A Jedi's Fight - A Star Wars Fan Fiction Story

Chapter 85

e has done what!" Leia and Han exclaimed, looking at Wedge Antilles.
"He has gone into Jedi hibernation in the escape pod and Nori Thai has taken him inside Trevor's shelter. I have monitored the launch and the rather rough landing of the pod. I have seen that Nori kept to his part of the plan and has carried Luke's hibernated body inside," Wedge said.
"Luke's a fool, Wedge. We have to make a plan to get him out again real quick. I going to prepare the Falcon for a direct attack," Han grunted and want to jump to his feet.
Leia looked worried, but didn't comment on her husband's words.
"Luke asked me to tell you, you shouldn't worry. Although it seems a ridiculous plan he has taken all the necessary safety precautions."
"Like what," Han snarled as he sat himself again, still looking agitated, "He doesn't know how long it will take before Liane turns up near Ribana."
"Luke wants me to bring her to Myr and drop her off near the vineyard building. Nori Thai will meet her there and will take her and the droids inside too."
"Sounds like a great plan, but I can't imagine a successful outcome."
"Liane can ask Chati for help to wake Luke up. He has told her a kind of code word, that will reverse his hibernation state," Wedge said calmly.
"I'll get Chati," Leia said and rose.
Within a couple of minutes she came back with the young Quelan woman. The girl looked a bit uncomfortable.
"Chati," She said, "you have seen my brother in his hibernation state, haven't you?"
"Yes, master Leia several times. I have helped him to get out of it too. Especially when master Solo thought that Ben had died and brought him to his ship."
"What has Luke ask you to do this time?" Han asked impatiently, but Leia put a reassuring hand on Chati's arm.
"I have to say aloud the Jedi greeting in the old language of the Jedi, master Solo, like I did on board your space ship, and I have to bring him his lightsaber."
Han looked at his wife.
"So your brother is inside Trevor's shelter without his weapon, waiting for a runaway Quelan girl to wake him up. Do you know what that means, Leia."
Leia laughed, "Of course, darling. It means that Luke trusts Chati to carry out her part of the mission. My brother has taught her the old Jediese wish 'May the Force be with you', to get him out of Jedi hibernation."
"Do you also know those sentence in, what you say, Jediese?"
"I do. What's on your mind, Han."
"I'm going to lift off with the Falcon. We're going to attack the underground shelter, kill that lunatic and release your brother from his death bed. That's what we're going to do. Luke isn't in charge at the moment, so now I'm taking control of this situation."
Leia shook her head, "No Han, you're not. This isn't a matter of shooting and fighting. Luke is alive. I can feel his presence through the Force. He wants to make it easier for Liane to deal with Trevor. Trevor is her opponent, but Luke wants to be with her in case she needs any help."
"She doesn't know anything about that dumb Jedi meditation. She has never seen him almost as a dead corpse," Han objected.
"She has, darling, more than once. She has had several Force visions about Luke in Jedi hibernation. Those visions have frightened her, but also encouraged her to make up her mind and come to Palomintar Four to confront Trevor herself."
"She even has seen how the escape pod landed and how Nori Thai took Luke out of the pod," Wedge said, and told Leia and Han what had happened on Tyr.
"Even if she has seen him in a kind of vision, that doesn't mean that she know how to get him out of it again," Han grunted.
"Master Leia," Chati said softly, "I can enter the network of caves and corridors through the end of the underground riverbed much earlier than Ben said I should. I can use my Quelan skin discoloration to stay practically invisible and I can wake Ben up if his Padawan girlfriend doesn't know how. You only have to help me to make the opening at the end of the underground riverbed large enough so I can pass through."
Chewbacca grunted a nasty growl and shook his head.
"You're right, Chewie," Han commented, "I appreciate the help you want to give to Luke, young lady, but like Luke you don't know how long you have to stay in that underground network. You don't know what danger you may encounter, not to mention the way to get food and drink."
"I can take some rations with me and store them near the passageway to the underground riverbed. If I need more I always can come back to the main cave, but I assume that the guy we're after and his assistant have to eat as well, so I might be able to steal food once I'm inside the cave network," Chati objected.
Wedge looked amused at Chati's arguments.
"Han mentioned some real dangers you might encounter, young padawan, but I admire you're quick thinking," He said and saw the gleaming in the young Quelan's eyes as he addressed her as a future Force learner.
"The Quelan skin discoloring feature will protect me. I can disappear against almost any background and inside the network of caves it's dark and gloomy most of the time. I have been inside the cave network more than once, master Jedi, when I was young, before that guy took over Ribana."
Again Chewbacca grunted a long sentence. Leia shook her head.
"No, Chewie, Luke won't be pleased if Chati wakes him up before Liane has arrived. I still don't like what my brother has done, but the more I think about his plan, the more I see that his plan will lead to the right outcome."
"Do you mean that, master Leia, that we will succeed to free Ribana, and that everyone in Cantamaga can come back to Ribana?" Chati asked out of breath.
"Yes, I think so, but we have to be cautious and move on step by step. Wedge, what has Luke told you about the next step of his plan?"
"Luke said I should stay here and make myself useful for a couple of days, for Darth Golluth probably will order his assistant to send a message to Mon Mothma. He assumes that Mon Mothma will exchange Liane for Luke.
"Who told you about those plans?" Han asked aggressively.
"Nori Thai has told Luke during one their former meetings. Liane has to arrive near Ribana some time after the message has been send otherwise her arrival would raise the guy's suspicion."
"And that weirdo expects that Mon Mothma will cooperate," Han commented, shaking his head in disbelief, "Shouldn't we warn Madine on the Tychorion that Mon Mothma might get a message which won't need any action?"
Wedge nodded, "Luke, indeed, asked me to inform Madine. I have done that already. I don't know when Nori will send the message, but Madine will certainly intercept any messages send from this planet's surface."
Leia sighed more or less relieved, "Wedge, maybe you should get back to Tyr as soon as possible, and take Liane with the Astræga here at this camp where it's safe."
For the first time Han started to laugh, "Leia, dear, after what those three friends and the Grann brothers have gone through, I don't think Wedge will be able to bring Liane to Myr alone. I'm sure she won't leave any of her friends behind."
"If Liane objects, bring them all, so we can explain what Luke had in mind," Leia commented unstirred.
"If Wedge will drop off Liane near Ribana, maybe the others can follow Chati through the dried riverbed, and use the backdoor to enter the cave network," Han suggested. Leia jumped to her feet and kissed her husband.
"You still have brilliant suggestions, darling. That's what we are going to do. Wedge, you'd better leave as soon as possible."
On the other side of Myr in the underground shelter Darth Golluth looked gleeful at the cold body of Luke Skywalker.
"So, those rebels have found out my hiding place and their incompetent leader has sent her most powerful warrior to defeat me. But he has met his destiny as admiral Vestor probably has intercepted him and blown him out of the sky. My dear Jedi friend must have been mortally wounded and died inside the escape pod. It's a bit unlucky, for he certainly could have told me a lot about the use of the Force, on the other hand I know have the opportunity to send out that message to that rebel leader and tell her that the friend of Lady Vader is my prisoner. I won't tell her of course that he has died, otherwise that Sith woman won't run for help. Colonel, send out that message via Quoith and make sure that you mark it as very urgent," Darth Golluth yelled while he turned to Doran Whain.
"My lord, shouldn't we bury him," Doran Whain suggested, "A dead body inside this room might be dangerous. It's rapidly decaying."
"No, no, I won't bury him yet. First I want to lay my hands on Lady Vader. It's cold enough in these underground caves to keep the dead Jedi preserved, but you're right about keeping him in my main chamber where we also have our dinner. Take him to one of the caves further inside the underground network. There are several smaller caves which I don't use, because they are too cramped. I leave it to you to choose one. I suggest you use one of those spare side boards and make a kind of burial chamber of the cave."
"I will do as you please, my lord," Doran said .
"It's a pity I have to put him out of sight. It's such a glorious view to see a dead Jedi. I remember the many dead Jedi bodies when the emperor took his reign and slaughtered them all. I was a young student at the beginning of my career, but I remember the announcement emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader made, telling the members of the Senate that all the Jedi had been wiped out. Prepare this young fool's death bed, Colonel and send out that message the rebel leader of that New Republic."
Doran bowed and left carrying the stiff and cold body of Luke Skywalker in his arm. He walked through the cave network and brought the young Jedi to a cave next to the space which he had been assigned to use as his sleeping cave. He ordered some droids to follow him with a long low table, a piece of furniture taken by Darth Golluth from the vineyard building. With some draperies and cushions he prepared a kind of catafalque and put Luke Skywalker on it, taking care that the body was in a comfortable position.
As he left the cave, he grinned, "Sleep well, my friend. I hope it won't be for a long time."
He went to the communication center and activated a connection. Carefully he formulated a message, reread his words several time, before he transmitted the message. He switched off the console and walked back to the 'throne room', where Darth Golluth was still in an elated mood and celebrated his first victory.
"I have send out the message, my lord," Doran said, making a bow.
"Excellent, now we have to wait, until Lady Vader hears about what has happened to her dear friend. It's a bit unfortunate that we don't know when your future wife will arrive here, but I sure that that rebel leader will inform her immediately wherever she's been hiding."
Doran Whain thought about the text he had send and grinned internally.
"You will be surprised about the outcome, my lord," He thought, "It will be a big surprise for you, I guess."
On board the Tychorion the information officer intercepted Doran Whain's message and rushed over to general Madine.
"This might be important for the Supreme Chancellor too, sir. Shall I relay it to Irithim."
General Madine read the message, and nodded thoughtfully. He handed the datapad back to the officer.
"Yes, send this to Mon Mothma's secured procon messaging system at once."
The officer wanted to leave.
"Wait, tell the Supreme Chancellor to contact the Tychorion immediately."
"Look, Shaayla-Car, there is the east coast of Myr looming in the haze," Manall said and pointed to the landmass at the horizon, "We'll reached the eastern harbor in about two or three hours. This voyage has been an easy one. In the past we harvest men often crossed this water during the storm season. That's a lot more dangerous."
Liane nodded, but her mind wandered to another part of Myr. She felt that the event of her vision she had shared with Wedge Antilles had taken place already. Was Luke dead? Didn't he have survived the landing in the escape pod, and what had happened to the Astræga, Wedge and the droids. Did the imperial star destroyer attack the Astræga and damaged it, or eliminated it? Had not only Luke died, but Wedge too? Feeling nervous she tried to reach out to the Force to feel the presence of both Jedi masters, but her concentration was weak and the images she saw through the Force were blurred.
"How long will it take us to reach Ribana, master Manall?" She asked, trying not to sound her inquietude.
"We have to cross the wild lands east of Ribana. There's some forest which will protect us, in case the guy who took over Ribana is using probe droids which might attack us."
"My brother and me, and Yarmod will detect a possible attack before those droids have detected us. We surely will managed to put them out of order, but it's reassuring to we have some hiding places as we find our way to Ribana. Are you sure you will manage, master Manall. The journey could take very much of your strength. You're still recovering."
"I have thought about that, Shaayla-Car, and although I don't want to admit it the governors and Kamalin were right of course, that's why I'm not going to accompany you and your friends to Ribana. I will show you the path through the wild lands you have to follow, but my grandson and I will take a small speeder and head for the mountain ridge where my son Cornell is working on our secret plan. With the speeder we will reach the mountain ridge in the same time you probably might need to cross the wild lands and reach the plains east of Ribana. I will warn your friends who are staying with my son and tell them, you're heading for Ribana."
"Luke has told me about their plan, not in detail, but he said it's hard work. He has much admiration for what they want to achieve," Liane said.
"We harvest men have been working on it for almost two decades, long before that guy came to Ribana and destroyed our way of life. Shaayla-Car, I will tell you and your friends how you can reach the surrounding area around Ribana in the fastest way. I hope you won't blame for leaving you, but with my injury I would be a nuisance."
"You made the right decision, master Manall. You shouldn't worry about me and my friends. We'll manage. In my youth I learned to survive in the wild and so does my brother. Our friend Yarmod is tough guy too, and the Granns know more than enough to keep us on track and alive. We're not a helpless bunch," Liane said with a grin.
"You will do fine, as the Jedi always have done, and you will bring back peace and justice back to the lives of the Quelans, Shaayla-Car Kenobi, just like your father always reassured me about the galactic war," Manall said and put his hand on Liane's Jedi cloak.
Without words Liane put her right hand over Manall's. She only smile serenely.
Nearly three hours later Lorann maneuvered the hoverpulse boat along a jetty in the shelter of a bay which was surrounded by some trees and thorny shrubbery. After Manall have unlocked the door and he and Lorann debarked first, the Grann brothers followed him. They carefully fixed the mooring ropes with the help of Lorann who instructed them. Manall started walking off the jetty and went over a domed shack and opened the door. He turned around and beckoned his passengers to follow him. Ian looked amazed at the cabin and started to laugh.
"The Quelans are masters to construct these kind of accommodations, master Manall. Toallin and Mugin have built a similar cabin in the forests on Palomintar Six," He said.
"Come in and make yourself comfortable," Manall said, "Lorann and I will get some new stocks from the holds."
Lorann looked at his grandfather and shook his head, "No, Granpa, I will get those boxes. You sit down and rest."
"Since when do I have to take orders from my offspring," Manall grumbled, but Liane gently took his arm and brought him to one of the many seats.
"Your grandson is right, master Manall," She remarked, "Lorann can tell us what has to be brought inside. My friends and I will help him to carry the boxes."
"We're familiar with that kind of work, master Manall," Yarnick said.
"Be careful when you unload the speeder," Manall warned, "May be Lorann should do it. You'd better empty the other crates, and store their content in the shed behind the cabin."
"Master Manall, we'll get those crates inside the shed, and their content won't be damaged," Yarmod said and winked at his friend Ian.
"Then I will clean out the fireplace and lit a new fire. The voyage has made me stiff. I would welcome some warmth."
"I'll will do that for you, master Manall," Ian said, "I've seen how Toallin and Mugin prepared a new fire. Yarmod, you take care of speeder and the crates."
Liane, Lorann, Yarmod and the Granns left. Ian put his cloak on one of the seats and began to clean the fireplace.
"Do I have to chop some woodblocks, master Manall?"
"Probably not, look behind the shed. We always make a stack of woodblocks before we leave Myr. If necessary you'll find an axe hanging on the wall behind the shed's door," Manall said.
Ian walked around the cabin and found the stack of woodblocks. To his surprise the block were dry and hadn't suffered deterioration after the years no one had arrived. He reached out to the Force and some ten blocks began to hover. Keeping the blocks in his Force grip Ian entered the cabin again and Manall began to laugh as the blocks drifted in midair while Ian dropped them near the fireplace.
"You can use your great power well, Tama-Hinn."
Ian laughed too, "I only asked the Force to help me lift those blocks, master Manall. A Jedi don't possess the power of the Force. He can only use her power if he surrenders himself."
He arranged several blocks at the fireplace, then he ignited his lightsaber and set fire to the blocks. Patiently he watched how the dry wood became engulfed with flames, before he stacked the rest of the blocks at a safe distance. Manall stretched out his legs and enjoyed the warmth that began to fill the main cabin room. Ian watched the old harvest man.
"Want to sit a bit closer to the fire, master Manall?" Ian asked and lifted the chair with Manall. It drifted a few centimeters above the cabin floor and came down near the fire. Manall frowned.
"You shouldn't use those power for fun too much, Tama-Hinn Kenobi," He said sternly, but he hardly couldn't suppress his laughter.
"Enjoy the warmth, master Manall. I'm going to help my sister and the others," Ian said and left the cabin.
The old harvest man leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. His wounded leg was aching, but the warmth of the fire lessened his pain.
"You have two wonderful children, my old friend Obi-Wan," He thought, as he closed his eyes, "They are young and probably have lot to learn, but they will be as great a Jedi as you and Anakin Skywalker have been."
'Thank you, my good old friend,'a soft voice said, 'You did well, Manall, to bring them with you to Myr. Now my daughter will be able to fulfill her mission, and my son and her friends will help her as will Anakin's son and daughter Luke and Leia.'
"What happened to your friend Anakin, Obi-Wan. I asked Shaayla-Car about him, but she hasn't told me everything. She only acknowledge that her friend Luke is Anakin's son." Manall murmured half asleep.
'When you meet him, Manall, he certainly will tell you. My daughter made a wise decision to leave it to Luke to tell you the story of Anakin, his father. Take care of yourself, my dear old friend. May the Force be with you.' the voice said on a whispering tone.
Lorann and the others entered the main living again. The young boy saw that his grandfather was a sleep and put a finger to his mouth, "Granpa has fallen asleep. We'd better get to the kitchen if we want to talk. Meanwhile we can prepare a meal."
The nine friends and Lorann silently left the main living of the cabin and entered the room at the back which served as a space to stack and prepare food and drinks. Together they prepared some dishes and drinks. Ian couldn't express his disappointment as he told the others about the excellent broth he had tasted on Palomintar Six.
"Toallin hasn't yet given me the recipe," He said, "Otherwise I should have made it so you could taste it too. It's really delicious."
"Our governors's wives will certainly prepare it again, once we all are back in Ribana," Lorann commented. "You're right, master Kenobi, that broth is very delicious and I'm sure that one of our female Quelans will give you the recipe, so your sister can also prepare it."
Liane started to laugh, "Lorann, I'm not a very good cook. To be honest, I've never learned to cook. When I grew up I had household droids which prepared and served my meals."
Lorann shook his head, "Miss Shaayla-Car what kind of meals will you serve your husband once you're married."
Liane laughed even louder, the others grinned.
"Humans share their house hold chores and use droids to help them, Lorann. Besides it's not likely that a Jedi will settle down somewhere?" Ronan commented, "They have many other duties and obligations. Like my brothers and me they travel from one place to the other."
Lorann looked skeptical, "That's very uncommon, master Ronan, and it's certainly isn't the Quelans' way of life."
"Tell me, Lorann, you're a harvest boy. You live in a mountain community with the other harvest men. Who is preparing your meals and do the chores?" Brion asked.
"The harvest men are an exception among the Quelans, master Brion. We're taught how to prepare our meals as soon as we're old enough to live with our fathers in the mountains. They teach us to become real harvest men."
"What about your mother and do you have any sisters? I guess, that not all the children of the harvest men are boys, like you, Lorann?" Liane commented.
"My mother lives among the other wives, and so do my three sisters," Lorann said, "My mother raises my sisters, until they are old enough to marry a Quelan harvest man and form a new family. My three sisters are already engaged with some of my friends, the sons of other harvest men."
"How old are your sisters? Do you have other brothers?" Yarmod asked.
"I have two brothers, Ronall and Filann. They have gone with my father Cornell to Myr to work on our secret plan in the mountains of Tyr. Filann has married Sumall last year and Ronall wants to marry Mayan Fonaldris, the governors' eldest daughter. My dad is against that marriage, for Mayan isn't the daughter of a harvest man. I'm the youngest and I'm going to marry Kalinn, my girlfriend and the daughter of master Woldrin. He went to Myr too. Kalinn is seven, I'm twelve. As soon as Kalinn is fifteen I will marry her. My sisters are Bolann, Girinn and Pelunn. They are ten, five and three. My father has negotiated with the other harvest men who have young sons to arrange some future marriages for my sisters. There are several young harvest boys who are still living in Cantamaga with their mothers. They know my sisters for they are their friends and playmates."
"You said that Ronall wants to marry Mayan Fonaldris, the eldest daughter of Toallin," Ian said, "Do you mean Chati?"
Lorann nodded and his face got a disapproving look, "She calls herself Chati, but her real name is Mayan. I don't like her. She does a lot of strange things, dresses like a Quelan male and doesn't behave like a Quelan girl should do, and now she has disappeared, and I have heard that she went to Myr on her own."
"Not on her own, Lorann. Chati secretly joined your father and our friends, because she felt that she's obliged to help to free Ribana," Liane said calmly.
"She, free Ribana. Yes, she always told the Quelan elders that she wanted to go back to Myr. She's a very strange woman, miss. She's already twenty and still hasn't accepted my brother as her husband. He has asked her several times, but she always refuses. My father has advised my brother to chose another girl to become his wife, but Ronall says he only wants Mayan. He probably will get into a lot of trouble once he has married her. She doesn't obey to what the male Quelans are telling her. She even neglects her mother's wishes to help with the education of her two younger brothers. Instead she has followed master Kamalin's lessons for more years than Quelan girls normally do, but one day she will be my sister and I will be obliged to like her," Lorann sighed.
"I have met Chati the first time I was in Cantamaga," Ian said.
"I've heard about your first visit, master Kenobi," Lorann answered, "I have also heard that you and Mayan Fonaldris have become friends, at least that's what Ronall told me, before he went to Myr with my father."
Lorann jumped to his feet, "Let's see if grandpa has awakened, so we can serve the dishes we've made. You'll find enough plates and cups in that cupboard. Look in those boxes for cutlery."
He took one of the bowls and went back to the main living where Manall sat in his chair looking a bit confused.
"We have prepare a meal, grandpa. Are you feeling alright?" Lorann asked, noticing his grandfather confusion, "Are you hungry? Shall I lay the table?"
"Yes, do, Lorann. I join you and the others," the old harvest man said and rose. As Ian entered the room with a stack of plates the old man looked at him and smiled. Ian put the plates on the table and walked over.
"What is it, master Manall?" He asked softly.
Manall shook his head, "It's impossible, young man, but as I had dosed off, I thought I heard the voice of your father. He thanked me for taking you and your sister to Myr."
Ian smiled and put his hand on the old man's shoulder.
"It isn't as impossible as you think it is, master Manall. You're privileged to have spoken to my father," He said.
Manall looked up at the young Jedi and nodded, "Your father will always remain the best friend I ever had, Tama-Hinn. Now, let's join the others for our dinner."
Quickly they all helped to lay the table and sat down on the wooden benches. Manall had to admit that the Grann brothers who had done the most of the preparation of the meal, had done an excellent job.
"You're good cooks, my friends," He said, "As good as my late wife, Lorann's grandmother. It's a pity she only could give me one son, Cornell. Lorann doesn't know his grandmother, for she died shortly after his father was born."
Liane heard the grief in the old man's voice. She reached out to the Force to comfort him. Immediately the old harvest man looked up at her with a thankful look in his eyes, "Ten years she had been my wife. A good wife, but she had a delicate health."
"Who took care of your son Cornell, master Manall?" Liane asked gently.
"My sister. He grew up in her family, and I took him with me to live among the other harvest men when he was seven years old, a bit too young, but I wanted to have my only son with me. I was the leader of the harvest men at that time, and Cornell has learned the work they do the hard way. Normally we never take youngsters with us to Tyr to harvest the nuts in the forest. A young harvest boy has to reach the age of seventeen before we take him with us for the first time," Manall sighed and looked at the others, "We have a complete different kind of life than other humans, I guess. "
"Your grandson has told me about the way of life of the harvest men, master Manall. It's indeed quite different for what we're used to," Conor said.
"There's a lot to compare between our two species, but in origin the Quelans are a human species too, at least that's what my friend Obi-Wan told me. We had to adapt to a new way of life and developed our skin discoloration and the loose of our hair. As far as your father told me, Shaayla-Car, those adaptations must have happened long before our group came to the Palomintar System. Your father wanted to find the reason for the changes, but he never could visit me again to tell me. Well, my young friends, enough of the past. After dinner I'm going to show you the path you have to follow through these wild hinterland to reach the plains behind Ribana. Lorann, I want you to check the speeder and prepare enough rations for our trip, so we all can leave tomorrow morning."
Wedge Antilles looked at Toallin and Mugin Fonaldris.
"They have left the day before yesterday with Manall. He suggested that the harvest hoverpulse boat was a safe way to get to Myr without being detected from space, what's more you have said that traveling between two continents on the same planet wasn't prohibited at all."
Wedge sighed, again Liane and her friends were on the run, although this time the old harvest man Manall had taken the initiative.
"Can show me, where they will debark."
"You can't land a space craft there, master Jedi. The wild lands east of Ribana haven't any open spaces large enough to allow a safe landing. Your first opportunity would be the dry riverbed behind our former vineyard, but even then you can't sure you'll find them, because there are several paths through the wild lands to reach Ribana," Mugin said.
"Master Jedi, you should have informed Shaayla-Car before you secretly left us," Toallin said with reproach in his voice, "She and her brother, and of course the others, were upset that you left us without telling some one why."
"She has made contact with me and I told her, I would come back," Wedge said, "She would wait until she would hear from me, or from Luke Skywalker."
"That must have been, before we had a meeting about your unexpected take off, master Jedi. During that meeting Manall suggested to use the hoverpulse boat of the harvest men. He and his grandson were fully convinced they could help your friends to reach Ribana the way we've used when we had to flee."
"Have they reach Myr already?"
"Most certainly. Manall promised us that he would use the infocom on the hoverpulse if he would meet any obstacles. No, master Jedi, the best you can do is, get back to Myr, land the ship in the old riverbed and wait until your friends show up, if they will take the most obvious path, but as I said before, but there are many ways to reach Ribana."
Wedge Antilles sighed.
"Thank you for your explanation. It's a pity they've left Tyr already. I'm going back to Myr and see if I can intercept them."
He stepped up the ramp of the Astræga.
"Good luck, master Jedi. You shouldn't worry too much about Shaayla-Car and the others. We're sure that she is certain about the plan she has in mind. May the Force be with you."
"Thank you, governors," Wedge said and brought the formal Jedi salutation.
He board the Astræga, ignited the engine and took off. Once at a planet diameter in space he switched to autopilot and reached out to the Force 'Leia, do you copy,' He called out in thought.
'You sound warily, Wedge. What's the matter?' Leia responded.
'Liane and the others have gone to Myr already and it's likely they have reached the eastern harbor by now. Possibly they are already on their way to Ribana, following some old path through the wild lands. As far as Toallin and Mugin told me, it's impossible to spot them there or find a place to intercept them before they reach the area around Ribana as those wild lands are densely covered with thick, thorny, impenetrable shrubbery.'
'Did you contact them?'
'I didn't. That's probably useless, Leia. I know Liane's determination. She won't be willing to tell me what new plan she has in mind.'
'Come back to Myr, Wedge. We can use the Falcon's speeder to set up a search for Liane and her friends,'Leia said, 'They are on foot, and if you and me are going to look for them we certainly will notice their presence through the Force. '
'I will contact Threepio and tell him that he has to stay in the vineyard building and inform Nori Thai about the delay.'
'I hope that in the mean time our friend Darth Golluth won't take any nasty action against my brother. I have to rely on Luke's words, that that imperial officer is an agent of the Provisionary Government on Coruscant. I hope he will prevent Darth Golluth from doing harm to Luke.'
'I'll see you shortly,' Wedge said.
He broke off his Force connection with Leia and sighed.
"Why didn't they wait until I came back," He mused, "I promised to give them my help."
He switched off the autopilot system and prepared the Astræga for landing. Within half an hour he landed next to the Millennium Falcon. As he left the ship Leia came over to him and took his arm.
"Don't blame yourself, Wedge. We know Liane. I'm sure we will find her and her friends. It's reassuringly that Ian and Yarmod are with her. It's good to realize that those two padawans are still taking their task seriously."
Wedge held his pace and stopped, "Hasn't Luke told you that Ian and Yarmod aren't our padawans any more. I give them their Jedi initiation on Tyr and I also told Liane she is a Jedi like us."
"Luke didn't tell me, but I sensed his appreciation and joy after you had told him. It's good to know there are three Jedi to oppose Trevor," Leia said with a soft smile, "Let's get inside, before we're making any further plans."
"How many days will it take us to reach Ribana, master Manall? What's your estimation?" Yarnick asked.
"It will take four, maybe five days to reach the plains east of Ribana, and another two or three days to reach the town itself. I suggest you should do most of your traveling during the nightly hours. If the intruder makes use of probe droids the darkness will give you a better coverage. If necessary you can hide among the trees and the undergrowth. During the day you can stay in the cabin my men have built along the track. You will find enough food cans to prepare a meal. Don't lit the fire place, because that might reveal your presence. Take these nut rations with you as extra food during the nightly hours. They are nutritious and will satisfy your hunger. Once you're on the plains, turn right and follow the path along the edge of wild lands. Keep the plains to your left. I think it might be unwise to cross the plains, because of the lack of hiding places. As you're nearing the southern hill cross the gap to the other side of them. Follow those hills until you see the mountain ridge looming left of you more clearly. The mountain ridge bends towards Ribana and protects its northern and north eastern flanks. At that point you can safely cross the hills again, for they are densely afforest."
Ian looked at the path Manall was pointing out to them.
"That's near the location where did our first investigations. There's second and a third row of hills behind at the other side of the plains. Toallin told us that the valley between those to hills is the old riverbed. In the area between Ribana and the third row of hills we hid ourselves in the building of the vineyard. I remember that Toallin and Mugin were highly surprised that the building still was in good condition."
Manall looked at Ian, "If that's true, then that building might be a good spot to hide again. From there you can seek your way to Ribana. Once in Ribana you have to be on your guard. I can't tell you if the town is guarded, you have stay alert, always. Lorann and I will make sure we will join my son and your friends as fast as possible and tell them you're taking the vineyard building as your hide-out."
They all nodded. Liane studied the map once again.
"Master Manall, how long will it take you to meet up with your son Cornell and our friends?" She asked.
"We will reach my son and the other harvest men in four days. Along that road we've build several cabins too. Lorann and I will stay in those cabins during the night. The woods provide enough coverage not to be detected, but we will drive along as fast as possible. Why are you asking, Shaayla-Car?"
"We're on foot, while you and Lorann are using a speeder. You will cover more distance in the same time as we will."
"That's for certain, Shaayla-Car," the old harvest man said, looking at the young Jedi woman, "What are you suggesting?"
Liane looked at the map again and pointed to the spot where the plains began.
"You and Lorann probably will reach our friends before we reach the plains," She said.
"We will," Manall said nodding in agreement with her words.
Liane continued, "On those plains our group will be more vulnerable. You've just said that there aren't many good places to find coverage."
Before she continued she looked at her brother.
"Ian, I suggest you go with master Manall and Lorann. Warn Leia, or Wedge Antilles to meet us at the point where the plains begin. They can easily land there with the Astr&ealig;ga. We can get on board and with the Astreaga's cloaking feature activate we can reach Ribana unseen."
"If master Manall has informed our Jedi masters and we can reach the vineyard building during the night we're also save, Shaayla-Car. Master Leia and master Wedge can meet us there, like master Manall suggested." Ian commented and Yarmod nodded in agreement.
Liane shook her head and looked at her brother and the others.
'I want you to go with them, Ian'Liane insisted determinedly.
"Yarmod can also warn the other Jedi, I know the environment near the vineyard. I've been there before," Ian protested.
'You have to go, Tama-Hinn, for more than one reason. We have some responsibility for master Manall's safety and health. I promised master Kamalin to take care of the old harvest man and his grandson. Master Manall hasn't fully recovered, yet. If his wounds would get worse Lorann will be on his own to help him. My second reason is, you have built a close relation with our father's former friend. He trusts you, like he trusted and befriended our father and thirdly you can use the Force to ease the pain of his wounds, maybe even you can cure those wounds in a faster way.' Liane remarked, fixing her glance at her brother.
'Ease the pain of master Manall's wounds. Even cure him. Shaayla-Car, your the Jedi healer. I don't have your skills.' Ian said through the Force.
Now Liane smiled convincingly.
'My dear brother, Severini has passed on her healing skills to you as well. You never might have used those slumbering skills, so you have to listen to the Force and start developing those healing skills our mother has passed on to you too. That's why I want you to go with master Manall and his grandson. As you have reached the spot where the others are helping Cornell and his men you can lead them to the plains where the Astr&ealig;ga can land safely.'
Except for Yarmod, none of the others had noticed the short conversation between Liane and Ian. Imperceptibly Ian nodded. Liane turned to Manall and his grandson.
"Master Manall, do you mind to take my brother with you? He can inform our friends, but he also can join them to direct them to a safe meeting point," she said.
"Absolutely not, Shaayla-Car. I would enjoy the company of my old friend's son. He resembles him in so many ways."
"That's settled then," Liane said, "Take good care of yourself, master Manall. May the Force be with you,"
On a whim, she put her arms around the old harvest man and hugged him. Manall grinned a bit embarrassed.
"May the Force with all of you, my friends. Come on, Lorann, come on, Tama-Hinn, we're leaving. The rest of you should stay inside the cabin until it's dark before you begin your walk," Manall said as a last warning.
He took the passenger seat of the speeder. Ian shove some ration boxes aside and jumped at the back seat. Lorann started and as the repulsorlift engines released the speeder from the ground, he accelerated and disappeared in the northern direction. Liane watched them go, before she turned to the others.
"Do we follow Manall's advice?" Bran asked, looking at her.
"You mean that we stay inside until night has fallen. No we don't. Let's look at the map. Those round yellow dots mark the position of the cabins. We can cover a good first stretch of our journey if we leave now. The first cabin isn't far off. If we hurry we will certainly reach it before sunset. That we give us some advance. It's better if our group reaches the plains before the Astr&ealig;ga arrives. The shorter Luke's ship is visible the better. We can board and discuss my further plan with Leia and Wedge. Besides Wedge has to tell us why he left Tyr without warning us. He probably also knows what has happened to Luke. That's my main concern. I have to reach Trevor's underground stronghold, before he can do any harm to Luke. I want to surprise Trevor and tell to release Luke. How much extra rations do we have?"
"Lorann has packed the rations in daily portions. We have more than enough," Yarmod said, while counting the little packages, "And master Manall has told us that there food cans in any of the cabins."
"These nut loaves will be sufficient," Liane said, "I tasted them while Lorann assembled these packages. I'm sure we can eat our fill while on our way. Shall we go?"
They entered the cabin and tidied it up, before they locked the door. Each of them carried a backpack with the food rations. At a steady pace they walked on until the temperature became too hot to proceed. On indication of Yarmod, they left the path and found a shallow source of clear water which trickled along the shrubbery.
"We'll carry on before sunset," Liane said. The others heard a determined tone her voice. Yarmod understood she wanted to reach the plains as fast as possible, but he also was aware of the possible dangers that might lay ahead, if their opponent would be using probe droids to control the area around his stronghold. Ian had told him about his Force vision in which he seen Liane running through the streets of Ribana, followed by a squad of droids and an imperial officer.
While the two Jedi and the Grann brother were taken a rest, Ian Manall and his grandson Lorann had covered already a good stretch in the forest, following an overgrown path in the afforest eastern part of Myr. Lorann maneuvered the speeder cautiously along the path.
"How long will it take, grandpa, before we reach the first cabin?" Lorann asked in a loud voice.
"Early this afternoon, Lorann. That will give us time to prepare a meal and take a rest," the old man said.
"I will drive faster, grandpa, for you're still not fully recovered. My father will surely find it unwise that we have left Tyr," Lorann said and looked with come concern at Ian.
"You still have a lot to learn, my son. I'm enjoying to initiative I took. It's best thing I have done in years. You're too young to know this path, but I'm used to it, for we always took it after we came back from Tyr."
They drove on in silence for a while, then Lorann said, "Master Kenobi and his sister told me they lead a very different way of live. Miss Shaayla-Car told me that she never learned to prepare a meal. It worries me that they won't get proper meals while on there way to Ribana. I have packed more than our people do when they get to the nut forest on Tyr."
He cast a quick glance at Ian who smiled and nodded in agreement.
"Shaayla-Car knows enough to keep her and her friends from starving, Lorann. Their friends, the six Grann brothers, are traders. They certainly know how to prepare the food cans in the cabins. But they will appreciate the extra rations you've prepared. Remember, Lorann, not all species are living the same way we do. Quelans have settled themselves on several planets, but in the past also our species used to travel a lot, before settling down. They had to, because other species and especially humans found us weird, because of our skin changing skills. A group of our ancestors found a safe place here on Myr, and I hope that we will get our quiet way of life back. And now, my son, be quiet. I want to take little nap while you drive on. Just follow the dots on the display. They mark our route. Tomorrow Tama-Hinn can cover the next leg of our journey. I'm sure he won't object, do you Tama-Hinn?"
"Would be fine with me, master Manall," Ian said.
"Shall I hold for a moment and get you a blanket?" Lorann asked.
"No, I'm comfortable. If it won't bother Tama-Hinn I will recline the back of this seat a little further backwards."
"Let me help you, master Manall," Ian said dutiful.
He adjusted the back of the passenger seat so that the old harvest man would be more comfortable. He reached out to the Force to surround the old man who he saw as a good friend, with compassion and comforting feelings. Manall had closed his eyes and huddled comfortably against the back of the seat. Ian felt how the harvest man's thoughts wandered to his son Cornell. He was wondering what he would find at the underground working spot where they were still trying to lead the water of the river back to Ribana via the former underground canal. Gently Ian penetrated Manall's thoughts without disturbing him and he learned how Manall, together with the oldest harvest men had studied the old texts and images in Ribana's archive about the time before the earthquake had changed the course of the river. After the quake the land around Ribana had become drier as the great lake at the foot of the mountain ridge and the old riverbed had dried up. It would be very advantageous if the river would flow through its old bedding again. Ribana and the surrounding lands would no longer be dependent on the cisterns which filled up during the wet season. Ian released himself from Manall's musings and recalled the words of his sister. Did he also possess his mother's healing skills. Liane had sounded very convincingly, but he wasn't sure if her words could show him a new path of Jedi skills. He recalled his own healing process under the guidance of Severini, but the cure of his wounds could also be done, because master Luke had told him about the way a Jedi could heal himself when wounded. Ian tuned in to the Force to find a way to help the old harvest man. He didn't want to offer his help explicitly, because he didn't want to offend Lorann who had taken care of his grandfather after his father had gone to Myr to find a way to free Ribana. He had to find a more subtle way to use his healing skills. His healing skills? Did he really posses the same skills as Liane?

To be continued...