A Jedi's Fight - A Star Wars Fan Fiction Story

Chapter 86

on Mothma looked at the holographic image of an unknown person clad in a hooded cloak. Her worries grew, while listening to the threatening words the person voiced. As his message ended, she switched off and activated her personal secure messaging system to contact general Madine on the Tychorion. The holographic image of the general popped up on the the display. "General, you're still in orbit around Palomintar Four, aren't you?
"Yes, madam, but I went into a higher orbit around the Palomintar System as a whole."
"General, I want you to move the Tychorion to its former position around Palomintar Four. As soon as you have reached that position, you must contact me again to confirm your ship's coordinates, for I want to the Tychorion at the earliest possible moment."
"We will be awaiting your arrival, madam," the holographic image answered, "I will prepare your quarters."
"Extent those preparations to house a delegation of the Provisionary Coruscant Council too, general. They will probably contact me on board the Tychorion to discuss the situation."
Mon Mothma switched off and called for Sorjon Tyloban.
"Quoith has intercepted and transmitted a very extraordinary, but also a worrying holographic recording to Irithim, Sorjon," She said, and activated the message again.
"Shall I contact our allies on Coruscant, madam?" He asked, after he had listened to the message.
"Not yet. First I want to have a look at the situation near Palomintar Four myself. If possible I want to know if the other two Jedi are on Palomintar Four, and if they know anything about miss Solichor and her two guards. I want you to take over my responsibilities in Irithim. As soon as I have a better idea about what is going on that planet I will contact you. If by chance the leaders on Coruscant will contact you before you have heard from me, tell them I would like to meet them on board the Tychorion to discuss our next steps. In that case I want you to join me on the Tychorion."
Sorjon Tyloban took his leave, and Mon Mothma made preparations to leave Irithim, only informing the other members of the High Council that Sorjon Tyloban would be in charge during her absence.
"We're nearing the cabin, grandpa," Lorann said in a whisper.
"You've done a good job, my son." Manall said, while he put the back of his seat in upright position.
"No problem, grandpa. The path is very straight forward. There weren't any obstacles. The autopilot is working perfectly."
"Good. You said we're near the cabin. How long will it?"
"We're right there, grandpa."
"That's fine. Look, there it is. Tama-Hinn, have you been comfortable during the drive?"
Manall turn to Ian.
"I'm fine, master Manall, thank you."
Lorann stopped the engine and the speeder came to a stop near the door of the cabin. Ian jumped out and offered Manall to bring to a comfortable seat inside the cabin. At first Manall objected, saying that he needed to check their food provisions, so Lorann could prepare a meal, but he accepted Ian's and Lorann's comments that they could do it together. Within less than a hour the three of them were sitting at the rough table in the living enjoying the simple meal. After they had cleared the table Manall prepared a delicious drink made from several dried berries and leaves.
Relaxed they sat in front of the cabin on some logs. However, Lorann noticed that his grandfather dozed off several times.
"You'd better get inside, grandpa, and take a long rest. I will come with you and help you to take care of the wounds on your back," the young harvest boy said.
Manall nodded, but said, "It shouldn't be a young boy like you to take care of me, but I'm grateful for your help."
He looked at Ian, "My dear friend, have a nice rest too. Tomorrow I will tell how to get to the next cabin. It's a shorter track and we might have time to do some hunting in the afternoon. It will be good to have change in our meal with some fresh meat."
He rosed and after other kind nod to Ian he and Lorann went inside. After some moments Ian rose too and walked around the cabin into the woods. He remembered the morning after his healing session with Severini. The visit to the Jedi Garden of Healing had been an incredible experience. Smiling he recalled the soft hands of his mother as she had brought him into the deep healing sleep in that beautiful pavilion. Severini had used the same kind of treatment he had seen on Endor, as he and Yarmod had been supporting Liane. Yarmod and he had noticed how Liane had hovered her hands above the wounds and how those wounded Ewoks had stopped moaning with pain and surrendered to their joined treatment. The Ewoks had fallen into a much deeper healing sleep as Liane had explained afterwards. What precisely had he felt on Endor, and had his help and that of Yarmod indeed helped to cured Teebo and his friends? Ian sat down on the stem of a fallen tree and took a meditation stance to become one with the Force. Unexpectedly his Force spirit wandered back to the cabin and brought him to the room where Lorann was helping Manall with some new bandages. Ian saw that on Manall's back some large ghastly wounds still existed. Part of the flesh seemed like it had been torn away by some claws. His Force spirit neared the bed and hesitantly he surrounded the older Quelan with compassion, reaching deeper into the Force to find out how a healing process could cure the injury. He kept his connection with the Force even after Lorann had covered the wounds with a new bandage. Manall managed to turn to his other side and Lorann helped him to make himself comfortable. Ian released himself from his Force connection, rose and walked back to the front door, where Lorann just stepped outside to start looking for him.
"My grandfather is nearly asleep now, master Kenobi. If you don't mind I'm going to sleep as well. I'm very tired. There is a small room to the left of the door, where you can take a rest. I cleared it out. You will find a blanket in the box underneath the bench. Good night, master Kenobi. Will you please lock the door on the inside?" the young boy bowed and went back inside.
"Sleep well, Lorann. Tomorrow I will take the wheel," Ian said.
He waited until he was sure that Lorann too had gone to sleep. Before he entered the cabin he took a moment to wonder how his sister and the other had fared.
'Shaayla-Car, where are you? How are you and the other doing' He asked through the Force.
'We're fine. We've reached the first cabin just after sunset. We've covered a good track of the path master Manall showed us.' His sister answered, 'How about you and master Manall.'
'We've reached the first cabin on our track too. I could feel that Manall was tired which is obvious, considering the terrible wound on his back. He must be a tough guy to endure such a pain.'
'Did he allow you to help him bandaging that wound?' Liane asked surprised.
'Of course not. Lorann helped him, but the Force brought me inside the bed chamber and I saw what had happened to him. Shaayla-Car, it looked like the terrible wound of Teebo. The encounter with the Urams must have come unexpectedly. I wish I knew a way to help him to feel less pain. If you would be here, you certainly could use your healing powers to start healing those wounds. I'm not sure how I can be of any help. The way you treated those wounded Ewoks seems quite different to me.'
'It isn't, Tama-Hinn and you will find a way to start healing those wounds. I'm sure of that. I can feel your compassion for master Manall through Force at this moment. We're healers, my dear brother, we both are. The Force will show you in which way you might help the old man.'
Ian started to laugh.
'I wish I had your confidence, Shaayla-Car. I let you know as soon as I am sure I can help master Manall without him noticing. I'm glad I know that you and the others are safe inside a cabin too. Sleep well, pleasant dreams.'
Their connection through the Force disappeared. Ian went inside and locked the door. He entered the small room Lorann had indicated and laid down on the bed. The vision of Manall's terrible wound was still vivid in his mind. How could he help with the healing of those wounds. The old man must be a tough guy who seemed to neglect the pain the injury must cause. Liane had asked him to take care master Manall. She had told him that she was sure that he could give him comfort, or even start his healing in the same way as she has started healing the Ewoks.
Pensively Ian looked through the window to the sky above. He sat up and opened the window,listening to the noises outside. Some night birds screeched afar, the wind rustled through the trees and some unseen little rodents scurried through the fallen leaves on the forest floor.
Ian's thoughts returned to Manall again. He had clearly felt the old man's suffering and pain. Was there a way to ease that pain? His sister was convinced he would know how to take care of the old Quelan. Without a noise Ian closed the window. Slowly he pulled off his boots and folded his cloak. As he laid down again the images of Liane, appearing in the cabin on Palomintar Six to help him the way she had done to heal Teebo and the other wounded Ewoks. She hadn't been in the cabin. She had told him that Severini had helped her to let the Force guide her spirit from the underground residence on Dalmaran to Palomintar Six. Severini had supported her effort, for at that time Liane hadn't been a fully fledged Jedi Knight.
Maybe he should have reminded her to use her Force skills to start Manall's healing. It would be amazing if she could help Manall from afar and this time the distance was much shorter. Hadn't he been able to let the Force show him the wounds while he was outside the cabin.
Ian sat upright greatly astonished. Tonight the Force had brought him into Manall's bed chamber. He hadn't been there in reality, but his Force spirit had seen Manall's wounds. If he had done that several hours ago; he could probably do that again and give more comfort to the man who had been a dear friend of his father. He could let the Force guide him and show him how he could give some better help. That first experience had shown him Manall's wounds. Wasn't that proof that the Force wanted him to give his help without Manall noticing it.Maybe he even would be able to use the way Liane had used with her hovering hands.
Ian crossed his legs and took a Jedi meditation stance. He closed his eyes and surrendered himself to the will of the Force. Once again he became aware how he entered the bedchamber. The old man wasn't asleep, although his eyes where closed. Ian felt the pain and the anxiety the pain caused in Manall's mind. He reached out further to the Force and sat down next to the half sleeping harvest man who didn't seem to notice his presence. Gently he hovered his hands above Manall's back where he had seen the wound. His first option was to ease the pain and bring Manall to sleep, but suddenly the guidance of the Force became clearer. Ian let the power of the Living Force flow through him. He connected the Force's surrounding power around the old man's body. Through the Force he established an invisible contact with the injury. As he looked at the wounds he saw how the rough edge of the wound smoothed themselves. Ian pressed on and concentrated on the deeper layers of the wound where the muscle tissue had been ripped apart. Fully one with the Force now he bent the Force with his will to start the healing of the tissue deep inside. As he looked down at his hands he saw how small blue flames pierced the tissue inside starting to smooth and heal it. Although the wounds didn't bleed, little blood vessels had been damaged and the crusts of dried blood seem to prevent a fast cure. Ian concentrated on the crusts of dried blood and one by one the crusts disappeared. Now the Force started curing the underlaying muscle tissue and the wounds edges.
Hours seemed to pass before Ian took his hands away and noticed that Manall's breathing had become much more regular. He had fallen into a deep sleep. Ian was clearly aware that the wounds wouldn't disturb Manall's deep sleep. He came out of his Force trance and stretched his legs. Was this the way he could give his help? Was this what Liane meant when she had said that he too had inherited Severini's healing skills? Slowly he laid down and closed his eyes. Tomorrow he would watch Manall closely. Lorann would certainly renew the bandages the following evening. Maybe the Force would give him another opportunity to see if his help had been of some use.
Jerno looked at his two other leaders.
"It seems that the Jedi really have made their own plan to arrange a confrontation with our admiral and defeat him. Our man on Palomintar Four has informed us that he has brought one of the Jedi inside the underground hide-out and that the girl has arrived on Palomintar Four, and is on her way to meet the admiral."
"Shouldn't we still prevent a meeting between Darth Vader's daughter and the admiral, Jerno?" Kalip asked concerned.
Jerno shook his head.
"How could we, Kalip? The treaty with the New Republic prohibits the landing of some ground troops. What's more we couldn't provided a ground force at the moment. We have discussed the matter before and there is no way for us to take a quick action. We have to rely on the information our agent on Palomintar Four. I have told you both that, according to him Liane Solichor no longer seems to be a real danger to the galaxy. Jedi master Skywalker has told our man that Liane Solichor isn't Darth Vader's real daughter. She is the daughter of Severini Solichor, a Jedi Knight and healer who was the principal and supervisor of the medical center in the Jedi temple before its collapse and the demise of the Jedi."
"But her daughter has grown up at Darth Vader's stronghold on Morantan. He has taught her the dark skills of the Sith, Jerno?"
"That's right, but after Jedi master Skywalker took care of her, she seemed to have denounced the former teachings of Darth Vader. Master Skywalker has taken her as his apprentice and in time she will become a Jedi Knight like him. Our man also mentions that he had to send a message from Trevor Matrik to the Supreme Leader of the New Republic in which he threatens our new ally that he will kill the Jedi if Liane Solichor won't be sent to him."
"You said that one of the Jedi Knights have fallen into the admiral's hands? Did he surrender himself deliberately?" Valann asked.
"I don't know for sure. The attached message to Irithim isn't clear about what's going on on Palomitar Four. It's a threat, but the message doesn't explicitly say that one of the Jedi, or maybe more have been captured."
"Do we know what Irithim's reaction has been to the message?" Kalip asked.
"No, we can of course contact with their agent and asked him about the New Republic's reaction and reply. We could express our concern if they want to arrest him and bring to Irithim. Trevor Matrik has been a former imperial admiral. I think, it's up to the Provisionary Coruscant Council to arrest him and bring him to trial on Coruscant."
"Our contact in Irithim can also give us more reassurance about what they precisely know about Liane Solichor. We certainly need more detail about the changes she underwent. How sure are they about those changes in her behavior? Has Master Skywalker indeed taken her as his Jedi apprentice? Jerno, I'm still not sure if she won't be a threat to the future of the galaxy," Kalip said, looking at Valann.
Valann nodded in agreement, "Jerno, we have to make sure that the treaty between the Provisionary Coruscant Council and the New Republic will not be jeopardize by a possible alliance between a Jedi apprentice and our former admiral who dreams of reviving the empire as we've found out recently. She's a Jedi apprentice, a learner, not a trained Jedi. Will she be able to oppose and withstand our admiral's dark intentions, or will she succumb herself to him. Maybe we should go to Palomintar Four ourselves and prevent a meeting between her and the admiral; for the safety of this galaxy and hers."
Jerno looked at his two co-leaders.
"Kalip, contact Irithim. Asked if we can discus this matter with the Supreme Chancellor via the secured proton connection on Quoith. You're both right, a Jedi apprentice isn't someone with the right Jedi knowledge to withstand the devious intentions of our admiral."
In the middle of the night Liane and her companions locked the cabin and went on their way for the next stretch of their journey. Yarnick had pointed out on the map that they could reach the next cabin much faster if they left the indicated path and follow a much smaller one among the shrubbery. The original trajectory made a large, although faint bent to the right, but the narrow path through the shrubbery would skip several hours' walk. Another advantage of the smaller path was that it went along many shallow dells with trees which would give them more coverage against spying eyes even during daytime. It turned out that the smaller path was indeed much faster, but the underground was very moist and slippery. Yarmod suggested they should tie themselves to a rope as these wetlands could also have quick sand patches.
Although their progress was slower than the first part of their journey, they reached the next cabin hours before sunset. All of them congratulated Yarnick with his good insight. They spent the extra time to prepare a nutritious meal, after which Liane suggested that they would proceed on the original path immediately after nightfall. The hours before their departure they used to get some rest. The six Grann brothers found a place to take a nap, Yarmod went outside and search for a place to do some Force meditation and Liane sought a connection with her brother through the Force. However, Ian left her only a few words that he was still steering the speeder to their next stop.
'I'm driving fast to our next stop. I'll talk to you later, Shaayla-Car' He answered.
Liane sat down near the fire place, where the dying flames of a fire still gave some warmth. She leaned with her back against the warm stones that surrounded the fire place. She wondered if her brother had been able to give the old harvest man some help and comfort, or ease his pain. She know she could have done it herself, but her uneasiness about what was going on in Trevor's underground abode and what he might have done to Luke, had let her decided that she had to go on with the others to reach the plains near Ribana as fast as possible. If Ian wouldn't have been able to give Manall some help, she would do so, after she had solved the problem and the threat posed by Trevor to the galaxy and more specific to Luke. The images of her last vision; the one she had shared with Wedge, still worried her, but she knew that she couldn't rush anything. She had to carry on with patience, looking forward meeting with Leia and Wedge again, for they could certainly tell her more about what had happened to Luke.
Let's have a short break to eat something. We have covered a lot more of our journey, thanks to our Jedi friend," Manall said and continued, "If I'm right we will reach the third cabin shortly, won't we, Tama-Hinn?"
"That's right, master Manall. Probably I drove much faster, than you and the other harvest men normally do."
"You have a powerful ally to support you. I noticed that you didn't autopilot the speeder, but you also hardly looked on the navi-comp to find your way," The old harvest man grinned, "Your father would be proud to know that his son has developed his Jedi skills in such a tremendous way. Get the speeder over to that clearing. That's a good place to stop. Lorann can take over for the last part, if you're tired. The third cabin is about two hours away. Tomorrow we will reach the last cabin at the foothill of the mountain ridge. I guess, that your father and brothers will be surprised when they see us."
Lorann grinned, "They certainly aren't expecting us, grandpa."
Meanwhile Ian had steered the speeder to the clearing and stopped the engine. As he has jumped off the speeder he stretched his arms and legs and reached for the boxes which contain their rations of food. Meanwhile Manall had also left the speeder and looked around. He noticed that Lorann was preparing a comfortable seat, dropping a big load of fallen leaves between the roots of a tree.
"Thank you, my son, for your concern, but having returned to these woods feels as a great relief. Let's sit down on those tree stumps. Tama-Hinn, don't bother yourself too much with our meal. Keep it simple, so we have enough time to enjoy the serenity of this place. The forest always gives me an enormous increase of power. I love this part of Myr. Especially for its beauty," Manall said joyously.
Lorann looked at his grandfather in wonder, but he said nothing. Ian watched the old harvest man, too.
"Do you recognize this place, grandpa?" Lorann asked surprised.
"Absolutely, son. As a young harvest man I learned to be aware of almost every detail of the surrounding areas. Look at that small cluster of trees to the left. It marks a spot where the denser forest begins to slope up. Our ride will be a bit more difficult from now on, because the trees higher up the slope are growing more densely, but if we follow our dotted path we won't loose much time. Maybe we should ask, master Tama-Hinn, to steer the speeder. With his knowledge we will reach our destination safe and sound."
"You have been here more than once, haven't you grandpa?"
Manall laughed, "You bet I have. Before we had to leave Ribana, we always used this path to reach the place where we have been working during several decades to redirect the river again. So you can say I'm quite familiar with this road."
"You once told me that it's very important to get the river back in its original bedding, but father told me that it's a very difficult task, because he doesn't dare to use explosives," Lorann said, while he bit a piece of his nut-bread.
"The earthquake that caused the upheaval and the changed course of the river was triggered by a volcanic eruption in the northern area far from Ribana. The former leaders of the harvest men, my grandfather, for instance, gathered information about an underground lave flow which had found its way underneath the mountain ridge. With to use of explosives we could much easily dig out a new canal for the river, but explosives might also cause cracks and fissures in the rock and they could reach the lava flow. The lava would then erupt to the surface through those cracks and threaten Ribana for the lava flow would certainly follow the former underground riverbed."
"So the lava flow has to be handle with caution."
"It has, Lorann, nature always follows it's own path and we have to be aware of its dangers... and its beauty. You don't have be scared, son, just be cautious. Look around. Isn't this spot wonderful. Those trees, the grass, the ferns. We're part of nature and we have to take care not to destroy the place we live."
"Have you seen the lava flow underneath the mountain ridge?"
"No, I haven't, but my great-grandfather and several other harvest men have done investigations after the earthquake. They went to the northern lands, after the lake near Ribana dried out. The lake was important to the inhabitants of Ribana. In the old archives the written evidence gather by my great-grandfather are kept safe so future generation could learn from their stories. My great-grandfather has seen the volcano and he has seen several lava pools through which the lave flowed along an underground canal under the mountain. The canal resurfaces far behind the mountain ridge which protects Ribana. In the northern lands the flow stops and the lava hardens. My great-grandfather wrote that one day the lava canal might get blocked and the flow has to find new ways to overflow."
"Could there be another earthquake in the future, grandpa?"
"Possibly yes, but as long as the lava continues to flow there is no immediate danger."
Manall looked at the sky.
"Shall we continue. Master Kenobi, I want you to take the wheel again, if you're not to tired. There is still enough daylight to make our drive easy."
Lorann want to help his grandfather to get inside the speeder, but the old man climbed on the passenger seat all by himself. Ian who had listened to conversation between Lorann and his grandfather in silence, secured the food boxes, before he sat himself at the driver's seat. At the calm velocity they continued their ride and reached their stay for the second night within two hours.
"Do we have any response or an answer to the message we've sent to that rebel leader?" Darth Golluth snarled impatiently.
"No, we haven't, my lord," Doran Whain answered subdued.
"You did threaten her enough, didn't you. Did you tell her that we will kill the last Jedi, if she doesn't accept our conditions?"
"I have sent the exact words of your message, my lord. We have to wait, if the lady Mon Mothma seeks contact with us."
"Lady Mon Mothma? She has no authority, she's a rebel, a vicious woman and a traitor. Years ago the emperor set a price on her head, but no bounty hunter ever managed to find her hiding place. Already at the beginning of the insurgence of the Rebel Alliance she was an old wretch and a bitch, so many officers assumed she had died after that first Death Star exploded. However, after the demise of the emperor and Darth Vader she suddenly reappeared out of nowhere and claimed the victory for the rebels. After the re-installment of the illegal senate on Dalmaran she was chosen as Supreme Chancellor. It was she who opened the negotiations with the remnants of the emperor's government after the Battle of Jakku. Manipulating the last of the imperial leaders who had formed a provisionary council on Coruscant, she convinced them to sign a cease fire and a truce which later was changed in a peace treaty and an agreement of cooperation," Darth Golluth grumbled and continued, "Did you know all this?"
"I have heard that it was she who took the initiative to establish a truce between the Alliance and the provisionary council on Coruscant, but I've learned any details. I was still a junior officer when the battle of Jakku took place," Doran answered.
"Where you assigned to any ship of the imperial fleet that took part in that battle?"
"No, my lord. After I completed the Academy I was assigned to follow a extended training as a technical engineer. So I was on on Coruscant when the imperial fleet was defeated near Jakku."
"What did you think, my dear colonel, after you heard that terrifying news?" Darth Golluth asked with tension.
"Like all other officers we were devastated, when the defeat of the imperial fleet was made public. It was hardly unbelievable, that the Rebel Alliance had been triumphant."
"What did your parents think of that final defeat of the empire?"
Doran looked up cautiously.
"I'm an orphan, my lord. My father died in the blast of the first Death Star and my mother was killed in an encounter with criminal gangs. She was an innocent victim, a bystander."
"Who took care of you, after your father died? I presume you were still a child went the first Death Star exploded."
"Twenty-two, my lord. I was already a student at the Academy. One of my instructors took care of me. After my graduation it was he who insisted that I should continue my study as a sophisticated technical engineer."
You were the only one of your group who was scheduled to follow that extended training."
"No, sir. There were some five of my group who got permission to enroll that training."
"What was your first impression when you heard that the leaders of the Provisionary Coruscant Council and the Rebel Alliance signed a peace treaty and agreed to cooperate."
Doran became highly alerted. Darth Golluth was luring him into a trap. He had to be very cautious about his words.
"My lord, it's not right for an officer to discuss political matters. As an officer I have to rely on my superiors that they will take the right decisions. The peace treaty between the Provisionary Coruscant Council and the administration of the New Republic might be a first step to bind the millions of peoples and species in our galaxy together and bring them prosperity."
"So you agree with what has happened after the empire was defeated?" Darth Golluth grumbled, "In fact you're suggesting that the Empire didn't take the right decisions."
"During the Empire different decisions were made. In the beginning the Empire had to deal with pockets of resistance on many worlds."
"What about the emperor's order to wipe the Jedi Order and kill all the Jedi?"
"I'm not knowledgeable about the intentions of the Jedi, my lord. Their demise took place when I was still very young. My parents never discussed politics, nor the decisions of the emperor. They were an inconspicuous couple and they tried to raise me and my sister in a peaceful environment which wasn't always easy, because of my father's assignment in the imperial fleet. After my mother's death our family fell apart. My sister was brought to some far off family member of my mother on a planet in the Hosian system, and my father used his influence that I was conscripted me to the Academy. His assignment in the imperial fleet left him not enough time to take care of my education. As soon as I was accepted as a student, he left Coruscant and I never have seen him again. After the Death Star exploded the emperor posthumously honored him. I was told by the principals of the Academy that I should be proud of his sacrifice. "
"And your sister?" Darth Golluth insisted.
"My sister died during a raid of imperial troopers on the Hosian system, together with the rest of the family. On the Hosian system he imperial forces wiped out whole cities who rebelled again the imperial repression. "
"So you possibly have a grudge again emperor Palpatine and his repressive regime"
Doran was again on his guard.
"My lord, every political system or ideology has its pro and cons. Not all decisions the emperor made turned out to be right. What went wrong must be a warning for the future."
"A next emperor shouldn't make the same faults, is that what you're saying?"
"That's right, my lord. A next emperor should learn from the past, to make his reign a blessing for the many."
Darth Golluth looked at his new assistant with a sly look in his eyes.
"We will discuss the future of this galaxy at later moment, my dear colonel, but I expect your fully loyalty to the plans I have in mind. You may get to your quarters. Droid, get me to my chamber."
Doran Whain rose and bowed as Darth Golluth left the main room supported by his majordomos droid. After they had left, he went over to the communication cave and checked his secretly installed incoming message system. There was only one message from the golden droid, telling him that he didn't have to come to the vineyard building yet.
Doran disconnected the connection with his messaging system, put the data card in his collar and went to his quarter, where the majordomos droid had served his dinner. He dismissed the droid and started to eat, recalling his conversation with Darth Golluth about his personal background. That background information was true. The person of Doran Whain once had been alive. However the record of his death has been deleted, after the leaders of the Provisionary Coruscant Council needed a decoy to infiltrate in the abode of a missing imperial admiral. After he had finished the transformation to his new identity the leaders on Coruscant had assigned him on the Basilisaea, telling the admiral on duty, Vestor, that he had to be the main technical engineer with all the clearance to access any of the Star Destroyer's communication system. That part of his new identity hadn't been difficult. He was a skilled technical communications expert, he even had been the youngest scholar in galactic distance communication science on Coruscant. However he had never been drafted in the imperial army.
Doran had finished his diner and laid down on the couch which served him as a place to sleep. Tomorrow he needed to check the cave where Luke Skywalker was in his hibernation sleep, and make sure that the disguise of the young Jedi wasn't in danger. He recalled the message of Luke's golden droid. The apprentice of Luke - his padawan learner - had not yet turned up at the vineyard building. The plan of the other Jedi, master Antilles, seemed have encountered a delay. That wasn't a real problem, for he could easily tell Darth Golluth that Liane Solichor had to find her way to Palomintar Four after the Supreme Chancellor had informed her about the message. The missing admiral didn't have to know that the woman had already arrived on Palomintar. Any delay would be in favor of the outcome of the message. Doran switched off the small light of a pocket lamp. Not only had the secret message reached Coruscant by now, but the New Republic's frigate Tychorion must have intercepted that message and relayed it to Irithim, as he had added some coding that would alert any communications's officer. The content of the message to Coruscant wasn't what Darth Golluth had dictated, nor had the real message ever been sent to the Supreme Leader of the New Republic. The outcome of his secret action couldn't be predicted, but he expected that both leaders would discuss the content of the secret message.
"Grandpa, you should have a look in a mirror, if we had one!" Lorann exclaimed, "I can't believe it. The day before yesterday your wounds still looked bad and they look like they are almost healed. They are so much smaller than before."
Outside the fourth cabin Ian Tydon heard the loud young voice of the boy. He leaning against the wall of the cabin, enjoying the last bit of warmth to Palomintar's sun before it would vanish behind the huge tree.
"Master Kenobi, my grandfather asks you to have a look at the wounds on his back. He doesn't believe me, as I told him that the wounds on his back doesn't look so bad anymore. Truly, master Kenobi, I have been very worried lately, because his wounds seem to become worse."
"I don't know if I can convince him, Lorann," Ian said with a gentle smile, but the boy grabbed his hand and pulled him inside the cabin to one the chambers at the rear end of the cabin. The old harvest man was sitting on a stool and looked up as his grandson and Ian entered.
"Lorann, you go and prepare our meal. I'll talk and listen to master Kenobi alone," Manall ordered.
Confused Lorann left the chamber. Manall looked at Ian.
"My grandson says that the wounds of the Uram attack look like they are healing. Did he speak the truth, Tama-Hinn Kenobi?"
He took off his shirt and turned his back to Ian.
"I want a truthful answer, Tama-Hinn."
"Don't you believe your grandson's words, master Manall. He has renewed the bandage regularly, so he has seen your wounds more than once. You even complained that a young boy like Lorann, should fullfill this task. I can only tell what I so now, but I can't confirm what Lorann has told you," Ian said as looked at Manall's olive-colored skin.
"You're a Jedi, Tama-Hinn. You see more than normal people," The harvest man commented on Ian's words.
Ian had looked at the wound and saw that the injuries looked so much better than when he saw it the first time.
"Does the injuries still hurt you? Do you feel much pain?" He asked.
"Much less, in fact I had a feeling that I was becoming my old self again."
"Yesterday, you said that you enjoyed being in these woods again. Could it be that those joyful feelings have eased your pain and started the healing of your wound."
"Can the surrounding nature have that lot of influence on my mind?" Manall asked.
"It wouldn't surprise me, master Manall. You said wise words last night. We're indeed all part of our surroundings. It's very likely that the Force has influence the healing process, because you felt one with the trees in this forest. It's a familiar environment for you and you certainly enjoyed to be back."
"I feel much better indeed, Tama-Hinn. Tell me, have you ever experience the influence of our surroundings."
Ian started to laugh.
"A Jedi is constantly aware of his surroundings, master Manall. The Force shows me constantly that I am a part of this forest. I can feel even the tiniest creatures that live on the forest floor."
Manall was in thought after Ian's words.
"So a Jedi Knight is always connected to the Force," He concluded.
Ian nodded.
"That's right, master Manall, and because you, as a harvest man, have always been aware of the nature around you, and feel the need to take good care of it, the invisible power of the Force has surrounded you with her power and made you feel so much better."
For a moment Manall looked skeptical.
"Master Tama-Hinn Kenobi, son of my good old friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, are you telling me that I can feel the Force of the Jedi."
"It's not the Force of the Jedi, master Manall. It's not a power the Jedi possesses, it's a power the Jedi can feel and surrender to. The Force surrounds each and everything. It binds everything together. On Tyr I have sensed that several Quelans are sensitive to the Force, that doesn't mean that they can become Jedi Knights, but that they are aware of a power that can protect and heal. Probably that's what has happened to you after you've returned to Myr, to this forest which you clearly enjoy and love."
Manall put on his shirt and rose. He looked at Ian and started to laugh.
Maybe, what you're saying is true, Tama-Hinn, but it could also be that your presence has helped me too. Now, let's see if my grandson has prepared something to eat, for this trip surely makes me hungry."
He put the stool in a corner and together with Ian he went to the main room, where Lorann was laying the table.
"Good, Lorann, well done, son. Master Kenobi and I had a nice talk about the wounds on my back. He couldn't confirm your excited words, but if you say that that wounds look so much better I believe you, my son."
Lorann's eyes brightened.
"I'm glad you feel so much better, grandpa. Tomorrow you can ask father to confirm what I said. He has brought you back from the nut forest on Tyr and has seen what the Urams had done to you."
"That's a good point, Lorann. I will show the wound to your father and ask him how serious it still is. And now let's enjoy our meal. It's been a great pleasure to make this trip again, but tomorrow there will be much excitement when we turn up on the quarry. I'm looking forward seeing master Antilles again, if he is there too, and I want to make my acquaintance with another Skywalker, the sister of Luke Skywalker as Shaayla-Car told me. Maybe she can tell me what has happened to Anakin, their father."

To be continued...