didn't go back to Wegoyy?"
"They know by now. Dendicott has contacted me earlier this day, using an open holo communication system."
"He's always been a stupid fool. What do you expect we can do for you?" Another voice said.
"Make me leave this planet, as soon as possible."
"You know our terms, colonel Phylotar. The girl, alive and unharmed, nothing else."
"Deal, I agree. I know where I have to look for her."
"Go back to the space port. Stay outside near the transfer entrance. Our contact will meet you there within three hours. Docking bay 37-48. You have to leave Dalmaran before dawn, so don't be late," The first voice said.
"I'll be there."
Rand Phylotar left the house the same way, as he had come, and drove through the trading quarter in an erratic way to shake off any surveillance droids before he returned to the speeder rental near the space port. On foot he went to the indicated docking bay at De'olon space port. Two droids - a blue and white astromech and a gold-colored protocol droid - were following him from a great distance. They were staying out of sight in the shadow of the arcade buildings which surrounded the space port.
Checking his chrono impatiently every quarter of an hour, Rand Phylotar hid himself in a dark portico near the indicated docking bay. Suddenly a interpreter droid came over to him.
"Colonel Phylotar?" It asked in a hushed mechanical voice.
"In here," Rand answered on a similar hushed tone.
The droid handed him a datapad and two key cards.
"The datapad holds your briefing documents, the key cards will give you access to the ship which my masters have hired," the droid said, "You have a clearance to leave within ten minutes."
Rand Phylotar activated the datapad and quickly scanned its content.
"Thank you."
"My masters once remind you again on the agreement. Don't forget to bring them what they need."
"I won't."
Rand Phylotar left the portico and hurried to the entrance using one of the access cards. The door slid aside and he ran down the stairs to reach the platform. An old fashioned reconnaissance ship stood in the middle of the docking bay. He walked over, carefully checking the darker maintenance rooms of the docking bay, but nothing moved. Still cautious he entered the ramp, closed it and walked to the cockpit.
"HAD712OO ready for take off."
"Security tower to HAD712OO, you have your clearance. Have a good flight."
The engines started to roar and slowly the ship hovered out of the bay. Once outside the docking bay it gained speed and disappeared into space. At the docking bay platform, an astromech droid and a gold-colored protocol droid were watching, how the ship went to light speed. Bickering and beeping the two droids left the area and went back to the center of Irithim, after the astromech droid has retrieved the small tracker-cam .
Excellent, Artoo. You're a perfect spy. This is fine evidence. The images are of a good quality and Rand Phylotar can be easily recognized as the driver of this speeder. How did you get this information?"
The little astromech hooted a long string of binary output.
"Your Highness, he recognized Daino Phylotar's brother, when he arrived at the space port, and he has followed him again. I objected, Your Highness, but this stubborn piece of metal refused to listen to my arguments. Artoo, I told you, you shouldn't do this. You've heard what lady Mon Mothma said: Captain Phylotar is a free man, you can't put some one under surveillance who isn't suspected."
"It's alright, Threepio," Leia raised her hand to silence the bickering protocol droid.
"So several hours ago, Daino's brother Rand unexpectedly has come to De'olon with a regular shuttle flight from Mas'onom , and he left Dalmaran in a hurry, after he has visited a back street house in the trading quarters of Irithim," She said, turning to Ian Tydon, her padawan learner.
"I didn't know he still was on Dalmaran, master. I thought he had gone back to Wegoyy as his brother had urged him to do in the recording Artoo made of their last secret meeting."
"Nor did I; otherwise I would have asked for his arrest, to interrogate him much earlier. In the intercepted conversation Daino has indeed advised Rand to go back to Wegoyy. Probably Daino assumed that as long as his brother would be on Wegoyy, the government wouldn't have enough evidence for their treason. We need to find Rand's destination as soon as possible."
She went over to her info com and entered her access code. On the holographic display the image of the commander of the space port security control tower appeared.
"Yes, Your Highness," He said.
"I need some information of a reconnaissance vessel that left Dalmaran earlier this evening, officer. I need the ship's identification markings and it's destination," Leia informed politely.
"It's odd that you're asking this, Your Highness. The security tower indeed has registered the take off of a very old model reconnaissance craft this evening. Its markings are HAD71200. The pilot didn't state his destination, but its briefing files have been identified and it had a clearance to leave."
"Can you send me the voice tape recording of the take off conversation between the tower and the pilot."
"Most certainly, Your Highness. We'll send you the information right away. Do you want to have it transmitted to your office?"
"Please, transmit it to general Madine's office?"
"As you please, Your Highness."
"Thank you, officer."
Leia switched off and entered the identification markings of the ship in her infocom. On the display all the information of the ship popped up. Leia watched the data for a moment, then she grabbed her Jedi coat and rose to her feet.
"Come on, my young padawan, Threepio, and you too, Artoo. Let's find the answers to our questions: why did Rand Phylotar unexpectedly appeared on De'olon space port; why has he visited that back street residence; why did he leave in a hurry a few hours after he had arrived, and where is he heading. What is this colonel's destination? "
Madine looked at the display and listened carefully to the spoken words. He compared the voice input with another sample. He nodded.
"It's Rand Phylotar, no doubt about that," He said. "What was the registration code of his ship?"
"It's HAD712OO," Leia answered.
"Who's the owner?"
"A freighter company which rents out these space crafts for emergency trading and transport. Early this evening they were called and were asked if they could make a discrete ship ready for lift off. It was for passenger only transport, " Leia said, scanning the available data on another console.
"Who gave the clearance for take off?"
"Space port control received a request for clearance some ten minutes before take off. The requester said, he needed to take off immediately to settle an urgent personal matter."
"Do we have the tape of that conversation."
"No, we haven't. That request came in through an automatic procedure. Those conversations are never logged. The information desk handed the key cards and the briefing datapad to a droid."
Madine slapped the top of his desk with his fist.
"Again a droid!" He shouted angrily, "Who's behind this? "
He turned to the display in front of him and replayed the recorded conversation between the space tower and the unknown pilot once again.
"Anyway, Rand Phylotar has left Dalmaran without stating his destination. What worries me, for I've received word that Dendicott has left Wegoyy with a number of his men. Rand Phylotar certainly has given the Wegoyy prison commander the information about the Corellian freighter of the Grann brothers, his brother has given him. What are they up to and where are they at the moment? Your Highness, we must contact your brother, and tell him, that commander Dendicott or colonel Rand Phylotar might have found out where Liane Solichor is. Your brother is the only one who can prevent, that they capture her, and torture her again."
Madine looked at Leia and sighed concerned.
"It's time that those imperial defectors get their rewards."
"Luke already found Liane, general. I will tell my brother he has to return with her immediately," Leia said, and wanted to rise, "I'm in my office if you ..."
Before Leia could finish her word the door of Madine's office slid aside and Ian Tydon stepped in. He saluted general Madine and bowed to Leia.
"My apologies, master, for interrupting your meeting with the general, but I almost certain I know, where Rand Phylotar might be heading?"
Leia whirled around.
"You have, Ian? Where has he gone? "
"To Rasth! To the planet's local farmer's space port Rawine. I have intercepted an unguarded communication conversation between Rand Phylotar and commander Dendicott in Mas'onom. Here's the transcript of their conversation."
Leia took the datapad and cast a quick look at the data. Concerned she handed the datapad to general Madine. After having read the transcript Madine looked at her.
"So you already knew that your brother had found her, didn't you?" He asked, "I thought he was going to Tatooine and Dagobah to consult his old Jedi masters. Did they reveal where he had to look for her?"
Leia shook her head.
"Luke is indeed with her Endor. Somehow Liane has found a refuge on the forest moon. She probably has met the Ewoks and became their friend. Something has happened and she has gotten her memories back. After that had happened she also remembered how to contact Luke through the Force. Luke told me this about two months ago. He immediately changed his plans and went to Endor."
"Two months ago! Is there any good reason why he didn't return with her."
"Luke wants to convince Liane to become his padawan learner. She is a very Force sensitive woman. My brother is sure that he can train her as a Jedi Knight. However Liane has to be persuaded that her old knowledge - the knowledge my father has taught her - is based on the wrong use of the Force. It is very likely that my brother needs a lot of persuasion and time to make her aware of another point of view."
"Your brother's decision and his visit with her to the Endor space port complicates the situation, Your Highness. Now that Dendicott knows that your brother has found miss Solichor and is staying with her on Endor, you have to warn him as soon as possible and tell him to come back with her to Dalmaran immediately. We also have to keep an eye on what commander Dendicott is doing on Rasth. I will send a procon message to governor Grann. If commander Dendicott arrives on Bestine space port governor Grann is the right person to ask for the reason of his arrival."
"Excuse me, sir," Ian said and pointed at a particular sentence of the transcript, "As the transcript stated commander Dendicott will land at Rawine space port. Rand Phylotar has been ordered to meet him there. The trajectory data from Rand's ship at the De'olon's space port computer matches with the coordinates of Rawine."
"To Rawine space port?" Leia exclaimed, "That's prohibited. Docking rights for Rawine are only limited to local farmers who have transported their wares and harvest to Bestine.
She walked over to a large computer which could display the entire galaxy as a holographic projection. She activated the projection and asked for the coordinates of Rawine space port. Immediately a huge projection popped up in the middle of the room. It marked Dalmaran with as a big blue spot and then projected a red trajectory path to the other coordinates.
"I compared the path Rand Phylotar's ship took moments before he went into hyperspace."
Ian walked over to the console and zoomed in along the path.
"Rand's ship has entered the hyperspace lane which runs straight to Rawine. Commander Dendicott probably wanted to make secret investigation on Rasth , because he probably has heard that Liane has traveled with governor's sons, before she fled to Endor."
"So Rand Phylotar will rendezvous with Dendicott?" Madine said irritated.
"I fear that they are up to something menacingly. Marek Grann has mentioned earlier that an unknown man has threatened him." Leia remarked.
She turned to her droids, "Artoo and Threepio go to the technical department and have yourself programmed as space port maintenance technical droids. Oh, and get another more dented plating, Threepio."
"But, Your Highness..., "Threepio protested.
"Threepio! Don't argue. Go, do as I ordered you. When you're both finished, report to my padawan at once. Ian, accompany the droids to the space port, take my shuttle and bring them to Rasth. Rasth can be reached in six hours. We will inform Marek Grann about your arrival, so you report to him immediately. We will ask him to set the droids to work at Rawine space port. Be careful, Ian. Don't go to Rawine space port yourself, for there is a chance that commander Dendicott might recognizes you. Stay at Bestine space port with the shuttle and wait for the droids to fulfill their mission."
The two droids left the room; Threepio was protesting to Artoo, who hooted only indefinite stream of binary words which upset protocol droid even more. Ian followed them, laughing as he understood what Artoo was saying.
"Leia," Madine said, "What's the use of sending your droids with your padawan to Rasth."
"Mon Mothma and I have agreed to keep Rand Phylotar under a kind of permanent surveillance of Artoo. If this colonel has indeed been ordered to head for Rawine space port, I want my droid to continue his task. So I'm sending him and his counterpart to Rasth as maintenance droids."
Madine shook his head.
"I hope you're right, but it might be a long shot."
Leia had grabbed her coat and walked over to the door.
"I'm leaving, general. I'm going to contact my brother in my apartment. Would you please contact Marek Grann. He has to be informed that my padawan with Artoo and Threepio are on their way to him. Oh, and if his sons are home, he has to tell them to stay away from Rawine space port. I hope we can avoid a confrontation between any member of the Grann family and commander Dendicott and colonel Phylotar."
Luke, you must come back with Liane to Irithim at once,' Leia's soft voice urged Luke to concentrate on the Force.
'You sound tense, my dear sister, what's wrong? Any disturbing news about commander Dendicott. Last time you said that he is neglecting Mon Mothma's orders, does that mean he has started his own search for Liane already?' Luke asked.
'It's worse, Luke. We have intercepted a holo connection between Dendicott and Rand Phylotar. Dendicott has found out where Liane is. You have taken her with you to the Endor space port. The registration of her ID-card and yours have alerted some spies who have informed Dendicott. Rand Phylotar has left Dalmaran and is on his way to Rasth to team up with Dendicott at a local space port.'
'Dendicott also has gone to Rasth?', Luke asked astounded.
'Rand Phylotar had passed him the information about the Grann brothers. Dendicott wanted to put pressure on Marek Grann or his sons, but after he got the information about the registration of those ID-cards, he has changed his plans. I have send Ian with Threepio and Artoo to Rasth with a message to Marek Grann. I'm sure he will find a way to have them on a surveillance mission as maintenance droids at Rawine space port. I'm awaiting Ian's report any moment now.'
'Even if Dendicott would arrive on Endor he won't achieve anything. I'm outranking commander Dendicott, Leia.'
'Luke, do you really think Dendicott will accept that prerogative. Liane poses a great danger to his career. You'd better come back with her to Dalmaran now, Luke, before he arrives on Endor.' Leia urged.
'I'm still showing Liane the many possibilities and the advantages of her Force skills. It's not as easy as I assumed. For the time being I want to stay with her on Endor. If I go back with her to Irithim now, there's a good chance that she will be detained again.'
Leia heard a worried tone in her brother's voice.
'Luke, I can't order you to come back, but the situation is dangerous for both of you. You're right, if you come back with Liane to Dalmaran now, it's very likely that Liane will be put into detention again. She has vanished from the Wegoyy prison ...'
Luke started laugh somewhat wryly.
'... without the commander's permission in a so-called breakout. The truth is different, as Ian has told the Supreme Court and Mon Mothma. Thanks to Ian, she was able to restore contact between her and me, because he left her the box of Jedi pendant. If he hadn't, it would be very difficult to find her.'
'Luke, I'm afraid Dendicott will catch Liane off guard without you being able to prevent it. I only want to protect Liane and you. You can't defend her on your own against Dendicott's Wegoyy guards. Please, Luke, come back, for your own safety and Liane's.'
'I'm sorry, Leia. Maybe you're right, but I also want to give her a good time with me on Endor. After all she's been through, she needs time to recover from what deliberately has been done to her. '
'I understand, Luke. Take care of yourself and take good care of Liane. I will see what I can do to help you both.'
'I knew you understand my point of view, Leia. I love you, my dear sister, and I promise I will come back, but you must leave it up to me to decide when.'
Luke heard his sister sighed, but he smiled. He knew she wouldn't object any longer against his stay on Endor.
'Don't worry too much about me and Liane. I feel your worries and concern about the situation, Leia, and rely on the Force. The Force will always show us the right path.'
The connection of Jedi telepathy between them disappeared.
Leia released herself from her Force trance. She understood her brother's point of view, but she feared he was underestimating the danger of the situation.
'Tomorrow morning I also have to discuss the situation with Mon Mothma. Maybe she is willing to send some of our ground forces to Endor to help them.' She thought, while pondering on her brother's heartfelt advice. Before she prepared herself to perform a Jedi meditation, she checked if her padawan with two droids were on their way to Rasth.
As the warning signal of her infocom started to beep, Leia woke up from a deep sleep after she had finished her Jedi meditation. She went to the display, gave her identification code and waited for the holographic projection to activate. For a moment she yawned, but she felt refreshed, less concerned, and mindful again. It took several moments before the connection became stable, and Artoo's holographic image appeared. As soon as he became aware of Leia's presence the little droid gibbered a lot of binary data.
"What did you say, Artoo. Say it again, please, and a bit slower?"
She listened and frowned.
"The connection is a bit unstable, Artoo. Where's Threepio?"
"Adddkik-32kKLLdi-Kmdjulkk-IUkkdld," Artoo whistled and Leia started to laugh.
"Tell him to come over. I don't care how he looks."
Leia heard a lot of digital gibberish again, but finally Threepio appeared, seemingly unhappy.
"I'm very much embarrassed, Your Highness, to appear before you in this dented plating," The fastidious droid said, "Your Highness, why did you sent us on a mission like this?"
"I told you before, Threepio, that Artoo is carrying out a special surveillance mission. And I need you to cooperate with him. Please tell me what he has found out and stop your lamentations, Threepio."
Threepio turned, aggrieved, to his counterpart. Artoo stood placidly waited.
"What is so important," Threepio said unfriendly.
"dkujnHk-Jwundhuh-klisnhd1-2bdGdiw," Artoo hooted unfriendly back.
"You should listen to me, you scrap heap," The golden droid answered, "Now tell me what you had to tell to the princess."
Artoo hooted a long story while Threepio was carefully listening. When finally the little droid stopped, even Threepio suddenly seemed to look concerned.
"Princess Leia, while I stood on the lookout outside the fence, Artoo has looked around on that small space port, like you demanded. Artoo tells me, that he has seen colonel Phylotar, together with another important officer there. A large group of men in federal prison uniforms was with the colonel and the other officer. They were holding secret meeting in a deserted hangar at the far side of that space port. Artoo says, that colonel Phylotar and the other officer were talking about going to Endor. The officer who seems to be in command, is sure, that Liane Solichor is on Endor."
Leia thought quickly. If Dendicott and his men would leave for Endor soon, Liane and Luke would be in considerable danger. It was no use to ask her brother again to come back. What ever her arguments would be, he would refuse. She also didn't want to spoil his happy reunion with Liane, but was there anything else she could do to protect Liane and her brother?
"How many men were gathered, Artoo?" She asked.
"Some thirty," Threepio translate Artoo's answer.
"Where are you two now, Threepio?"
"On our request the governor's men brought us back to Bestine. We're now with master Ian at Bestine space port, Your Highness," The golden droid said.
"Listen Artoo and Threepio, go back to Rawine space port. Continue with your work as space port droid technicians, see to it that you both are allocated to the maintenance of their ship and tell me immediately when they are going to leave, understood."
The images of the two droids faded as the connection with Rasth broke off. For several moment Leia sat motionless behind her console.
'I need to contact to Marek Grann. Maybe he is able to contact his sons and ask them to head for Endor to help Luke,' she thought, looking through the transparisteel door of the terrace at the lights of Irithim, before she started to establish a secure connection with Bestine. As the holographic image of Marek Grann appeared on her display, Leia apologized for disturbing his sleep, and for calling him at an untimely hour.
"General Madine and your assistant Ian Tydon have already informed me about the situation near Rawine space port, senator. I can arrest that commander and his men for the illegal use of that desert space port and for not properly checking in at Bestine main space port."
"No, governor, I want real proof of their intentions, if you interfere now, they will deny every allegation. I need more solid evidence about their plans, but I need your help on another matter, governor, can you contact your sons?"
"General Madine told me that my sons shouldn't get themselves involved. It's an advice I heartily endorse, senator," Marek Grann said with some concern in his voice.
"I won't put them in a dangerous situation, governor, but I need some good pilots who can reach Endor as fast as possible and warn my brother, Luke Skywalker. He is on Endor with Liane. He stays with her in the village of a local tribe. Could you ask your sons if they ...."
Marek Grann raised his hand smiling relieved.
"In that case, senator, I'm sure they will be glad to help you. I'll wake up Yarnick, so you can tell him, what you want of him and the others."
In her mind, Leia made a jump for joy. Marek's sons were home. Patiently she waited till Yarnick Grann appeared on the display; a jovial grin on his face.
"Senator, please to meet you. Our father told us, that you've found our 'sister' Eilidh or should I say Liane Solichor."
"My brother Luke has found her, Yarnick. At the moment he stays with her on Endor in the village of the Ewoks. The commander of the Wegoyy prison, Olon Dendicott, also has found out that Liane is on Endor. He and a large group of his men are gathering at the moment at Rawine space port, preparing their departure to Endor. I seek for a way to avoid an confrontation between my brother and the commander and his men at the Ewok village. I know the location of that village, where Liane and Luke are staying at the moment. There ..."
"Excuse me, senator, sorry to interrupt you. I understand that you want my brothers and me to go to Endor and rescue Liane and your brother, or at least warn commodore Skywalker, in case the commander will reach Endor. Do you have the coordinates of a spot near that village where we can land. "
Leia sighed relieved.
"Thank you, Yarnick, for your quick understanding. You and your brothers can reach Endor from Rasth in a day or two, I presume."
Yarnick grinned.
"In less than a day, senator. If we leave right now, we'll be there in twenty hours. Stop worrying, senator, we will warn that brother of yours and protect him and our sister against commander Dendicott and his mercenaries."
"The coordinates are 2974FD34-1099AB71. Land with the nose of your ship due north. You'll see a path that leads into the forest on 1-8-4. That path leads straight to the village of the Ewoks. You're certainly being watched. In case the Ewoks take you prisoner, hand over your weapons and you will be treated fairly. "
"That doesn't sound as a welcoming party, senator, but my brothers and I never use our weapons against indigenous species. We'll be leaving now and we're glad we can help you. "
"Be careful, Yarnick, may the Force be with you," Leia said, before she broke off the connection. She looked concerned, but felt less worried. Yarnick Grann reminded her of Han, always ready for an unexpected mission. Han would certainly have gone after Luke much earlier. He always had in the past. From the beginning Luke and Han had been like two brothers. If Han would have been on Dalmaran at the moment, she wouldn't have had to worry about Liane and Luke. Han always found a solution to problems, although sometimes his special solutions worsened the situation. Leia smiled and reached out to her far away love.
"Hey you, droid, did you already finish the final check out our complete operating system? We want to lift off within an hour," A voice yelled at Threepio.
The golden droid looked at the junior officer.
"Final check out will be completed in time, sir!"
He shuffled to the control panel and began to carry out the standard routines. Next to him Artoo beeped. His computer arm was plugged into the outlet of the space ship's computer system.
"I know, Artoo, they're planning to leave any moment now, but we can't rush off to warn the princess," Threepio said in binary language. He looked at the screen in front of him and continued his chores. Finally he turned to the officer who had given him the order.
"Final check out is complete, sir."
The officer nodded.
"Then get out of here, you two. You're no longer needed."
Threepio turned to Artoo and said indignantly.
"Come on, Artoo. We leave, our job is finished here."
Both droids left the space ship and vanished in the darkness of the docking bay. Nobody noticed, that they didn't go to be recharged, but were heading for the exit, where a small terrain speeder stood waiting just outside the perimeter fence. The driver welcomed them with a nod and a grin on his face; the two droids took their seats, and the speeder left Rawine space port with dimmed lights.
A federal officer came running up from the docking bay and entered the control room, where Olon Dendicott and Rand Phylotar were watching the preparation for take off. The officer made a formal salute.
"We're ready for take off, sir. All systems are up and running. We can leave when you're ready," He reported.
"Has everybody boarded?"
"Yes, sir"
"Then let's leave as soon as possible. Come on, Rand. How long will it take to reach Endor, officer?"
"About thirty-six hours, sir. Our technicians managed to increase the ship's maximum velocity with point six percent."
Dendicott descended into the docking bay and walked over to the ramp of the ship where some of his men stood waiting. They saluted as the two high-ranking officers boarded the ship. Dendicott hardly noticed them, as his mind was already occupied with the outcome of this operation. He had only one goal: the convicted girl had to disappear forever. If she would be able to testify and tell the members of the High Council that on Wegoyy the forbidden SL-torturing chamber and mindweaking drug was still in use, he could loose everything he had gained.
His first impulse had been to kill the girl at the first opportunity, but he knew he had made a deal with an unknown client whose accomplices had required to take over the girl. Besides Rand als had convinced him to hand her over to some spies of a secret client of his brother Daino. Probably the same guy who had spoken to him. Daino's client would keep her prisoner at the far off system of Palomintar on the far side of the Outer Rim Territories. Between the Palomintar system and Dalmaran wasn't any traffic, because the peace treaty prohibited access to the planets in the system, so the girl would no longer be a threat to him if Rand's client would keep her there.
One thing could be a bit inconvenient; that Jedi Knight, Luke Skywalker was staying with the girl on Endor. Well, he had enough men to outnumber a Jedi Knight. One Jedi Knight wouldn't be able to withstand his thirty five trained and fully armored men. They could disarm him at the blink of an eye, although rumors went that the Jedi was an very excellent fighter.
Dendicott strapped in his harness and gave the order to start the engines. With a deafening roar, the engines ignited and slowly the space ship rose above the Rasth surface. It hovered for a moment above the pit, but then it gained velocity and disappeared into space.
"Clear for landing, boys. Landing-claws out."
"Forward engine stop."
"Forward engine stop."
Slowly the Corellian freighter lowered between the big trees that surrounded the clearing.
"There's the path," Yarnick pointed to Brion, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat.
"Put her down."
"Putting her down."
"Stop all engines."
"All engines stopped."
The sound of the droning engines died out. Yarnick Grann watched the surrounding forest through the window screen of the Grannd Traveler. That senator was a tough lady. How did she know he could land here? Had his ship been a little bit bigger their landing would have been more complicated. He grinned. Now they had to find Eilidh and Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, the senator's brother.
"Let's go, fellahs. Remember, if we encounter any hostile attitude from locals no use of weapons what so ever. Hand over our weapons and let's hope for the best. "
They left the ship. Yarnick closed the hatch and joined his brothers at the beginning of the path. Cautiously they walked single-filed, looking around in all directions for unexpected movements. They slowly marched on for more than an hour. The undergrowth was dense and sometimes they stopped if they thought they heard strange noises. But nothing, no beast or other living creature crossed their path. Yarnick went ahead when he suddenly stopped and signaled to his brothers to hold. Some hundred meter further on the path stood a little furry creature with a spear.
"Haddo diddo mako niso wanto,"
['Stay where you are. All of you.']
The creature said with a stern look.
"That must be an Ewok," Yarnick said to his brothers.
He turned to the furry little bear and placed out both hands as a gesture of peace.
"We mean no harm. You are an Ewok, aren't you? We come from senator Leia Organa. We have a message for Luke Skywalker and Liane or Eilidh, if that's what you call her."
The creature frowned and whistled sharply. From all sides little bears came running, until the Grann brother were completely surrounded.
"Careful, boys, I was told they are not really hostile, but they don't trust outsiders."
A slightly larger bear stepped forward wearing the prerogatives of a chieftain.
"Haddo diddo miko dado sota." He said.
['What's the reason you came here']
Yarnick shrugged his shoulder.
"I'm sorry little fellow. I don't speak your language, but do you know Eilidh Grann. I was told that she is living here with you."
Suddenly a laugh sounded through the forest.
"Who told you, Yarnick? Haddo kamo nizo gendo, Logray." A clear voice said.
['It's allright, Logray, these are friends.']
The crowd of little furry creatures moved aside. Liane rushed through the gap and flung herself around Yarnick's neck.
"So good to see you! How did you find us? Hello, Brion, hello Ronan, hello Kieran, hello Conor, hello Bran."
Liane embraced all of them. The six brothers stood around her. Luke Skywalker had followed Liane and waited just outside the group of old friends. The young Jedi waited patiently until the first joy of this unexpected rendezvous was over. Liane had freed herself, she ran over to him and pulled him to the six brothers.
"These are Yarnick and his brothers, Luke. I told you about ..." She said.
"I have met them on Rasth, Liane. Hello guys, nice to meet again. How are you doing?"
Luke friendly greeted the Grann brothers.
In the mean time most of the Ewoks had vanished, only Chirpa, Logray, Teebo and Wicket were still waiting. Liane introduced the six brothers to the two chieftains. Chirpa gave Teebo and Wicket an order. They rushed away.
"They are going to prepare a large tree guest house for you. It's really fun living up in the trees," Liane said, "Let's go to the village it's wonderful. Don't think it's a primitive way of living. The Ewoks love comfort and are very hospitable to their friends. You're lucky that you mentioned my old name. The Ewoks still call me Eilidh. Wicket, that little golden brown Ewok, came back to the village to tell me there were six strangers who had mentioned my name."
"So you knew it was us."
"Who else could it be. Only you. No one else knows I have been going by the name of Eilidh for two years, only Luke knows, because you told him."
"The commodore visited us shortly after you had ran away, Eilidh. "
Liane looked embarrassed, "I'm sorry I did that, Yarnick, but I thought I had to find out who I was, and what had happened to me without your help or the help of your parents."
"You have the regards from Marek and Aaliyah, Eilidh."
"Are you coming back to us to Rasth," Kieran asked teasingly.
Liane shook her head.
"Now that I know who I am, and what has happened to me on Wegoyy, I have to go to Dalmaran with Luke and tell the Supreme Chancellor of the New Republic my story."
"So I still have to wait to propose to you," Brion said grinning.
Liane looked at him and started laughing.
"I'm really sorry about the note I left. It was the only thing I could do, Brion. Marek told me that Yarnick or you wanted to marry me, but he was right: without a past it's impossible to have a real future."
They had reached the village and Luke and Liane brought their friends to the village center. To their surprise the Ewoks were already preparing for a celebration party. Chirpa explained to Liane that if lost friends find each other again, it's a good reason to celebrate. Liane translated Chirpa's message.
Leia was hurrying through the corridors of the administration building and went down to the subterranean offices of the space military staff. Ian Tydon accompanied her.
"Do you have any news from master Luke, master? Will he come back with Liane?" He informed.
"I urged him to come back to Irithim, but he refused, for he wants or hopes that she will become his padawan learner. I've told him that commander Dendicott might raid the Ewok village, where Luke is staying with Liane. I want to consult Mon Mothma. I hope to convince the Supreme Chancellor of the necessity to protect Liane against Dendicott's invasion force."
They quickly crossed the many corridors to the office of the Supreme Chancellor. At the information desk Leia put in a request to see Mon Mothma at once. Within two minutes Wedge Antilles walked up to them.
"The Supreme Chancellor can see you immediately, Leia. General Madine is also attending," He said.
"Wedge! What are you doing here?"
"Planning an intervention force. The Supreme Chancellor has already ordered that Gold Squadron and the Tychorion must go to Endor and protect Liane Solichor, because commander Dendicott has neglected her strict order to stay on Wegoyy. General Madine has informed the Supreme Chancellor about the intercepted conversation between commander Dendicott and colonel Rand Phylotar," the commander of the Gold Squadron said, "The general also has told the Supreme Chancellor that Luke and Liane already are some two months together on Endor."
Together they went to the Supreme Chancellor's office. Wedge announced their arrival through his info com. Even before they had reached the offices, general Madine stepped outside and beckoned them to enter. Inside they met with Mon Mothma and Yarmod Martan who recently had become Wedge's padawan. They all sat down. The two young padawans remained standing behind their masters' chairs.
"I was just about to send for you, Leia." Mon Mothma opened their meeting. "I have given Crix Madine the order to make immediate preparations to intercept commander Dendicott. A warrant has been issued for the commander, and he will be brought to Dalmaran at once for interrogation. Your droids have returned from Rasth, haven't they. Did you manage to inform your brother?"
"They came back together with my padawan. At the moment they are being restored to their well known identities. Already on Rasth they reported, that Dendicott and Rand Phylotar had assembled some thirty or forty men at Rawine space port on Rasth. I instructed them to seek a way to work as maintenance droids on Commander Dendicott's space ship. They managed to draw attention of the technical staff of the space ship and were set to work to do the final check out. After having finished their order, they were dismissed. Back on Bestine space port my padawan reported that it's very likely that commander Dendicott has set course to Endor."
"Did you tell your brother what's going on?"
"Once more I have asked Luke to come back to Dalmaran immediately and I've warned him for a possible raid on the Ewok village of commander Dendicott and his men."
"Will he do so?" Mon Mothma asked. She looked concerned as Leia shook her head.
"Not yet, ma'am. Luke hopes to convince Liane to become his padawan learner. According to my brother Endor is a better place to start her training than here on Dalmaran."
"He is underestimating the situation?" Mon Mothma said sternly. "I understand his position and his desire to train a new Jedi Knight, but I'm afraid that in this case he does not properly assess the seriousness of what is going on. He is on his own, if commander Dendicott and his men will attack the Ewok village in an attempt to catch Liane Solichor. So we need to send some of our ground forces to Endor to help him immediately. Commodore Antilles, I want you and the men of Gold Squadron to accompany the Tychorion. General, how much time is needed to reach Endor and safe the life of our most important witness of unlawful and illegal torture. I hold commander Dendicott responsible for his regime in our prison. "
"I can leave within twenty-four hours, Chancellor. The Tychorion can reach Endor thirty-six hours at earliest after we've left Irithim." Madine said.
Mon Mothma frowned.
"How long will it take Dendicott to reach Endor from Rasth?" She asked with much concern.
"If he has left shortly after my droids had returned to Bestine space port, he will arrive on Endor in about thirty-six hours as well I fear, Chancellor, Rasth is closer to Endor than Dalmaran," Leia answered.
"So your brother will have to take on forty or more mercenaries on his own, at least for three days or more. If Dalmaran isn't a good place to train a future Jedi Knight, can't he find another planet where he can train Liane Solichor as his padawan?"
"I'm sure my brother has considered to come back earlier, ma'am, but Liane seems to need more persuasion than Luke has estimated. However there is a positive spark, I have spoken to Marek Grann's sons. Yarnick and his brothers are also on their way to Endor to warn and assist my brother and Liane. So there will be seven to fight Dendicott and his men. And we mustn't forget the Ewoks. They are fierce fighters, when they are enraged. Luke and I became members of their tribe during the Battle of Endor, and if Liane has been living among them for some time they surely will consider her to be a member of their tribe too." Leia said.
"Leia, your words are reassuring, at least a bit. It's good to know that your brother isn't completely on his own, but I'm not convinced, that those seven men will be sufficient to withstand commander Dendicott and his men. General, I want you to leave Dalmaran at the earliest possibility." Mon Mothma said while she rose.
"Chancellor?" Leia asked, "My padawan and I want to take part in this mission too."
"Of course, Leia, the more Jedi Knights Dendicott will encounter, the more difficult it will be for him to carry out his own malignant plans. May the Force be with us. "
On Coruscant Jerno had a secret meeting again with his two other co-leaders. The triarchy was considering the next steps of several reports Kalip's intelligence force had received recently about the communication with admiral Vestor.
"So the Basilisæa has arrived near the Avali and the Urervik cluster. Has he done some first surveillances?" Jerno asked
"Yes, but he reported that nothing unusual occurred, except that he hasn't sighted any remains of meteorites swarms near Avali. " Kalip answered, "He reported he will start investigations to find proof, if in the past meteorites were orbiting Avali."
"Good, but your men also have reported important info about the whereabouts of Darth Vader daughter. Kalip, tell them we really appreciate their efforts"
"I certainly will do so, Jerno," Kalip answered.
"In case Valann isn't up to date with the latest developments regarding the missing daughter of Darth Vader, give a summary of what has been discovered."
Jerno leaned back and Kalip turned to Valann.
"Thanks to the excellent work of our intelligence force and our undercover agents at Irithim, not to mention the information the New Republic has recently shared with us about the whereabouts of Darth Vader's daughter, we now know that she is on Endor and that Jedi Skywalker is with her. Most important is that she has recovered from the mind drug, which means that she remembers what has happened to her in the Wegoyy prison." Kalip said.
"That means trouble, no to say big problems, for our defected officer Olon Dendicott," Valann concluded.
"Right, I'll come to that in more detail in a moment. The daughter of Darth Vader, her real name is Liane Solichor, might tell the members of the High Council of the New Republic about the treatment she underwent in the Wegoyy prison. She is now a very valuable witness and her testimony which will mean the end of Olon Dendicott's career."
Valann looked at Jerno and Kalip and couldn't suppress a faint smile, "So her testimony is quite discomforting for him, I presume."
They all laughed and Jerno continued, "That's an understatement, Valann. Olon Dendicott has put the government of the New Republic on high alert with his requests to start looking for the woman who is, in his own words, an escaped convict. So far The Supreme Chancellor has prohibited him to start his own search. Instead she has sent out Jedi Knight Skywalker to continue with his search and his attempt has been successful, for he is now with Liane Solichor on Endor."
"Problem solved, case closed?" Valann asked.
"Absolutely not," Kalip continued, "It might be getting worse. At least for the New Republic. Although Jedi Skywalker is in possession of the only warrant to bring her back to Dalmaran he hasn't done so. He is stays with her on Endor. Our undercover agents report that their frigate Tychorion has been equipped and scheduled for immediate departure to Endor, for against the official prohibition order of the government at Irithim Olon Dendicott seems to plan to go to Endor to capture the woman. A group of his prison guards is accompanying him and Rand Phylotar, the elder brother of Daino Phylotar who both have defected at the same time together with Olon Dendicott, has turned up at De'olon space port and has left Dalmaran in a hurry. We have received a copy of a holo connection between Olon Dendicott and Rand Phylotar in which he got the immediate order to join the commander of the Wegoyy prison and his ground force on Rasth. From Rasth we haven't gotten any intelligence report, but information from Irithim confirms more or less that the prison commander must indeed have been informed about the whereabouts of Liane Solichor. That's why the Supreme Chancellor is sending the Tychorion to Endor as well. The testimony of the woman is of great value for the integrity of the New Republic."
"So the New Republic will interfere in Olon Dendicott's plan. His action might turn out to be a disaster," Valann commented.
"Might be, Valann. It depends on how fast the Tychorion can reach Endor and be of some assistance to Jedi Knight Skywalker. If Olon Dendicott succeeds in catching Darth Vader's daughter it is likely that he will bring her to our missing admiral in the Outer Rim."
"Do we already know the planet on which he is hiding." Valann asked.
"There's a realistic option that he has found a hiding place on one of the smaller, less inhabited planets in the Palomintar System. Our intelligence hasn't found the exact planet in the system yet, but that's a matter of time."
Valann nodded.
"The Palomintar System isn't far from the Urervik cluster. Might be easy for the Basilisæa to intercept a space craft which enters the Palomintar System. What about our plan to have an undercover agent on board that star destroyer?"
"The Provisionary Council has already agreed with a plan to send a new group of technical experts to support the admiral Vestor with any further and more in dept surveillances. Their task will have the highest level of classification. I have spoken to the guy we all assume he might be a perfect contact. He has agreed and is now being trained to take on a new identity. He will be assigned as chief communications technician. I have given admiral Vestor the order that he might expect the group of new technicians within a foreseeable future. Part of his technical staff will transported back to Coruscant on a long furlough. I expect his answer shortly."
"Will the admiral accept your order and those new assignments, Jerno? Are we indeed sure that admiral Matrik is hiding in that system? " Valann asked.
"The answer to your first question is, that the investigation concerning our missing admiral is still based on assumptions. I have provided our man with the leads we have. It's his task to find confirmation of our assumption, but he won't inform admiral Vestor about this special mission: the lesser people who are involved the better our investigation is kept secret. Our earlier assumption that our missing admiral might be hiding on one of the planets in the Palomintar System is shared with us from our New Republic's contact at Irithim. It seems that already during the Ortel uprising, there has been talk of a agreement between Senator Zolgathrii and unknown connection to transfer Liane Solichor to the Palomintar System in exchange for a large sum of money."
Valann nodded.
"Did you tell the government of the New Republic that the guy who is hiding in the Palomintar System and who is trying to find the daughter of Darth Vader, is a former imperial admiral? Did you tell their secret contact we are going to set up an extra surveillance around the Palomintar System," He continued.
"As we aren't yet absolutely sure, that admiral Matrik is hiding in the the Palomintar System, it's a bit premature to inform their agent yet about our surveillance mission of the Basilisæa in that part of the galaxy. I'm still collecting more evidence about the whereabouts of admiral Matrik," Jerno said, "One thing is sure, he must have survived the explosion of that second star destroyer, but there are still many questions to answer. For instance: what happened to crews and stormtroopers."
"Are we going to give any support to the New Republic on Endor?"
"I have asked their agent if we could be of any help, but his answer was, that the Supreme Chancellor only wishes to keep us informed. The only thing we can do, is, wait and see, how the situation around Liane Solichor is developing. Probably it's an advantage for the New Republic that Jedi Skywalker is with her on Endor. Maybe their intervention force will be in time to support him and prevent Olon Dendicott to realize his own plan. Did you find anything in the secret archive of Palpatine about the admiral, Valann."
"Not much, yet. I have a lot of trouble finding the right decryption codes to read the many files. Most files Palpatine has logged are encrypted or written in a strange unknown language which the interpreter droid can't transcribe into standard Basic. I'm working to find a way around that unknown language, but it's tedious job, especially because my investigation mustn't draw attention. There is a clear link or relation between the admiral, the emperor and Darth Vader. All three of them could use the Force, that strange enigma which give also power to the Jedi. Palpatine and Vader were extraordinary gifted users, and as we already know; admiral Matrik had been chosen by Palpatine himself to be a member of his elite guard. I've spoken to one of the those former members of praetorian guard. He told me that the ability of being sensitive to the Force, was the main reason for Palpatine to keep those men under his control. Although Palpatine was the master of the Sith, he kept a tight control on anybody who might develop any influence in using the Force."
"His elite guard were Sith?" Kalip asked.
Valann shook his head.
"My spokesman said that Palpatine saw any person who was susceptible to the Force as a thread to the empire and his reign, but in stead of wiping them out, he kept them more or else imprisoned under his command. Those he suspected of disloyalty got a special treatment and where cast out of the elite guard. That's what has happened to the guy who told me all this."
"What kind of treatment?" Jerno asked.
Again Valann shook his head.
"He couldn't tell. All he remembered was that one day as he woke up he felt differently. That same day he was assigned to a new job as a supervisor of a mining colony on a remote planet far from Coruscant. I have managed to check his credentials and he has been indeed a member of the praetorian guard."
"Did Palpatine gave him the treatment himself?" Kalip asked.
"That's not likely, all the guy could tell me was that before he was sent to the mining colony he was able to forecast or visualize upcoming events. Just simple things, like telling his comrades who would get an audience with Palpatine during a specific moment. As a supervisor he was just like any other ordinary guy."
"How did you get in contact with him, Valann?" Jerno asked curiously.
"Nowadays he is working as a guard in archive building. After the fall of the empire he got rehabilitated and returned to Coruscant. He was ordered to bring me some data pads with archival material of Palpatine. We talked about the empire and especially about Palpatine's reign. Of course I didn't tell him what I was looking for. Officially I'm working as a researcher to take part in an project to write Palpatine's biography. He wanted to tell me his personal experiences and I encouraged him to talk. That's how I learn about that special treatment some of Palpatine's closest allies underwent."
"Were there more who got that special treatment then?" Kalip commented.
"As far as the guy told not many, but many inside Palpatine's inner circle seemed to have known about the price that had to be paid for disloyalty. So everyone was on his guard."
"Commander Dendicott is coming to Endor? How has he found out I am here?" Liane asked uneasy.
"We don't know, Eilidh, but don't worry, it will take some time before he arrives here. Kieran has instructed that astromech droid of the senator to make a unexpected modification to his ship's navi-computer program. When his ship comes out of hyperspace and the sublight engines are started to approach Endor for landing, the navi-computer resets and restarts the hyperdrive. The ship get back into hyperspace lane around Endor every time they come out of hyperspace again, even if the crew attempts to start the sublight engines manually. So Dendicott and his men won't be able to land on Endor." Yarnick grinned.
Luke looked at Liane. He felt her anxiety and tried to reassure her.
"Now that Yarnick and the others are staying with us, Liane, there is enough help to protect you. Yarnick, when do you expect Dendicott will arrive near Endor."
"We left shortly after your sister's request. Kieran needed some hours to instruct the astromech how to make the changes in the flight program. As far as we know commander Dendicott was still preparing his ship when we took off. It will take at least five or six days before the our special program will destruct the modification and continue with the ship's normal navigation program, unless the commander orders to switch off the ship's navi-computer, and resets the ship's computer system, but that will take him at least another twenty four hours, maybe more."
Luke grinned.
"Smart guys, where did you get that knowledge," He asked.
"We used it once in our own navi-computer to avoid a confrontation with some very nasty opponents. This five to six days' modification is a bit longer than we normally plug in. It's a simple but very useful self-destruct computer virus."

To be continued...