A Jedi's Fight - A Star Wars Fan Fiction Story

Chapter 3

uke watched his sister with sincere compassion.
"Leia, please, I don't want to argue with you about Han. You have to look at this situation from another point of view. You're hoping he will apologize. He won't, Leia, not at this moment. Really believe me, my dear sister, for now he won't change his mind about you and me. Don't think he will admit, he was wrong. His pride and stubbornness won't allow such a behavior and you know his opinion about the Force and the Jedi. No one will ever change his mind about that and certainly we won't. We have to accept his decision and be patient."
"He didn't mean it, Luke! He is just jealous, because we chose to buy this apartment, so we could stay together! He's always been jealous at you, if I preferred to be with you! Luke, I don't want to wait until he's going to apologize! I love him too much! Why don't you come with me, Luke, and help me to explain everything to him?
There was a pleading tone in her voice. Luke shook his head.
"No, if you want to see Han now, you have to do it alone. I can't help you."
"Thanks, Luke, for being so understanding," Leia snapped with a frown, " Why can't you see, that I don't want to loose Han because of some silly misunderstanding! I'd wish I'd never been to Dagobah with you! Why did I have to become a Jedi Knight?"
The irritation in her voice was an expression of the frustration she felt. Luke understood that she wanted he also felt her despair and fear, but he only surrounded her with compassion, love and care. He tried to calm her and to protect her against the uncertain outcome of her initiative.
"Is this the way Obi-Wan said you should protect me? Has he also said you should interfere with my life?" she said loud.
"No, Leia, he didn't, and I've never meant to do so, but if you feel it that way, I'm sorry."
Leia rushed off and slammed the door of their apartment behind her.
At high speed she drove her speeder to Han's apartment block. She tried to find her composure, but couldn't master her desperate feelings completely. Unsure she knocked at the door. The door opened and with a cynical smile Han looked down upon her.
"Well, my, her Royal Highness is knocking at my door! Did I send you an invitation?"
Sarcastically Han watched her.
"Han, I want to talk to you. Can we go inside, please?"
"No way, your Highness. I don't want to be manipulated with one of the Jedi tricks you have learned. It's over, it's over between us, your worshipfulness! Do you understand that!!"
"Han, please lis........!"
"Good day, your Highness. Do me a big favor, will you! Never cross my path again! We're finished! Forever! "
The door slammed shut.
"Han, please!" Leia's voice echoed between the buildings.
"Han, listen to me, please!" She whispered.
She leaned against the closed door and covered her face with her hands.
Suddenly she felt two arms around her and someone was trying to pull her gently away.
"Leia, you'd better leave this place and come with me. It's no use to stay here."
She grabbed the sleeve of his cassock.
"Come, Leia. Give me your hand!"
His voice was full of warmth, comfort and compassion. He brought her to his waiting landracer and let her sit on the passenger's seat. Leia looked back to Han's apartment.
"Han, why...? Why are you doing this?" she whispered sadly and bowed her head.
Back in their apartment Luke brought Leia to her private rooms and made sure she would relax. He went back to the living and sat down on the couch.
'Leia, what did I do wrong?' he thought sadly, 'You're so right. I should have given you your Jedi training after we had convinced Han, he shouldn't worry about your new knowledge. I'm sorry, Leia.'
He stood up and stared through the terrace window. Behind him a door slit open. He turned and looked at his sister. She rushed up to him and flung herself in his arms.
"Luke, hold me!"
Protectively he took her in his arms. He felt her deep grief. Broken-hearted she clung to him. He caressed her hair.
"Luke, he wouldn't listen. He didn't believe me. I clearly felt his disgust, because I'm a Jedi Knight now. Oh, Luke, why does he blame me for being a Jedi Knight. Is this really all my fault?"
"No, Leia. This isn't your fault. I'm to blame. I shouldn't have insisted on your Jedi trai..."
Leia looked up and shook her head.
"That's no true, Luke. I wanted to complete my Jedi training. You're not to blame. You've always tried to protect me."
Luke drew her close to him.
"I wanted to avoid this humiliation for you, Leia. I expected this was going to happen, if you would try to persuade Han now, but he will come back to you. He still is our best friend."
Leia sighed very sadly. Despite Luke's comforting words she felt a grieving pain. Han had broke off their relation. He didn't want her love and friendship anymore.
"Han needs time to realize, it's him, who is wrong. In time he'll come back to you, Leia; I'm quite certain he will. He is our friend and deserves our friendship, but you will have to wait for his return for a long time, I'm afraid."
"I know, Luke, and I'll wait. Forever!"
Luke drew Leia very close to him but didn't comment on her last words.
"Jerno, read this! It's as Valann and I expected. The New Republic is planning an attack on Morantan soon, just like I told you,” Kalip Ru'undo said as he entered the secret briefing room of the government building. “Here is the report our intelligence received from their contact through the secure procon system on Quoith. It says that the occupation of Morantan and the New Republic's takeover of Darth Vader's former stronghold is significant and inevitable because of the danger the presence of Imperial forces continues to pose to the peace process in the Outer Rim systems."
Jerno grabbed the data pad and leaned back in his chair to read the report. After reading, he put down the data pad with a slight smile on his face.
"I think we should thank them for this swift intervention, Kalip, because after the New Republic forces take over the Morantan stronghold, they have to face the danger that Darth Vader's daughter could pose to the future of the galaxy. Their contact seems to be very grateful for the information we provided. The report says they will take Vader's daughter into custody. They are convinced, they have found the right way to keep her under control. Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker has volunteered to be assigned to arrest the daughter of Darth Vader after the New Republic forces have taken the stronghold. She will be transported to Irithim and held indefinitely. "
"Do you really think, that a Jedi Knight will be able to keep her under control. She probably knows a lot of what Darth Vader once put into practice."
"She surely will oppose Jedi Skywalker and make use of her knowledge of the Sith, Kalip, but it's up to the New Republic now to cope with her and her evil knowledge and to keep her under control. They have a Jedi Knight to advice them. Her destiny is no longer of any concern to us."
"Jerno, I'm not so sure. I suggest we ask their contact to keep us informed of any future measures they will take to contain her and prevent her from jeopardizing the peace treaty."
"Please contact him, Kalip, but in my opinion a Jedi Knight is quite capable of using his special knowledge to bring that young Sith woman to his will and authority, so she won't be able to use the evil knowledge Darth Vader has taught her. "
Slowly a federal army transport space ship was lifting off from one of the docking bays of the space port of De'olon on its way to the frigate Tychorion. The huge space frigate was awaiting the transport vessel just outside Dalmaran's orbit.
On board was former commodore Luke Skywalker now a private in the ground troop forces of the New Republic. The trip to the Tychorion took less than an hour and Luke embarked on the frigate together with the other ground troopers. Luke's combat group was housed at the rear of the spacecraft. He searched for the bunk that had been assigned to him and rearranged his combat gear and weapons. The Tychorion was going to invade the imperial domains on Morantan. Luke had volunteered to be assigned to the special forces who would liberate the planet, where his sister and he had been brought after their birth for a short while.
After having finished the rearangement of his bags, he relaxed in a short Jedi-meditation, stretching out with the Force to his beloved sister to comfort her. He felt a profound compassion for her and he still blamed himself for her broken relation with Han Solo.
'Don't feel so sad, Leia. You can't hide your feelings from me. I know you miss Han. So do I. One day, I'm sure, he'll come back to us and especially to you.'
'Thank you, my dear brother, for your words. You're the one I love the most next to Han. I miss your company, Luke. I hope you'll be back soon. Please, be careful and take care of yourself. I love you, dear brother.'
'I will, Leia, and I love you too'
He sat up on the edge of his bunk; bowed his head in his hands and stared to the floor in front of him.
With a sigh he recalled the events of the last days before his departure. Two days ago he had heard that Han Solo had resigned from active duty and that the Millennium Falcon immediately had left Dalmaran with unknown destination.
Prudently he had informed his sister about Han's unexpected departure. She had taken the news calmly, but with a very sad look on her face. Once more he felt his sister's presence on Dalmaran's surface. He smiled and cherished his feelings for her. She meant so much to him. She shared his past as a member of the Alliance, but most important was their common future as Jedi twins.
"Co.....Sir!.... I....."
Luke looked up. Jumped to his feet and made a formal saluted.
"I'm sorry, officer," He said. "I wasn't aware of your presence."
Embarrassed the young officer answered Luke's salute.
"Comm.... Sir...Commodore...Sir, you're... general Madine wants to see you," the young man stammered.
"I'm just private Skywalker, officer. " Luke answered calmly.
He saw the admiration in the young officer eyes. He also felt a very strong wave of Force recognition flowing between them. The young officer was sensitive to the Force and might be a potential padawan learner.
"I'm the general's liaison officer on this trip. Will you please, follow me, .... sir." The young officer said still stammering.
He clearly wasn't at ease. Luke smiled.
"If you know who I am, why are you so nervous?" He asked reassuringly, discarding the formal hierarchical rank of the officer.
"Eh ... yes, ... sir. Everyone onboard knows, who you are? We're delighted to have you, the only Jedi Knight, with us."
Luke's laugh broadened.
"Isn't this a very uncommon talk between an officer and a stormtrooper?" He asked, pointing to the protecting combat gear he was wearing.
Now the young officer started laughing too.
"I agree, ... comm ...sir. But it's also very uncommon to have a Jedi Knight as a stormtrooper. You were the commander of our space forces and leader of the Gold Squad, the elite space force. It's very unfair, what they did to you. You don't deserve such a penalty, sir."
"Thank you, officer, for your kind words." Luke said still laughing.
"I'm Yarmod Martan, sir," The young officer said and stretched out his hand.
"Please to meet you, Yarmod. Call me Luke," Luke said firmly pressing the young officer's hand. "Well, shall we see the general?"
Yarmod Martan brought Luke to general Madine's quarters and announced him.
"Do come in, Luke Skywalker," general Madine called from behind his desk, while he got up.
Luke saluted.
"Sit down, commodore."
Madine made an inviting gesture to the comfortable looking seats in the corner of the room.
"Excuse me, sir, but I'm no longer entitled to my former rank. Haven't you been informed about..."
"Course I have, but that doesn't mean, I agree with the decision of the High Court. There was no proof for your alleged collaboration. That verdict of the High Court is over the top. They were influenced by certain members of the High Council and the Senate."
"Thank you, sir," Luke answered gratefully, "but your private opinion can't change the situation for my sister. Especially for Leia this is all very humiliating, considering her upbringing as a member of the Royal House of Alderaan and her function as senator and leader of the Rebel Alliance in the past. I've already appealed."
"I think I might be of some help for both of you, Luke. I've sent a extensive report about you with all the facts of your proven loyalty to every member of the High Council and the High Court with an urgent request to quash this ridiculous verdict. I'm now working on a similar report for your sister for whom I have a very high esteem. Like you, she has been treated unfairly after all she has done during our strife against the Empire. I don't know anyone was more devoted to the Rebel Alliance than Leia Organa, daughter of the late viceroy Bail Organa. "
"That's very generous, general, but may I ask you, why you're getting yourself involved in our case?"
"Luke, we need you and your Jedi knowledge. We need you to build a new Jedi Order. You've showed yourself a good leader and you were always loyal to the ideals of the Alliance and the New Republic, and so was your sister. Unfortunately I'm unable to give you your former rank back as a pilot, but I want you to take the command on this mission to Morantan as my second-in-command. From this moment on you're lieutenant-colonel on this mission. You'd better get rid of that combat gear and find yourself a more suitable outfit for a colonel."
Flabbergasted Luke looked at the man at the opposite side of the low table.
"I don't know what to say, sir. Lieutenant-colonel! That's equivalent to my former function as commodore in the Republic space force! Won't the Supreme Chancellor object? You've completely been overruling the verdict of the High Court with this assignment."
"I'm aware of that, Luke, but on this mission I'm in command and I want the best man among my men as my second-in-command, " Madine said with a broad smile. "You know as well as I do, that Morantan has been Darth Vader's stronghold and the base to keep the systems in the Outer Rim under control. Our intelligence force has received information from the Provisional Coruscant Council about the loyalty of the imperial troops on Morantan. They are still supporting the ideology of the empire. According to the last information our intelligence force has received, they have set up a tight defence around the stronghold. The person in charge is nicknamed the "Dark Princess of Morantan". The report from Coruscant says, she is known as Darth Vader's daughter. The report also states, that it is very likely that Vader has taught her a lot of his knowledge of the Dark Side of the Force. I need your knowledge and insight as a Jedi Knight to arrest her and to find out if she poses a real danger to the survival of the new peace treaty and the coming cooperation with the Provisional Coruscant Council. The leaders on Coruscant have expressed their grave worries about the woman. Therefore, I hope you will accept my proposal."
Completely astounded, Luke looked at the Corellian commander in front of him.
"Of course I accept your offer, sir."
Luke was silent for some minutes.
"General, are you sure about...? Is it certain that their leader is the daughter of Darth Vader...? I mean ... You know who I am, don't you?"
Madine laughed.
"Of course I do, Luke. You and senator Leia Organa are the legitimate children of that Dark Lord of the Sith and the former queen of Naboo and senator in the Old Republic, Padmé Naberrie, but to answer you question: no, I'm not certain if that "Dark Princess" really is Darth Vader's daughter. Maybe you have any idea, if she really is related to Darth Vader?"
Pensive, Luke shook his head. All kind of thoughts came to him. Another daughter of Anakin, his father? Who was she? Was she an older sister of him and Leia? Did Anakin and Padmé already had a child, before Leia and he were born? Had members of the Jedi Order taken her to the Jedi temple to let her grow up and be trained as a Jedi Knight, or had they hidden her to grow up unaware of her bloodline, like master Yoda and Obi-Wan had done after he and Leia had been born? Had his father spared her life during the massacre in the Jedi temple, because he knew who she was? Had he taken her to Morantan immediately after his stronghold on Morantan had been build? How long had his father been in command of Morantan? Despite all this unexpected information the young Jedi Knight didn't show anything of the train of thoughts inside his mind. With a smile of silent admiration Madine watch his young commander.
"Luke, I want you to meet the other officers of our elite forces this afternoon. Make preparation for a ground assault on Morantan. I will order my liaison officer to provided you with a uniform according to your new rank and have you transferred to an officers' accommodation."
"At your service, sir!"
Still astonished and a bit confused Luke left general Madine's quarters and went back to his bunk. He quickly gathered all his personal belongings. When he took Leia's holograph in his hand, he suddenly smiled.
'Leia, I have some very good news. General Madine is going to help us to get our rehabilitation. He has promoted me lieutenant-colonel. He wants me to lead our special elite forces at a ground attack on Morantan. There is more, Leia, Madine had some more incredible news. He told me that the leader of our opponents on Morantan is a woman. Rumor has it, that she is a daughter of Anakin, our father. This sound incredible, Leia, but we might have more family! ' he told her through the Force.
He felt his sister's curiosity through the Force, before she answered.
'A sister? Who can she be? We know, our mother died shortly after she had given birth to us.'
'I don't know, Leia. I'm just as amazed as you are. The general hadn't more information about her, for instance how old she is,' He answered.
Luke immediately went to the briefing room to meet the other ground staff officers. General Madine had already announced his promotion and the men received him enthousiastically and with great acclaim. All the officers of the elite ground forces knew the young Jedi Knight and they accepted his command, despite his young age.
The next couple of days Luke was busy studying all kind of maps, listening to the other officers. Together they developed the strategy for the assault plan. During his nightly hours Luke often thought about Morantan. He had no memories of the place. This was the first time he would see the planet, since he had been brought to Tatooine twenty-six years ago.
All officers of the elite ground forces got a special secret briefing, based on a tight scheme and schedule to reach the former imperial stronghold. General Madine joined his young commander and his staff to coordinate the assault on Morantan with the space forces. With mixed feelings Luke personally briefed his friend Wedge Antilles, who had become commander of the X-wing Gold Squadron after Luke's demotion.
The Tychorion came out of hyperspace at rear side of Morantan. Disguised by her cloaking device, she was invisible for a swarm of detection probes, that orbited the planet around the equator like a broad ring of asteroids. The big frigate took position, orbiting the planet at a high altitude. Luke followed the careful approach from the command deck. Wild thoughts were tumbling through his mind. Shortly after their birth at the small medical facility on the asteroid Polis Massa Leia and he had been brought to this planet. He had neither knowledge about the secret agreements between Ben, Yoda and the viceroy of Alderaan, Leia's foster father, nor of the temporary hiding place among a Baroonta clan before Ben had been brought to Owen and Beru Lars on Tatooine. Only a few vague images entered his mind: a scene with Ben's face closed to his. Slowly he walked to the deck for debarking.
According to his strategy Luke landed with his men behind a ridge of hills covered with a dense forest. Immediately he checked, if all his men had arrived safely. Quickly they formed twelve groups which were fanning out in a large circle, with the intention to surround the stronghold from all sides. It would take a two-day's march to reach the former Imperial fortress. Luke had ordered that the different groups would take a strict silence into account during their stealthy progress through the afforest area which surrounded the stronghold. As they neared the building Luke halted his group and sent two of his men to look for the group to the left. Two days later two other men, coming from the right, joined his own group. The elite forces had surrounded the base and were ready to attack.
During the two days pending Luke had done some secret investigations near the foot of the low hill on which the circular stronghold was situated. He discovered the four entrances which he had seen on the plans he had studied. Luke knew, that from the entrances long straight corridors lead to the middle of the circle, where the command center was. The long corridors were inter-connected through big concentric passageways. The attack at each of the entrances could be covered by three groups of the elite forces.
After his investigation he checked, if the ground forces, which had landed behind his own men, had taken their position too. He found everything according to his plans.
Luke joined his men and released the communication silence. Quickly he gave his orders to the other groups; to the ground forces behind him and to Wedge Antilles, who was awaiting his orders at low orbit. He waved to his men.
"Let's go!!!! Now!!!"
Fast Luke rushed up the slope to the north entrance. Instantaneously he ignited his lightsaber and found his way to the heavy metal doors. His men took out the surprised imperial guards by surprise. Luke unlocked the entrance door with a heavy blow of his lightsaber. Twenty men followed him on his way inside to the command center. Several times Luke stopped and looked around. He felt strange tremors in the Force, but he couldn't trace their origin.
Without any considerable struggles the first men of the elite troops reached the center of the building and unarmed the officers and guards. Outside the building some firing was heard as the imperial guards tried to defend themselves, but inside the building Luke had ordered his men not to shoot unless there was immediate danger. He wanted to avoid unnecessary killing under their opponents. One of his men brought a high-ranking officer wearing the distinctive of an imperial commander as a prisoner to the command center. The man cast a sarcastic look at Luke.
"Are you in command? Do you rebels always use hardly grown-up kids to lead their troops? Wait, until you've met our Sith leader, the princess of Morantan; she knows how to handle greenhorns like you. She is trained in the many ways to use the Force, like her father, Lord Vader."
The officer was still convinced of the power of his female supreme leader, but he capitulated rapidly after it became clear to him that the forces of the New Republic had entered his stronghold in large numbers and were well trained. The New Republic's elite forces had taken the former imperial base completely by surprise. Meanwhile the ground forces entered the base, bringing with them the conquered imperial soldiers.
Luke contacted the Tychorion to ask for transport ships to bring the imperial officers and their men on board. He still felt the strange waves in the Force. He wondered, if these tremors had something to do with the unknown Dark Princess who, according to the words of the commander, was a Sith. His eyes flashed around the command center, when the vibrations suddenly intensified. They felt more violent and darker. He felt how an immense flux of dark Force power started to whirl around him. His Sith opponent must have felt his presence through the Force, and was using the powers of the Dark Side to eliminate him. Quickly he beckoned one of the other officers, Roxahm Polta.
"Stay with every one at the command center. No one is allowed to look for that female leader. I'll find her myself."
He dashed into one of the corridors. Again he felt the influence of the Dark Side around him. If this Dark Princess was able to use the Force this strong, than she would be a dangerous opponent. Luke held his lightsaber in his hand and progressed carefully along the corridor walls. He rounded a corner and ignited his lightsaber in a flash to repel the rain of laser blasts, which were fired at him. In the middle of the corridor stood a furious young woman with amber colored goldenbrown hair which was fastened around her head in braids. She was about Leia's height and Luke estimated that she was in her early twenties. In her hand she held a blaster, and she continued to fire at him furiously and revengeful.
He easily warded off her second attack. He saw her angry glance in her blue eyes and felt her very strong emotions of hatred and aggression, but underneath those aggressive feelings Luke also felt her growing fear and anxiety. His unexpected appearance frightened her, but other thoughts inside her mind, made her even more afraid, and she wasn't in control of the situation any more. He relaxed and switched off his lightsaber. She wasn't as dangerous as he had thought and although the commander had boasted that she was familiar with the Sith knowledge of his father, she was no Sith lady. Her attack was more an expression of the enormous fear she felt, because she was mostly frightened of who he was and didn't know how she had to cope with him. With a friendly gesture he stretched out his hand and reached out with his Jedi thoughts to her to calm her. He was amazed about the influence of the Force upon her. Who was she?
'Surrender yourself,' he said with his soft Jedi voice, 'It's useless to get yourself hurt. I won't harm you. Don't be afraid.'
However, she did not respond to his Jedi powers, but aimed her blaster at him and screamed in a cracking voice: "I'll never surrender myself to you? Never! Do you hear! My father warned me for you, Jedi! I will kill all of you, especially you, Jedi Skywalker!"
She fired at him with an incredible precision and Luke hardly ignited his lightsaber in time to parry the attack. He could better disarm her first, before he'd talk to her again. Carefully he stepped forward, using his lightsaber to repel the laser blasts. He raised his hand and her blaster sailed into his outstretched hand. He threw it out of reach. With a glance full of aggression in her eyes the girl drew a knife from her belt and rushed up to him, but Luke used Force Push holding her back and pushed her against the wall. Slowly he stepped forward until he stood about two meters away from her.
"Father, Please, Help Me!" She screamed.
It sounded like a cry of despair and with fear in her eyes she watched him. Luke halted.
"Where is your father? Who is he?" he asked friendly.
The fear in her eyes immediately disappeared and made way for a haughty look.
"Darth Vader is my father! He is the Lord of Morantan and the Emperor's second-in-command. He will destroy you, if he hears that you have attacked his stronghold and have assaulted me. I am his daughter Liane Solichor and in charge of his men. "
"Your father is Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith?"
For a moment their eyes locked. Luke felt a strong tremor in the Force when he looked into those sapphire blue eyes. A vague recognition shot through his mind: 'I have seen these eyes before. Do I know her? Where and when have we met before?', but then he felt how a strong coldness began to stiffen his body, slowing down his movements and his breathing. The girl was using dark Force Stasis and Force Choke on him. Using his greater Force power he withstood the attack of her use of those Dark Side powers. He quickly controlled the situation again and walked over to her. His resistance to her use of the Force increased her fear for him and smothered her attempt to attack him again. She was scared to death. He had to end this confrontation immediately, before her use of the Dark Side would harm her. Using the Force he gently pressed her hand with the knife to the wall. The knife slipped from her hand and crashed to the ground. Her face now got a desperate expression full of fear. Suddenly she collapsed and fainted. Quickly Luke caught her in her fall and carefully let her slip to the ground. Rapidly he searched her clothes for more weapons, and then he handcuffed her.
After a couple of minutes she recovered. Luke forced her to her feet. She threw him a angry look and spat at his face. A blob of saliva hit the collar of his uniform and his chin. He didn't react, but gave her a compassionate glance.
"You're under arrest," He said calmly and laid his hand on her shoulder. Anxiously she quivered under his touch. He reached for his infocom and asked for assistance. Almost immediately ten men rushed up and took her over.
"Take good care of her. She is the leader of the imperial troops of this stronghold, but treat her with respect." he said to his men before they took the young woman with them. Luke wiped his face and cleaned his uniform. The influence of the Dark Side had gone. He picked up the knife and the laser blaster she had been using. Surprised he noticed that the blaster was set for stun.
Deep in thoughts he stood in the empty corridor for some moments, before he walked back to the command center, taking her weapons with him. Who was she? Not an older sister; she was definitely younger than him. Why hadn't she used a lightsaber? Hadn't she learned how to use a Dark Side lightsaber? Why had she set her blaster for stun? Why had he gotten that Force impression that he knew her? What was the Force trying to show him? Was she a younger sister; had she inherited her Force potential also from Anakin? If she was his sister, then why hadn't Ben and Yoda ever told him about her? What had been his father's plans with her? It was obvious that she had been trained at the Dark Side of the Force. The Force was very strong with her, extremely strong. For a moment he turned inward and let the Force tell him more. What he saw astounded, almost devastated him.
'Oh no, that's why I recognized those blue eyes. I can't believe it. How can this be? I didn't expect to meet her again under these circumstances! This feels terrible. She, as my opponent, and trained at the Dark Side by my own father!' A flood of images tumbled over each other, leaving his mind in a great turmoil. The images revealed a part of a long gone past he hadn't been aware off yet. He felt confused by what he saw. It took him several moments to regain his composure again. What had been revealed through the Force, had shocked him and had put him off balance for a moment.
Back at the command center he immediately informed, where his men had taken her.
"We found some empty cell blocks, sir, we have locked her up in one of those."
"Treat her with respect. She is Darth Vader's daughter, former overlord of this planet."
Luke said pensively.
"At your orders, sir. But she's behaving very uncooperative, how shall we bring her to the Tychorion, sir?"
"Stun her, but use a low dose. No harm should be done to her," was Luke's thoughtful order.
The man saluted and left to carry out Luke's order. Luke started to gather his men. They were all with him at the command center. There were no serious casualties; just a few men with slight injuries. He gave the order to bring the injured men back to the medical bay of the Tychorion immediately. Next he ordered to inspect and clear out any remaining resistance inside the imperial domain buildings. The attack had been very successful. They could return to Irithim. A special trained group of the military intelligence force would stay behind to protect the buildings.
Back on board of the Tychorion Luke reported to General Madine who congratulated him with the successful outcome. The return voyage to Irithim passed without any incidents. Due to their victory there was an elated mood under the men, but Luke took no part in their excitement and joyfulness. Most of the time he stayed in his private quarter, thinking about his encounter with the young woman and the influence the Dark Side had on her. The discovery that she might be his younger sister and the disturbing images the Force had shown him, still made him wonder. This encounter raised a lot of new questions. They could affect his life and possibly change his future as a Jedi Knight.
After their arrival on Irithrim's space port Luke went home immediately, where Leia welcomed him. Obviously she was glad, that he had returned safe and sound. Luke told his sister about what had happened on his journey, but didn't tell her about the strange visions the Force had shown him.
"I really don't know, who she is. General Madine told me, our intelligence forces think she's another daughter of Anakin. At first I thought that Anakin and Padmé had a child before we were born, but the girl I met is younger than we are."
"Could it be, that father has re-married, after our mother had died?" Leia asked hesitatingly, discarding her suggestion immediately.
Luke shook his head too.
"After his fight with Ben on Mustafar, he was mortally wounded. Darth Sidious kept him alive in a life support suit. All feelings of goodness and love had been burned away through that fall in the molten lava pit. He was more machine than man, those were Ben's words. His mind was filled with hatred. No, he probably has found this girl somewhere, felt her Force power and made her his apprentice. He must have felt, how strong the Force is influencing her. It was overwhelming. She stood there in the middle of that corridor and she was able to completely surround me with her dark feelings. She even tried to defeat me using Force Stasis and Force Choke. If she would meet some one like the emperor, he certainly would feel her Force potential and complete her training as a Sith apprentice. If that would happen our fight for peace an justice might start again. We must avoid that, I must find a way to show her the Good Side of the Force, before she is completely seduced by the Dark Side."
While Luke and his sister were discussing the possible danger the girl's knowledge of the Dark Side would be for the New Republic, a mysterious encounter on a planet in the far corners of the Outer Rim Territories took place.
Two humanoids spies stood in front of a dais on which stood a large cushioned chair with broad arm rests and a high back rest. A figure in a long black cloak was looking at the two spies. From under his black hood a pair of dark eyes intensively watched the subservient humanoids. His face was completely shrouded in darkness.
"Why have you come? I had ordered you to stay on Morantan and keep an eye on the girl," The person's voice snarled angrily.
"Master, the New Republic forces have invaded and occupied Morantan. They have captured the girl," The two humanoids stammered.
"What! Those rebels have taken her with them?" the voice boomed.
"We have seen that she was brought on board in a prisoner transport ship of the New Republic, master, we witnessed everything. You asked us to keep an eye on her. We've have watched her as closely as possible," The spies stammered.
"Give me the details about what happened," The voice continued. "How is it possible, that the New Republic Forces have penetrated the probe blockade I had installed before I left Morantan."
"We don't know, Master. A fortnight ago we saw several groups of humans wander through the forests around the domains. They were heavily armed and wore the New Republic's insignia and uniforms. We warned the first officer of the Dark Lord's fortress, but he didn't pay attention to our findings, telling us we'd had been imagining things. He said, he would have known if the stronghold would be under attack. He locked us up in one of the cell blocks of the building. We were heavily guarded. It was impossible to get out and find out what was going on. We tried to inform the girl, but we weren't able to speak to her.
A week ago a heavy fight broke out and within a couple of hours the building was seized and occupied by forces of the New Republic. A garrison of New Republic forces has been left behind to guard the stronghold. Those troops started to search every corner of the building. We could escaped through the ventilation system and found our way out after nightfall. All imperial forces, including the first officer and the girl have been captured and transported to a New Republic Star ship which was in orbit above Morantan. It took us several days to reach the space ship you left behind for us. Luckily we weren't detected when we took off, so we could inform you personally, master."
"You did well to come to me immediately. Where they have brought the girl?" The voice asked from under the dark hood.
"Probably to Irithim on Dalmaran, master. Irithim is the new capital of the New Republic," the humanoid spies said.
"Go to Dalmaran, and find out what happened to her. We have to make a plan to free her and bring her here. She's been so foolish to stay on Morantan to defend her father's stronghold, while I'd told her that it would be better to leave the planet with me." The voice grumbled. "Here, use this infocom to keep in touch. Leave immediately for Dalmaran."
The two spies bowed and left the enormous underground cave.
At Irithim the High Court summoned Luke as a witness in a first interrogation about Liane Solichor, who was considered to be the daughter of Darth Vader and her opposing participation in the fight on Morantan. Leia accompanied her brother. She was curious to meet the young woman.
When Liane entered the courtroom, she furiously resisted her guards and the judges had to call her to order. With a mocking face and mumbling under her breath she finally became quiet.
Leia had taken a seat on one of the side rows, from where she could observe Liane's reactions on Luke testimony. Calm en quiet Luke told the members of the court about his encounter with the Dark Princess. Liane watched Luke with eyes full of aggression. Leia became frightened, when she felt how the girl tried again to use her Dark powers upon her brother again, but she also felt Liane's tremendous fear for him.
The High Court concluded that Liane had been the leader of their opponents on Morantan and her resistance should be sentenced accordingly. She was kept prisoner until the trial against her should begin.
Back in their apartment Luke and Leia thought about ways to help Liane. Their first step would be to win the girl's confidence. Luke asked permission to visit her. With help from general Madine he was allowed to see her one time.
A heavily guarded Liane met Luke for a second time in a guarded visitor's room of the detention building. As soon as she saw him, she began to yell.
"What are you doing here? What do you want of me? I don't want to talk to you!"
"Your Highness," Luke said friendly, "I wonder, if you could tell where Darth Vader, your father, is?"
Liane's face got an haughty expression.
"You would like to know, don't you?" she snapped at him, "For you are afraid of him. If you know where he is, you can hide yourself, you miserable Jedi, for he will crush you! I'm glad he warned me against you and your Jedi tricks and lies! You're an foolish servant of the Good Side of the Force! That soft side! You couldn't kill me, could you? You're a coward! Father was right, the only thing your kind deserves, is to be killed. All of you! When he comes back, I'll tell him about you and you will meet his power, his Dark Side power! Then it's over for you!!!"
With a sarcastic smile she looked at him, but again Luke felt her fear and despair.
"Your Highness, how long ago did you see or hear anything from your father? "
Luke asked.
All at once Liane's expression changed. The arrogant look in her eyes disappeared; she bowed her head and silenced.
"Maybe, your Highness, you don't know what has happened during his long absence these last two years."
Luke surrounded Liane with compassionate and friendly feelings, but Liane didn't seem to feel to his Jedi influence.
"I don't want to hear," she tried to say in her arrogant voice, but in her eyes Luke clearly saw despair. Once again he felt her fear for him.
"Your Highness, " He continued kindly, " Two years ago the Alliance has defeated the Empire. During the Battle of Endor both the Emperor and Darth Vader have died."
The effect of Luke's softly spoken words were incredible. Liane jumped to her feet and lunged at him, but her guards immediately took hold of her.
"You dirty, mean liar!" Liane yelled on top of her voice, trying to break free, "My father isn't dead! you idiot, he can't die! He is immortal! But you will die. He will chase you and your friends through the whole galaxy until you're all dead!"
With a nod of his head to the guards Luke ended his visit. Any further contact was impossible now. Liane wouldn't listen to him any longer. He felt sorry for her, that she didn't seem to trust his words. It was also clear to him that she made use of the Dark Side of the Force to mask her own fears. He left the room disappointed and went to Leia, who was waiting for him in the hall.
"Did she listen to you, Luke? Could you reach her?" Leia asked.
Luke stared into the distance then he shook his head.
"No, she's too afraid of me. She was absolutely unwilling to accept the truth I told her about the end of the Civil War. At the moment she can't be reached with my influence of the Good Side. She lunged at me, when I told her what happened to father. He seems to have warned her against me and the Jedi Order. Why? I don't understand, Leia. Why is she so afraid of me? I must find a way to protect her against her uncontrolled use of her Dark Side powers. "
The images the Force had shown him, popped up in his mind. They confused him again, for he couldn't yet see, how could he could protect and safe the girl against the influence of the Dark Side.
Leia felt her brother's worries too. If they couldn't turn Liane to the Good Side, she might be a new threat to the safety and existence of the New Republic.

To be continued...